It was the best of games, It was the worst of games |

It was the best of games, It was the worst of games


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
On full display tonight was both aspects of this team. Those things which are going to be problematic moving forward and the strengths which we can build upon in our journey to become a competitive post season tourney team. For sure we need to work on diversification of the offense with more drives TO the hoop... not just AT the hoop and we need to manage some semblance of an inside game. That is both the offensive game and defensive game.

A lot of learning opportunities and moments in the game and frankly, that's to be expected this early. But the shooting of this team did come around in the 2nd half they were in the neighborhood of 55% for a while and I liked the energy that blossomed in the 2nd half as they put their push on to win the game. Lydon no doubt is going to be a key component in this teams success and Richardson is flat exhibiting the traits of a GREAT college basketball player and looks well beyond his tender age. Gbinije is doing exactly what we need him to do and that is provide the steady force and scoring when things aren't going well and providing leadership and skilled play. Cooney, although not great from 3 pt land did a ton defensively to be disruptive and was also a monster on the boards in the 1st half. The kid plays with great passion and he is PURE ORANGE...if in fact he has one glaring fault its that he is almost TOO intense and has a propensity to force things and it adversely affects his shooting more than anything else. But by games end... surprise,surprise,he had a ton of points and was the stat stuffer of the night.

All things considered... we have a lot to be excited about. They hung around and bucked down when things weren't going well and they fashioned a potential upset in to a comfortable win.

Good job!!! I"m excited to watch this team develop into what should be a pretty damn good team and certainly one which will provide us with a lot of excitement from some young players who are going to be carrying our program forward in the future.
The first half was a fairly miserable experience, made none the better by a season ticket holder a few people down screaming at the top of his lungs at the refs and at the Bonnie's coach, who was so far outside his box it wasn't funny. (Actually, it was funny.) If we hadn't started playing better in the second hand, that man might have flung himself over the orange railing in a fit of unbelievable pique.

The Bonnies brought a lot of people to the game and they were LOUD. Eventually we got loud back and it was a great atmosphere. I thought Trevor was the difference maker in this game. He did everything - a whirling dervish! - and I love that you said he is PURE ORANGE. That sums it up.

I fear there is not going to be a single game where we can ever, you know, relax. Not that I go to the games to relax but the torment this early in the season can be a little rough. I would say this must be a function of age, but my daughter was acting as if someone was disemboweling her so maybe it's genetic.

At any rate, they improved during the game, and I can now watch the replay with near certainty that we won, which is a warm, cozy feeling. And that man a few rows down still has a working brain.
The best was going ahead with what, 9 or 7 minutes left in the second half and shutting the Bonnie fans up. Like bballbeadle said, they were loud, louder than our student section and they were relegated to one section of the upper tier. Also knowing that the giant doosh he is Mike Lindsley with his Bonnies sweatshirt on will be crying in his giant pilla tonight.

The worst was the SU student section and their lack of enthusiasm until late in the second half and the person from the student section that had a sign trying to get people doing the wave. I know it's early in the season but the students need to step it up. Holy cow, it's likely no matter the game this year it's not going to be a cake walk
Exemplified, one of the primary reasons I've never been a big JB fan [stop reading here if you need to]:
We played, to open the game, like we were entitled to the win. As if by pedigree. And we had our lunch money taken by a scrappier, harder-working, more hustle-y bunch of kids. And then, almost as if the 'humiliation switch' had been flipped, we decided we really needed to play hard. Wish we could have that type of intensity more consistently, and definitely from the opening tip. The landscape has changed and we aren't a dominant team. Mid majors and the like have come to expect to be able to upset anyone not named Kentucky or Duke.

Nice game from Lydon. But, at the same time, it's sad and scary that our most effective 'center' is a skinny, 6' 8" freshman small forward.

I can feel kaleb's angst. Kinda feeling like he'll be wearing a Lasalle practice pinney next year.

Trevor. Jeesus. He works so hard, but compromises his effort by complicating his shot. Perfect example at 5 minutes remaining in the first half. Took a three and his body was perfectly positioned between the camera and the goal, so it was clearly evident that he was fading to the right. His shot trailed to the right same amount. Contrasted by his own successful make, subsequently, as well as Mal's straight up form. I'm thinking Trevor's work had made him too confident for his own good. With a touch of insecurity, maybe he'd focus more on the basics and on executing as simply as possible. But, you can't bench him because he's a hustler, doesn't make stupid plays, and he defends.

