Improvement-or not |

Improvement-or not


2nd String
Aug 27, 2011
Due to my work schedule I don't get to see many games. Yet as I do get to watch it is interesting to see what adjustments have been made to the team in an effort to improve. Here are a few of my thoughts thus far into the season.

Frank Howard continues to improve. And he is by far the best player on the team right now. I know I know so many of you are going to say how dare you not say Tyus, but for the team, Frank is #1. His assist to t/o ratio isn't where it needs to be but much of it has gone from dribbling into bad situations to good passes that are often fumbled away. His shot is more consistent and is probably the most dependable person on the team.

Tyus Battle is the stud of the team, someone in which you can see potential but still isn't able to capitalize on all of it yet. For those worried about him going pro, he may test the waters but I will be surprised to see him high on anyone's draft board yet. A lot can change between now and the end of the season, but for now its just not there. He is a streaky outside shooter who is still learning dribble drive at this level. He is to important to keep picking up the fouls he has. They aren't "good" fouls either. They are charge calls and silly reach in calls. I realize this is in part because he is trying to be a leader, and also will get the majority of the shots, but he needs to use his superior athleticism to his advantage. I just feel he is a year away yet and once he gets more offensive help it will free him up to be the player he is capable of. But he can't truly shine being the main focus of everyone else's defense.

Oshae Brisset is a stud in the making. He is big enough to physically handle most every defender. I have seen it where many people say he has a nice shot but it just doesn't drop for him. I see potential but on many of his misses, at least from the outside, it appears to me he kind of pushes the ball instead of actually purely shooting it. He is also still learning to dribble drive against this caliber of competition, and once he really starts to figure it out he is going to be a monster. Watching him he reminds me somewhat of Lebron James-someone who is physically imposing for his age and can back down almost any defender. Obviously he is no where near Lebron, but shows flashes of the ability to be similar. Let's see how he continues to improve, but I have high hopes for him.

Matt Moyer is someone who I think can really help this offense. When he flashes to the low post he is often open and has good hands. Provided he can take it right up, he finishes at a high rate. When he has to close in he has trouble finishing. Many of his rebounds could have been points because he is often open under there, Frank just has to figure out how to get him the ball a little more down there. I can't imagine what he would be like if he hadn't had a year to bulk up. But right now he can help the offense, we just need to run some plays for him.

Marek Dolezaj is a feisty player who is unafraid to scrap for anything, and not afraid to go into the big guys to score. Unfortunately for him he is to small and weak yet to power through the big guys consistently. If he would get a short mid-range jumper it would be a great weapon for him. I am very surprised with his Euro background he doesn't already have something like this in his repertoire , especially with his seemingly good free throw shooting. To me he is the biggest mystery on the team, the one that I honestly don't know how good he can become. He seems like such a project, yet plays a lot so he must show great things in practice. Being feisty and scrappy is getting him PT but he needs to show a lot more for this team to have a realistic chance to go dancing.

Paschal Chukwu is a shot blocking and altering machine. His length underneath is undeniable, and will always give people fits. And when he does block, he isn't batting them into the seats, but trying to get it to a teammate. It's just to bad he can't play offense even half as good as he plays defense. His hands are some of the worst we have seen in a while. Even good passes are often fumbled away from him, and when he does manage to collect in a ball, he is so slow doing it everyone closes in on him and he then doesn't get off a good quality shot. There is absolutely no reason he should not be good for 5 dunks a game. But he isn't. The only good thing is he has been hot from the free throw line. It is a breath of fresh air to actually see our players good at the free throw line.

Bourama Sidibe seems to me overall the better of the two centers. He can also block and alter shots but seems to be able to grasp and score the ball. I am much more confident with him on the game on offense than I am with Paschal. Defensively Paschal may still have the edge, but its closer than I think people realize. But then of course there is the dreaded knee/feet issues he is dealing with. I hope is more ready that I believe he is. We are going to need some big minutes from him in the coming months.

