Should JB be fired...NO. Should his program, which is actually Syracuse's program go through a transformation--YES. My concern is that we are having one problem after another seemingly each successive year with the problems being just a tad different year to year. It's no fun having the expectation that something bad is going to happen so the enjoyment of the this year's trip to the NCAA as a #1 seed is sucked out of each of us.
Now however, we need to view the overall program from JB through HOP all the way down insofar as responsibility, actions, etc. JB is the leader and the buck stops there...but what of HOP and others...what are they doing to right the ship and/or keep it on a straight and good path. As a former CEO of a large organization I realize that the head man is the one who lives and dies by the workings of his staff and those below the primary management. But how is this all happening with $100,000s being paid for support staff...and no one steps up and says me bad.
I believe JB survives...with changes. My question is whether HOP and others survive and or should survive based on what is and has taken place over the past several years. A coach in waiting needs to be stronger insofar as players are concerned and the players actions (unless of course JB is truly autocratic).
So before taking JB's head let's determine role responsibilities and then straighten the roles, actions and responsibilities out. Then we can consider who should stay and who should leave.