It's a long season |

It's a long season


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
After our loss to St. Johns last weekend and the subsequent turmoil and instances of bad juju here on the board, I elected to take a self imposed hiatus from the board. It gave me some time to digest what we've seen thus far this season and sort out how I might best enjoy what's to come.

I know for myself, and I can only speak for myself, that it can be easy to forget that we are dealing with kids who are 18 to 22 or 23 years old and are under enormous pressure to perform all while being under a microscope. I know that it's easy to assume that the Syracuse Basketball team is going to be at or near the top 10 in the rankings because that's where I've been accustomed to see them in recent years.

I've also been prone to assume that even when faced with huge losses of key players from year to year that it doesn't necessarily mean we won't be as good as the previous year. Generally we have been as good or perhaps even better.

I think what it boils down to for me is that I've become spoiled by a program that has consistently over performed expectations and has a history of taking players who weren't the most heralded kids out of High School and blended them with a few blue chippers and have gone on to compete for the top with programs that enjoy a steady diet of considerably higher ranked recruits every year.

If the truth be known, I as a fan have been treated with exceptional performance by our Basketball program and in the face of a year where clearly we are facing some challenges and problems it's only right as a fan to offer my unwavering support for these kids who have the burden of carrying some unreasonable expectations. As a fan I can only ask that they play hard and leave it all out there on the floor... whether that results in a win or a loss. I knew going into this season that this team was going to have some growing pains. Anyone who follows the game and the program can't be surprised that this team is having some problems. But... there is a great deal of season which lies out ahead of the team and us as fans. A lot can happen. They will improve. How much they improve is anyone's guess but I think they deserve the benefit of deferring any final judgement on them until they have had their season unfold.

In the meantime, I know for myself, I can try to be more understanding of the players and coaches perspective and be less critical and more accepting of the team, both as a collection of individuals and as a whole. That also carries over to here on the forum. It's a good idea for me to ask the question... Do posts I make contribute to the dialog here on the forum in a positive fashion. If I do critique something, is it me just banging my spoon on my cereal bowl like an imperious little kid... or to I mean well?

So, I'm going to dial back my expectations a bit and find pleasure in the small successes that the players individually and as a whole team accomplish moving forward. I think this team has enormous potential and has the capability of surprising many people before the year is over. We can't be certain of any of the outcomes with this team moving forward. That's why they play all the games.

Let's GO ORANGE! Start something special this weekend!!!!
I don't enjoy the losing but I still enjoy watching. With the players its like golf. If you are a 15 handicapper and you shoot 83 one day then thats great even if 83 stinks for a scratch golfer. Some of these players are basically higher handicappers than we are used to watching. I agree with Flacusian enjoy watching them improve even if its little bitts at a time. Now is certainly not the time to quite cheering.
Dear Flacusian, that was good self-talk that you did there, and that is a compliment. We all do self-talk, and spend much of our day talking ourselves into and out of feelings, ideas, positions, stories. I think your hiatus has done you well.

This is going to be a very challenging year, and you are right that we have become very spoiled with teams that have been a combination of great young talent and established, talented "old ones." I, for one, am glad we have been spoiled!

I feel for JB, the other coaches, and the players. No matter how hard this is on us, it is ten times harder on them.
I am very curious how Cooney and Joseph will look by mid Feb.

I wonder if there is a chance we see them switch roles and cooney takes more scoring risks, while joseph learns to slow it down more, play tentative, and invite more pressure.
I am very curious how Cooney and Joseph will look by mid Feb.

I wonder if there is a chance we see them switch roles and cooney takes more scoring risks, while joseph learns to slow it down more, play tentative, and invite more pressure.
Who cares how Cooney and Joseph will look by February? I wonder how I am going to look!
I don't enjoy the losing but I still enjoy watching. With the players its like golf. If you are a 15 handicapper and you shoot 83 one day then thats great even if 83 stinks for a scratch golfer. Some of these players are basically higher handicappers than we are used to watching. I agree with Flacusian enjoy watching them improve even if its little bitts at a time. Now is certainly not the time to quite cheering.
im a 14...had a few 82's,83's this felt pretty good on the drive home
im a 14...had a few 82's,83's this felt pretty good on the drive home

Me too. A 14. I had a 79 once (yeah it was on a real course).

My son is a bum. I taught him golf at a very early age. He is 6'3" and 190 lean and mean pounds now and hit the green from the rough from 280 out last year. And routinely shoots in the 70s and is a 5. Doesnt even play that much like once a week. Life is not fair. Lol

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