Offense: Obviously Frank and Tyus, with Frank being the most important person but Tyus a close second. With Tyus and Oshae figuring out their game against higher caliber competition we should see some improvement. We have to figure out how to get the ball into the low post for Matt to do some damage, and open up some better looks from the outside. If we don't get these other guys involved, it is not going to get any better anytime soon. As Franks assist to t/o ration improves because of better hands down low, so will our ability to win games increase. Our bigs have to get big and play big. If they out world.

Defense: early on we focused on packing in the paint and as a result we were out rebounding people at a good rate, but were also getting killed by leaving the better 3 pt shooters to open. We have extended the zone since then which has helped keep the three point shot down but we have reverted to giving up many more rebounds. Also the corners have been a lot more open and we are not defending back door cuts very good. With a zone, you do have to kind of pick your poison, you will never have the best of both because you are defending an area, a spot on the floor, and the help defense is more active in a zone than man to man. Although this helps us when there is an obvious mismatch against us, it hurts because a team can swing a ball a lot faster than a zone can react. The zone also creates more opportunities for steals. And we have shown good ability to get turnovers. There is room for improvement, learning the "happy medium" between giving to much room for the 3 vs packing it in. And this team has the heart and the willingness to learn.

The only real question I have on the staff is lack of a big man coach. With all guards on the roster, they can help teach entry passes but it takes a guy who has been in the rough and tough middle to truly teach the things you only learn through experience. Because that what coaching is-giving life lessons to others. I just wonder if the lack of a true big man coach is what is holding back our big guys offensively. Just a thought.
improvement often isn't a incrementally steady line
You are right. There are many ups and downs as different things are tried. And there is plenty of time left in the season. We will win some and lose some. I am more worried about injuries now than anything else. Injuries and under the basket offense that is.
Lots of room for improvement -- Howard though a junior is the same age as Battle and Sidibe, and he did not play much in this first or second years. Moyer, Brissett and Dolezaj are mid-way through their first year as players. Chukwu is in his 4th year of college basketball but has not played much before this year and, after a lot of work at S&C, he still is one of the thinnest centers in the history of SU basketball.

The team might get a little better in the remaining weeks -- and so will every opponent. We have 3 very good scorers, a decent zone with exceptional size in Battle and Howard. And we have limitations that are glaring and can not be fixed by the modest improvement that Moyer, Dolezaj, and Chukwu can make week to week. They need the off season (March to October) to work on their skills and S&C.
"The only real question I have on the staff is lack of a big man coach. With all guards on the roster, they can help teach entry passes but it takes a guy who has been in the rough and tough middle to truly teach the things you only learn through experience. Because that what coaching is-giving life lessons to others. I just wonder if the lack of a true big man coach is what is holding back our big guys offensively. Just a thought."

yeah...good luck trying to get that message across


This team will be year.
Just curious, why?

We have a real nice class coming in, but we may be losing Tyus and Oshae. We may be shorthanded depth-wise again without further additions.

The remaining offensive issues will still be here, so what changes to make next year's team GREAT? We were supposed to be a final 4 contender last year and we all know how that didn't work out. This year was obviously going to be a transition, but there are legit questions about the skills we have on this team and what upside there is.
Just curious, why?

We have a real nice class coming in, but we may be losing Tyus and Oshae. We may be shorthanded depth-wise again without further additions.

The remaining offensive issues will still be here, so what changes to make next year's team GREAT? We were supposed to be a final 4 contender last year and we all know how that didn't work out. This year was obviously going to be a transition, but there are legit questions about the skills we have on this team and what upside there is.

where is Oshae going? he is hitting 35% of his TWOs. he is a high volume shooter and a #3 scorer.

Oshae will be fine - but he cant put the ball in the hoop. That doesnt really translate into 1 and done like other players have.
Just curious, why?

We have a real nice class coming in, but we may be losing Tyus and Oshae. We may be shorthanded depth-wise again without further additions.

The remaining offensive issues will still be here, so what changes to make next year's team GREAT? We were supposed to be a final 4 contender last year and we all know how that didn't work out. This year was obviously going to be a transition, but there are legit questions about the skills we have on this team and what upside there is.