Getting concerned about Roberson. Thought we would see a jump in performance. I'm seeing the same guy as last season, but with less results. Maybe he really needed Rak on the floor with him. He may be better next year alongside Chukwu.
One thing I hope to see more of is Mali acknowledging his teammates finding him, or cheering for him, going up to him with high fives. Might've just been the highlights, but a point to the guy who drove and dished, or gave up a shot to pass to him for a better shot. Could just be a deep focus thing.
Upstate said:
One thing I hope to see more of is Mali acknowledging his teammates finding him, or cheering for him, going up to him with high fives. Might've just been the highlights, but a point to the guy who drove and dished, or gave up a shot to pass to him for a better shot. Could just be a deep focus thing.
What??? I didn't see any pass from someone that set him up for an easy bucket. You typically don't acknowledge passes that are part of the general offense. Kudos for teammates' passes are usually reserved for fast breaks or great dishes for easy buckets. At least that's how it used to be "in my day". Maybe you're just looking for something that isn't there?
bballbeadle said:
The first half was a fairly miserable experience, made none the better by a season ticket holder a few people down screaming at the top of his lungs at the refs and at the Bonnie's coach, who was so far outside his box it wasn't funny. (Actually, it was funny.) If we hadn't started playing better in the second hand, that man might have flung himself over the orange railing in a fit of unbelievable pique.

The Bonnies brought a lot of people to the game and they were LOUD. Eventually we got loud back and it was a great atmosphere. I thought Trevor was the difference maker in this game. He did everything - a whirling dervish! - and I love that you said he is PURE ORANGE. That sums it up.

I fear there is not going to be a single game where we can ever, you know, relax. Not that I go to the games to relax but the torment this early in the season can be a little rough. I would say this must be a function of age, but my daughter was acting as if someone was disemboweling her so maybe it's genetic.

At any rate, they improved during the game, and I can now watch the replay with near certainty that we won, which is a warm, cozy feeling. And that man a few rows down still has a working brain.

"Whirling dervish" might be my favorite thing I've ever read on this board.
Trevor.Took a three and his body was perfectly positioned between the camera and the goal, so it was clearly evident that he was fading to the right. His shot trailed to the right same amount. I'm thinking Trevor's work had made him too confident for his own good. With a touch of insecurity, maybe he'd focus more on the basics and on executing as simply as possible.

Getting concerned about Roberson.

I think that could be a real real good point. No Bad drifting shots unless the shot clock is 5 or under. Not on this teams mechanics. One a game though not all that bad.

Roberson played pretty ok. I mean he grabbed 12 boards and picked up 2 quick fouls in the first half on over the backs. Both of those in the low post on soft ones that our center should have been clearing the low post on with his massive body. Had it not been for that he would have had 15-16.Getting to the point where I want to see our center box the guy out of bounce some instead of trying to grab boards, and Roberson malachi and G to come back and help for those. Maybe thats where Obokoh can help some. I do think Obokoh is going to help some at center as much as Lydon some nights.

We are emphasizing team rebounding and weakness at the center spot but one of our forwards has been a weakness both games on the defensive end some. First game it was Roberson tonight it was more Malachi at spots. Which is ok its a game of work to get better. Not bad being 2-0 against decent teams when two of our frontcourt positions were weak at defense.
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I think that could be a real real good point. No Bad drifting shots unless the shot clock is 5 or under. Not on this teams mechanics. One a game though not all that bad.

Roberson played pretty ok. I mean he grabbed 12 boards and picked up 2 quick fouls in the first half on over the backs. Both of those in the low post on soft ones that our center should have been clearing the low post on with his massive body. Had it not been for that he would have had 15-16.Getting to the point where I want to see our center box the guy out of bounce some instead of trying to grab boards, and Roberson malachi and G to come back and help for those. Maybe thats where Obokoh can help some. I do think Obokoh is going to help some at center as much as Lydon some nights.

We are emphasizing team rebounding and weakness at the center spot but one of our forwards has been a weakness both games on the defensive end some. First game it was Roberson tonight it was more Malachi at spots. Which is ok its a game of work to get better. Not bad being 2-0 against decent teams when two of our frontcourt positions were weak at defense.
Imo TCs best 3 was the one he elevated the least on, he just stepped into it and elevated very little. I think it was his second one but i could be wrong. The higher he tries to elevate , the more clearly he drifts. On one hand that is to be expected but on the other hand, G and Mal imo dont drift as much when they really elevate...
Well the refs were clones of Higgins and Burr. All of us watching on TV could see that. So I don't blame that fan for yelling. But we hung in and won in the end.
Linda, you can't imagine - or maybe you can - how pathologically enraged this man was. His wife was cowering next to him. It really detracted from the actual game, he was such a carnival side show. It's like these guys live for the bad game/refs so they can vent their spleen. The year I was in my "Juli Boeheim" seats there was also a guy like that. Thank God it was the 2010 team!
Last night I was in a win-win situation. A SBU grad and a SU fan.

Fellow Bona and echo your sentiment.

My son asked me who I was rooting for when he saw the schedule. I said that I hoped Bonas played well, but as always, Syracuse is first in my heart. Of course, he (Cuse fan) was plenty peeved looking at the half time score when we got back from our evening post school practice.
I think that could be a real real good point. No Bad drifting shots unless the shot clock is 5 or under. Not on this teams mechanics. One a game though not all that bad.

