Id like to see Delone break off a few big runs |

Id like to see Delone break off a few big runs

Since when does he have a fumbling problem, he's had a few this season already. I don't think he had one in all of 2010, and maybe one early in 2009.
The run made up for the fumble. His first lost fumble as a pro, and his first lost fumble in over a year. He had zero lost fumbles last season as a senior at SU.
Polian's honeymoon is over. You can't whiff this many times on draft picks. They have one legit starter in Castonzo but the rest are well below average.

Polian's last five drafts - 1st and 2nd round picks:

2011 - Castonzo , Ijalana - Both have been hurt but could be good players
2010 - Hughes - Probably Bust, Angerer - Starting LB
2009 - Brown - 3rd RB on most teams, Moala - Back-up DT which is sad for the Colts
2008 - No pick in 1st, Pollack - Back-up center to Saturday
2007 - Gonzalez - Injury doomed career but shouldn't have been a first rounder, Ugoh - Awful and they traded up to get him

They'll have an interesting off-season with the health of Peyton, a high draft pick and Wayne being a free agent.
Delone has looked good except for the fumble but the Colts might be the worst team in the league this year
Even though he hasn't played a down, Peyton Manning should be named MVP.

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