Where's Brissett going with shooting numbers significantly worse than Cooney ever had?

Why wouldn't Moyer or Dolezaj improve? Same with Howard, Chukwu, and Sidibe, or Washington.

The biggest issue we have this year is shooting. Carey, Bazley, and Buddy are all good shooters, as is Howard and I expect Brissett to be better as well.
Lonnie Walker is barely playing 20 minutes a game and has a true shooting percentage of .522 and a WS/40 of .150. Brissett is playing 37 mpg as the 3rd scorer on an offensively challenged team and has a TS of .470 and WS/40 of .166. Walker is showing up in mock drafts just outside the lottery.

(some) Numbers aren't the be all end all when it comes to evaluating talent. If a team waits for a guy to blow up numbers wise to draft them (if they see elite skills), then they've waited too long. Brissett has elite athleticism and shoots FTs at a very good percentage for a freshman forward, which correlates with an ability to shoot 3s at the pro level. The haven't been very many freshmen who grab as many rebounds as Brissett does and shoot free throws as well as he does, and those that do include a lot of very good NBA players. Granted, Brissett's FG% is lowest of that group, by quite a bit, but his FT% is among the best.

Personally, I don't think Brissett leaving is anywhere near a lock, but stranger things happen. As far as I know, no one on here is an NBA scout or front office person so we don't know anything. All we can offer are slightly educated/misguided opinions.
Where's Brissett going with shooting numbers significantly worse than Cooney ever had?

Why wouldn't Moyer or Dolezaj improve? Same with Howard, Chukwu, and Sidibe, or Washington.

The biggest issue we have this year is shooting. Carey, Bazley, and Buddy are all good shooters, as is Howard and I expect Brissett to be better as well.
His upside is what matters the most. He's being forced, like Tyus, to carry the offense with Frank, and their efficiency/shooting numbers suffer. I absolutely think Oshae would be well-served returning and improving his mid-range game and finishing inside, but he could very well parlay the stats he's compiling with his athleticism into leaving early. I think he'll return, but would hardly be surprised if he doesn't.

All of those guys should and probably will improve. But each, other than Howard and to a much lesser extent Sidibe, offer very little offensively without showing much in terms of actually being able to contribute a ton there next year without MAJOR improvement.

The biggest issue is our offense as a whole, not just shooting. The tempo, inability to shoot, inability to finish, silly turnovers, coaching, etc, it's all hurting us. Having more shooters will help, but none of those guys will have proven a thing, so who knows what they'll provide next season.
His upside is what matters the most. He's being forced, like Tyus, to carry the offense with Frank, and their efficiency/shooting numbers suffer. I absolutely think Oshae would be well-served returning and improving his mid-range game and finishing inside, but he could very well parlay the stats he's compiling with his athleticism into leaving early. I think he'll return, but would hardly be surprised if he doesn't.

All of those guys should and probably will improve. But each, other than Howard and to a much lesser extent Sidibe, offer very little offensively without showing much in terms of actually being able to contribute a ton there next year without MAJOR improvement.

The biggest issue is our offense as a whole, not just shooting. The tempo, inability to shoot, inability to finish, silly turnovers, coaching, etc, it's all hurting us. Having more shooters will help, but none of those guys will have proven a thing, so who knows what they'll provide next season.

You knew this coming into this year it was a development year so I don’t get why people are so up in arms that we are struggling. We’ve also had lots of freshman not prove anything their freshman year only to get better.

And for the record tempo isn’t a problem. You can win playing slow or fast. People just like to complain about it because they like uptempo basketball compared to half court basketball. The reason we beat VPI was because we slowed the tempo down. Nobody complained about it after that game. The people who only complain never posted after that game.
You knew this coming into this year it was a development year so I don’t get why people are so up in arms that we are struggling. We’ve also had lots of freshman not prove anything their freshman year only to get better.

