1) Grow a pair. Every fan has to deal with other fans talking isht. Join the club. I don't know where you're at, but I've been in sports exile for a long time; I've not lived by my teams in decades. And I'm in ACC country, where people actually care about college hoops. Don't let people get to you.
2) I don't know what Fab's academic issues are. Until I know more, I'm not going to make too much out of it. You shouldn't either. Fab has had to (a) adjust to life in a different country, (b) adjust to life in a different climate, (c) learn a new language - which could be a good reason why he is having academic difficulties, (d) deal with very high expectations, (e) be half the globe away from his family, which is where most of us look for support, () had a bad breakup with a GF, (g) and on and on and on.
Until you have all that on your shoulders, don't judge. You can't even deal with family members talking smack about Syracuse!! And certainly don't wish him a horrible life, there's no reason for that.