its time for a new stadium |

its time for a new stadium


Walk On
Sep 9, 2011
I love the carrier dome and we have had some great games and lasting memories. After watching the game from work today, and then getting home to watch some more college football, it is obvious we need a new stadium. I am in favor of keeping the carrier dome for the time being, as it is great for basketball and lacrosse, until we can build a new stadium and make the transition from the dome. Is it is time to build a state of the art outdoor stadium? If Syracuse really wants to become a top 25 contender, we need a new facility. Obviously we can't afford to build our own stadium, but its time for Doc Gross to reach out (probably already has) and find a suitor. Two thirds of the season will be played in nice or decent weather. The questionable weather comes into effect in November, and even the idea of a retractable roof isn't a bad idea. I'm not sure what the best solution is, but something needs to be done sooner rather than later. Every season we continue to play in the dome, the more and more outdated our program becomes. Thoughts?
Watching outdoor games, even on tv, it just looks that much better
So, lackluster crowds when you know you can watch a game sans rain gear.

And the fact the Dome makes 30,000 real people seem so much louder is lost on the argument.

Keep the Dome as long as possible. Modernize it, humanize it, etc., but it is unique and an advantage. And paid for.
If the higher amounts in the ACC is accurate, then sure. Retractable roof might be the only way to go. Even with all of that, it will take many years to generate the money needed.
If you are in favor of about 10k less people per game, you built an outdoor stadium in Syracuse. 20k people couldn't be bothered to show up today in the cozy confines of the Dome. A bad weather day in Syracuse would draw flies to that place. The Dome is fine.
and add in we have the best site lines of any stadium in the country
Retracting roof like Dallas stadium would be kick ass and like no early games with the roof open and just a few with it closed. That would be awesome!
And that adds another $100 million to the cost.

Gang, it ain't happening quite yet.

We can't get more than 30,000 fans for a guaranteed good weather game against Toledo, who nearly beat Ohio State. Tough sell right now, even with the upcoming ACC $ infusion.

Go to the damn games, people.
my thoughts are: thats ludicrous.

the last row of the upper deck is a mezzanine seat at most stadiums.

like mad said, 'modernize it, humanize it and its paid for'.

the problem for SU football is not the Dome, its

1. the product was subpar for a few years
2. the local fan base is subpar

the former can be worked on, and for the latter...well, the same 25k-30k who go to see Boeheim...go to the football games. cant get blood from a stone.
orangebabe, i completely agree. Obviously a stadium with similar style, but far less size. Keeping it around 50,000 max but all the seating is orange, so even when crowds arent at full capacity, it seems and looks fuller. I think a new stadium and an improving football team would maybe revive some interest around Syracuse to get some more people to go to games. Obviously this isn't happening in the next year or two, but why not get the ball rolling now some in 5-7 years we could potentially make it a reality.
I hope we play in the Dome for the next 50 years. The fact that it is unique is what makes it great.
Really stupid idea, in my opinion. If we were filling the dome and there was a wait list for tickets, and if it never rained in Syracuse on Saturday in September and October, and if it never snowed in Syracuse on Saturday in November, you might have a point. I am guessing that you never sat through a game in Archbold Stadium. On the other hand, there is not a bad seat in the house for football in the Dome, which cannot be said for the monster stadiums where many others play.
I've been to several pro stadiums up and down the east coast. The Carrier Dome feels like home. It's welcoming when you enter. There's SU greats' posters lining the hallways. The interior is warm and cozy. I think the Dome is great, and a damn shame people don't realize what they're missing when SU plays. It's a cheap community activity where SU has played some great games recently. It's unfortunate I'm in Charleston, SC, in that I would definitely have season tickets and enjoy all the great traditions of SU football and basketball.

Other stadiums feel like giant concrete structures with no real "home" feel.
SU won't even think to build a new stadium until they start selling out games.
A new stadium will do absolutely nothing to rejuvenate the fan base. Frankly I cannot even fathom why someone would believe it would. Where is an outdoor stadium going to be built - off campus? Right now we can't get the freakin' students to roll out of bed and walk up the hill from Sadler, but they'll get up an extra hour early so they can take a shuttle to an off campus facility? Not. Happening. And the fans that won't drive to the game in the rain since they'll get wet on the walk to the Dome certainly aren't going to sit in it for 4 hours.