And for the record tempo isn’t a problem. You can win playing slow or fast. People just like to complain about it because they like uptempo basketball compared to half court basketball. The reason we beat VPI was because we slowed the tempo down. Nobody complained about it after that game. The people who only complain never posted after that game.
The tempo is absolutely a problem. Maybe not "tempo" in the complete sense but the offensive philosophy in grinding down the clock and starting to attack under 10 1-on-1. That's part of tempo. UVA slows the game down, but they have more ball movement and seem more proactive looking for good shots than we do, so yes, tempo isn't necessarily an issue, but when we purposely slow it down in the way we do, it isn't helping us offensively.

And yeah, I'd like to get out and run and see if we can steal some easy baskets. We sure aren't getting that in the half court.
His upside is what matters the most. He's being forced, like Tyus, to carry the offense with Frank, and their efficiency/shooting numbers suffer. I absolutely think Oshae would be well-served returning and improving his mid-range game and finishing inside, but he could very well parlay the stats he's compiling with his athleticism into leaving early. I think he'll return, but would hardly be surprised if he doesn't.

All of those guys should and probably will improve. But each, other than Howard and to a much lesser extent Sidibe, offer very little offensively without showing much in terms of actually being able to contribute a ton there next year without MAJOR improvement.

The biggest issue is our offense as a whole, not just shooting. The tempo, inability to shoot, inability to finish, silly turnovers, coaching, etc, it's all hurting us. Having more shooters will help, but none of those guys will have proven a thing, so who knows what they'll provide next season.

I was told early last year that there was no chance Lydon would be leaving, in fact by someone playing in this thread. I will absolutely think everyone is gone after the season... until they aren't. So yeah, I'm going to enjoy watching Oshae progress, then wish him well.
The tempo is absolutely a problem. Maybe not "tempo" in the complete sense but the offensive philosophy in grinding down the clock and starting to attack under 10 1-on-1. That's part of tempo. UVA slows the game down, but they have more ball movement and seem more proactive looking for good shots than we do, so yes, tempo isn't necessarily an issue, but when we purposely slow it down in the way we do, it isn't helping us offensively.

And yeah, I'd like to get out and run and see if we can steal some easy baskets. We sure aren't getting that in the half court.

You realize the last two times we beat Virginia it was because we beat their defenders one on one?
You realize the last two times we beat Virginia it was because we beat their defenders one on one?
And VA beat SU three games in a row before that by shutting down SU's offense. So?

VA plays a low tempo game ... a crawl. VA plays the lowest tempo game in the country (351st). SU is only slightly ahead of them (345th). VA is 37th in offensive efficiency and SU is 127th. Both have excellent defense efficiency (VA No.1 vs SU at 11).

If you reduce the number of possessions you get (tempo) wouldn't you want a more efficient offense (scoring on more of those possessions)? I don't see how this is debatable.
And VA beat SU three games in a row before that by shutting down SU's offense. So?

VA plays a low tempo game ... a crawl. VA plays the lowest tempo game in the country (351st). SU is only slightly ahead of them (345th). VA is 37th in offensive efficiency and SU is 127th. Both have excellent defense efficiency (VA No.1 vs SU at 11).

If you reduce the number of possessions you get (tempo) wouldn't you want a more efficient offense (scoring on more of those possessions)? I don't see how this is debatable.

I’m debating it because we are who we thought we are at the beginning of the season and I knew as soon as %hit rolled downhill people would have the pitchforks out against the staff because we couldn’t score. Everyone knew this was a developmental year once Lydon left and TT quit the team.

If someone could give me an example of an offense that could get anyone besides Howard or Battle make a jumpshot I would stop debating, but all I get in response to that is tempo. Tempo isn’t an offense.
If someone could give me an example of an offense that could get anyone besides Howard or Battle make a jumpshot I would stop debating, but all I get in response to that is tempo. Tempo isn’t an offense.
I'm not sure I'd classify what SU is doing an offense either. The only point with tempo is that teams that play with a sloooooow pace don't run dribble drive offenses. They run offenses that emphasize ball movement and plays to open up high percentage shots (not mid-range jumpers into a double team with 5 seconds on the shot clock). But that's what SU has, so they're running it to somewhat predictable results.