He does it more often than that. I only cited that one example because it was one of the rare times when he was positioned versus the camera and basket so that you could plainly see the drift, and not, as i do, question whether it's 'an angle thing'/optical illusion.

An oversimplification, perhaps, but i wish he would approach shots as if he's 0 for 10 and needs to make this next one. So he'd concentrate on the fundamentals, rather than going in with such confidence that he can hit them 'any old way,' because he's put in the work to enable him to do it.

Some of it may have to do with habits established as a consequence of his height. Maybe Mal is more of a vertical shooter because it's easier for him to shoot over people. He's more of a 'catch and shoot' guy who's trying to establish that he can make moves with the ball to free himself, while trevor is used to running around with his hair on fire and expecting everything to be closely contested. I dunno. Shooter psyches are beyond my ken.
Fellow Bona and echo your sentiment.

My son asked me who I was rooting for when he saw the schedule. I said that I hoped Bonas played well, but as always, Syracuse is first in my heart. Of course, he (Cuse fan) was plenty peeved looking at the half time score when we got back from our evening post school practice.
Bona is first in my heart always, but could not actively root against a team that I cheer for 30 plus games a rear. Had a choice of wearing one of my 2 Bonnie shirts (1 basketball) or 1 of my 2 SU shirts last night to the bowling ally, so wore neither. Haad quick passing image of cutting 1 each in half and then sewing opposing school together in 1 but laughed it off. At half time I did tell the bartender I should have been true to my school and wore my SBU shirt.
Well the refs were clones of Higgins and Burr. All of us watching on TV could see that. So I don't blame that fan for yelling. But we hung in and won in the end.

i actually thought the old white mopped geezer who was making baseline calls from half court looked a bit like Raf.
He does it more often than that..
I don't think this will last long. Whether we talk about it or not we have to many shooters for him to be doing it outside of 5-7 left on the clock and he knows that.

I think this is where Gbinije's draft stock could rise as a SG if he dribbles left or right and pulls up off the dribble a little. But he understands that isn't what the team needs and hes going to run point and do that more in the lane imo.

Totally agree this team doesn't need offbalenced shots. And any player that hitches his release could be benched for 5 minutes(but we don't have the depth to do that). Maybe they should sign date and put a dollar in JB's swearing jar for doing it then they can raffle them off.
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Well the refs were clones of Higgins and Burr. All of us watching on TV could see that. So I don't blame that fan for yelling. But we hung in and won in the end.

I think we need to get used to it. Games are going to be called tight this year.
Still counting down... I think we are about 0-13 on missed threes off of offensive boards this year. Going back to the exhibitions.
Bona is first in my heart always, but could not actively root against a team that I cheer for 30 plus games a rear. Had a choice of wearing one of my 2 Bonnie shirts (1 basketball) or 1 of my 2 SU shirts last night to the bowling ally, so wore neither. Haad quick passing image of cutting 1 each in half and then sewing opposing school together in 1 but laughed it off. At half time I did tell the bartender I should have been true to my school and wore my SBU shirt.
Now you know my sorrow whenever we play Wisconsin (Bachelor's) or Carolina (Master's). Or Duke, for that matter. But the Orange always reign supreme in my heart!

Still, already the thought of the Badgers coming to the Dome in two weeks has me jerking convulsively.
He does it more often than that. I only cited that one example because it was one of the rare times when he was positioned versus the camera and basket so that you could plainly see the drift, and not, as i do, question whether it's 'an angle thing'/optical illusion.

An oversimplification, perhaps, but i wish he would approach shots as if he's 0 for 10 and needs to make this next one. So he'd concentrate on the fundamentals, rather than going in with such confidence that he can hit them 'any old way,' because he's put in the work to enable him to do it.

Some of it may have to do with habits established as a consequence of his height. Maybe Mal is more of a vertical shooter because it's easier for him to shoot over people. He's more of a 'catch and shoot' guy who's trying to establish that he can make moves with the ball to free himself, while trevor is used to running around with his hair on fire and expecting everything to be closely contested. I dunno. Shooter psyches are beyond my ken.
I am far from a Cooney fan, i think he has a green light that was never ever earned, but he has improved defensively quite a bit. He is smart and reads passing lanes. He will lead the team in steals and it wont be close. The irony is that the one thing he is in there to do, or has been anyways thru the year (shoot 3s), is what he is the worst at. Its hard to explain but it is what it is.

Give me G, Mali or Lydon shooting an open 3 over Trevor 100 times out of 100. Anyways, we need Trev to ball this year if we are going anywhere, so lets cheer... not criticize.
He will lead the team in steals and it wont be close.

7 steals.7 turnovers 6 rebounds and 5 assists at 39 mpg. well the steals number is good.

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