This isn't about JAB getting a paycheck, it's about respect in one form or another, whether that's leaving on your own terms, or being given pomp and circumstance, or both...IMO, he wants the pomp and circumstance but is too proud to say so and backed himself into a corner saying that stuff wasn't important to him. Right, wrong, indifferent I think he may feel like he's earned the right to have his cake and eat it to. I can understand that feeling...again, right, wrong, indifferent he's entitled to it.
The man loves the game of basketball and he also literally built the modern version of the game at this university. This was and isn't ever going to be an easy separation. We've seen his quirks, he's human, just like you and me.
This is not some sort of massive embarrassment, John Thompson closing Manley was more embarrassing than this. Two probations is an embarrassment. This is just a guy having a hard time letting go of something he loves.
So, it's not happening in a nicely choreographed and scripted sequence, guess what, it's classic JAB. IMO, he'd be damned to let the post-game media be the first to have an announcement like this. He's never been a Yes man and it's naïve to think otherwise.