Syracuse has enough issues that need to be addressed to be successful; getting rid of the Dome for games just adds more problems without solving any. Bad idea.
The last item on the list of needs.

Better locker and study hall areas - better trainer's room - new practice facility - new hall of fame area.

The Dome is fine.
A new stadium will do absolutely nothing to rejuvenate the fan base. Frankly I cannot even fathom why someone would believe it would. Where is an outdoor stadium going to be built - off campus? Right now we can't get the freakin' students to roll out of bed and walk up the hill from Sadler, but they'll get up an extra hour early so they can take a shuttle to an off campus facility? Not. Happening. And the fans that won't drive to the game in the rain since they'll get wet on the walk to the Dome certainly aren't going to sit in it for 4 hours.

Syracuse has enough issues that need to be addressed to be successful; getting rid of the Dome for games just adds more problems without solving any. Bad idea.

South campus. It will happen.
South campus. It will happen.

I'll bet you won't be a moderator on this board when it does. This should be waaaaaay down the list. The Dome is unique, its loud as hell in there and they better not screw it up by building an outdoor stadium.

I would be in favor of reducing capacity to 44,444 by throwing in some nice seats between the 20's (though this would have implications for bball). Much rather have a new basketball facility on South than a football stadium.
I love the carrier dome and we have had some great games and lasting memories. After watching the game from work today, and then getting home to watch some more college football, it is obvious we need a new stadium. I am in favor of keeping the carrier dome for the time being, as it is great for basketball and lacrosse, until we can build a new stadium and make the transition from the dome. Is it is time to build a state of the art outdoor stadium? If Syracuse really wants to become a top 25 contender, we need a new facility. Obviously we can't afford to build our own stadium, but its time for Doc Gross to reach out (probably already has) and find a suitor. Two thirds of the season will be played in nice or decent weather. The questionable weather comes into effect in November, and even the idea of a retractable roof isn't a bad idea. I'm not sure what the best solution is, but something needs to be done sooner rather than later. Every season we continue to play in the dome, the more and more outdated our program becomes. Thoughts?

'Suitor'? What in holy hell are you talking about? Some organization is searching for tenants for a football stadium?

The athletic department that has been scrambling to build a permanent football practice facility for a decade is not looking to replace a 30-year-old stadium. The Dome is fine.
South campus. It will happen.

What problems that currently exist are solved by building a new stadium? Even on South Campus (which I'll believe when I see it...). Talk of building a new stadium seems like:

1) We must do something to become a top 25 program again.
2) Building a new stadium is something
3) Therefore, a new stadium must be built for Syracuse to return to the top 25

I'm just not hearing a remotely compelling argument on how replacing the Dome helps. Minnesota built a fantastic new stadium and they still suck. Why would it be different for us?
Just from a fan from the oldest stadium in major football: you don't want to put your program in the debt that would be required to do this. We overbuilt Bobby Dodd back in the early 2000's by building a deck on the North end. Cost ~$50mil. We had just been co-champs of the ACC in '98 and finished ranked #7. Had a QB who should have won the Heisman in '99. Had beaten Georgie 3 straight times (that REALLLY matters as far as fanbases down here are concerned). We think it will make us all this money as we are sitting pretty.

Well, fast forward 10 years. We had a streak of 7-win seasons. Lost 7 in a row to Georgie. And the attendance dropped. The only time we sell out is when Georgie, Clemson and maybe VT or Miami (depending on how hyped the game is).

So now we're saddled with this debt, and we needed to fire our bball coach ($7mil buyout) but couldn't until someone was will to walk in the door with a big check. Until we've had our recent success beginning in '08-'09 (and looks like this year), that stadium expansion has been like an albatross around GT's neck.
The football program has some problems, none of which include the Carrier Dome.
I wonder if adding air conditioning would help. I could actually smell the sweat from the people in front of me at the Wake Forest game. You really shouldn't have to bring a spare shirt for the ride home if you're watching a game indoors.
Welcome to football.

Air conditioning? Really?

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