Now watch, they'll smoke VA tomorrow night and score 75 points.
I’m debating it because we are who we thought we are at the beginning of the season and I knew as soon as %hit rolled downhill people would have the pitchforks out against the staff because we couldn’t score. Everyone knew this was a developmental year once Lydon left and TT quit the team.

If someone could give me an example of an offense that could get anyone besides Howard or Battle make a jumpshot I would stop debating, but all I get in response to that is tempo. Tempo isn’t an offense.

I'd love to see Oshae hit that foul line jumper if we get zoned again. He's so inconsistent with his shots...

If he hit that, then Moyer will be open on the baseline in those situations. Assuming we can get PC out of the way...
I'm not sure I'd classify what SU is doing an offense either. The only point with tempo is that teams that play with a sloooooow pace don't run dribble drive offenses. They run offenses that emphasize ball movement and plays to open up high percentage shots (not mid-range jumpers into a double team with 5 seconds on the shot clock). But that's what SU has, so they're running it to somewhat predictable results.

Now watch, they'll smoke VA tomorrow night and score 75 points.

I agree we need to speed up Virginia, but against other teams I disagree that running is a good option. We have zero chance of winning if we push tempo against other teams that want to run like UNC or VPI.
"The only real question I have on the staff is lack of a big man coach. With all guards on the roster, they can help teach entry passes but it takes a guy who has been in the rough and tough middle to truly teach the things you only learn through experience. Because that what coaching is-giving life lessons to others. I just wonder if the lack of a true big man coach is what is holding back our big guys offensively. Just a thought."

yeah...good luck trying to get that message across


“but it takes a guy who has been in the rough and tough middle to truly teach the things you only learn through experience.”

When’s the last time we had a big man coach using your definition? How many programs have big man coaches using your definition?
You realize the last two times we beat Virginia it was because we beat their defenders one on one?
We beat UVA those two times by speeding them up and forcing them to play a way they aren't used to. Playing at their tempo and pace is what got us down double figures in both games.
The only real question I have on the staff is lack of a big man coach. With all guards on the roster, they can help teach entry passes but it takes a guy who has been in the rough and tough middle to truly teach the things you only learn through experience. Because that what coaching is-giving life lessons to others. I just wonder if the lack of a true big man coach is what is holding back our big guys offensively. Just a thought.

I understand why this seems to make sense on the surface. Good coaching is good coaching. IMO, the thing holding our bigs back is not the X & Os, it's more the Jimmy and Joe's.
“but it takes a guy who has been in the rough and tough middle to truly teach the things you only learn through experience.”

When’s the last time we had a big man coach using your definition? How many programs have big man coaches using your definition?

Agreed. You don't need to be tall to teach big men. Who are all these top teams that have big men teaching their big men.

Who is Duke's big man that coaches their big men? It's 6'6" Nate James who was a shooting guard/small forward...certainly not a post player.

Who is Kansas' big man coach? The staff is all guards.

Who is UK's big man coach? 6'8" Kenny Payne. Is 6'8" tall enough to qualify? Kenny Payne didn't play with his back to the basket, what qualifies him, the fact that he is a couple of inches taller?
“but it takes a guy who has been in the rough and tough middle to truly teach the things you only learn through experience.”

When’s the last time we had a big man coach using your definition? How many programs have big man coaches using your definition?

I don't know if we ever truly have had one, but have we ever had a center that truly dominated before his 4th year? Not very often if at all. This sounds like a good project for SWC. I don't know all the answers for sure. But I do know that when you have been through the fire before you are more apt and able to teach a lot more than a guard who just goes up against big guys. And all the big guys usually practice together, whether they are 6-7 or 7-2. This happens on many teams. When teams go small, they don't use a guard underneath do they? No they use a forward. Bottom line is it is always better to have someone with similar type experience teaching. Would you want an accountant teaching 6 sigma, even though both are critical to a business? A dentist doing open heart surgery, after all they are both doctors and have a ton of schooling? Or how about a nurse who always helps the doctor doing the procedure? After all they are very familiar with it all, so they can do it just as good as the doctor right? Yes these are extremes that would never happen, but it gives across my point.

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