An alternate explanation to your orange glasses theory is that some of us don't think about the world in terms of absolutes or ultimatums such as the coach needs to win X games next year no matter what or he needs to be fired.
Instead, we view the world through the lens of context and make judgments based upon the circumstances at the time, as we understand them to be.
I am perfectly happy with the state of the hoops program given the double whammy of NCAA penalties and Hop's departure. It looks like the program is coming back into its own. And good luck finding a better coach than JB. You are going to need it.
For the football program, the jury is still out. DB has shown that, when he has the pieces in place, he can not only win, but win big. The question is whether he will be able to put enough pieces in place to consistently get us to a bowl game. And, if he cannot, how much of that is him and how much of that is the program limitations?
So, feel free to live in your world of absolutes and ultimatums. I consider that to be a provincial, myopic view of the world.
I, on the other hand, will retain my "orange-colored" glasses, as you like to call them.
And we can agree to simply disagree.