JB's Rant: Really, Really..c'mon and grow up (Reporters) | Syracusefan.com

JB's Rant: Really, Really..c'mon and grow up (Reporters)


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
Must be that corporate environment has hardened me...I watch other bball coaches go off and not much fuss and reaction...now I have watched JB's ROAR after the Marquette game and I am wondering...WHAT S THE FUSS? Perhaps it is simply the fact he takes on the reporters whose job is to take him on. There wasnt a good question...none. Anyone remember Pitino reaction...when he said "we played like crap--if you have a bball question ask it otherwise its over"--and stormed off the podium. I am getting very tired of Nancy reporters...you want to give heat but not take it...go away. Perhaps the whole thing comes down to the REPORTERS BADGE OF COURAGE...I got JB pissed at me.
the only thing worse than Nancy-reporters....is Nancy-posters.

the outrage from all the little kids in steerage here when JB calls a fool a fool, is preposterous.

how so many ignorant people get to write for newspapers is beyond me.

im not surprised however, at the vast quanties of ignorant posters we have here.

Oh Lord
Must be that corporate environment has hardened me...I watch other bball coaches go off and not much fuss and reaction...now I have watched JB's ROAR after the Marquette game and I am wondering...WHAT S THE FUSS? Perhaps it is simply the fact he takes on the reporters whose job is to take him on. There wasnt a good question...none. Anyone remember Pitino reaction...when he said "we played like crap--if you have a bball question ask it otherwise its over"--and stormed off the podium. I am getting very tired of Nancy reporters...you want to give heat but not take it...go away. Perhaps the whole thing comes down to the REPORTERS BADGE OF COURAGE...I got JB pissed at me.

Not that I am comparing myself to a Hall of Famer but I can relate to JB. He started coaching in a time when that is what you did, coach. I believe that he still enjoys that part of the job and cares about his players. But it is the other stuff that, unfortunately, is part of the job now that he hates. When, over the last 20 years or so, did it become mandatory for post game press conferences after every game in all sports? So now you have a HOF coach with 900+ wins standing at a podium getting questions from some "journalist", and that term used to mean something, who never played the game, or some kid trying to make a name for him/her self.
JB knows more about coaching than most associated with college bball. I really didn't think the questions were that out of line just listening to them. I agree he doesn't seem to be a big fan of presses which I can understand but it is part of the job now. He even said things continue to change in college bball all the time and that happens to be one of them. There are numerous things I don't care to do at my job that weren't part of it when I started but I just had to get over it and do it. I have no problem with him getting on Katz for prior engagements. Maybe there is more to it than this but from the surface I really feel like the questions were fine and he just came off as a crank.
Must be that corporate environment has hardened me...I watch other bball coaches go off and not much fuss and reaction...now I have watched JB's ROAR after the Marquette game and I am wondering...WHAT S THE FUSS? Perhaps it is simply the fact he takes on the reporters whose job is to take him on. There wasnt a good question...none. Anyone remember Pitino reaction...when he said "we played like crap--if you have a bball question ask it otherwise its over"--and stormed off the podium. I am getting very tired of Nancy reporters...you want to give heat but not take it...go away. Perhaps the whole thing comes down to the REPORTERS BADGE OF COURAGE...I got JB pissed at me.

I have to disagree.

First of all, early on someone asked what I think is THE biggest question of the game: (and I'm paraphrasing) was how come CJ Fair barely touched the ball down the stretch? That really is a question every fan should be wondering about.

His answer wasn't nasty...just weak and evasive.
There should have been a follow-up.

No one particularly wants to sit there and answer questions after your team just lost its second big game in a row...especially after you've blown decent leads. I'd be angry, too. But it's part of a coach's job.

And he basically faced a bunch of routine questions...nothing to justify his silly attitude. Boeheim's answers (or non-answers) and his demeanor came off as juvenile and arrogant.

I think he embarrassed himself.

And I sincerely doubt that anyone really considers questioning Jim Boeheim to be a badge of honor. Probably more of a petty annoyance.
He should just not do the post game presser. I mean is it mandatory? He can publicize the program by taking softball pitches from the various sports radio hacks.
I have to disagree.

First of all, early on someone asked what I think is THE biggest question of the game: (and I'm paraphrasing) was how come CJ Fair barely touched the ball down the stretch? That really is a question every fan should be wondering about.

His answer wasn't nasty...just weak and evasive.
There should have been a follow-up.

No one particularly wants to sit there and answer questions after your team just lost its second big game in a row...especially after you've blown decent leads. I'd be angry, too. But its part of a coach's job.

And he basically faced a bunch of routine questions...nothing to justify his silly attitude. Boeheim's answers (or non-answers) and his demeanor came off as juvenile and arrogant.

I think he embarrassed himself.

And I sincerely doubt that anyone really considers questioning Jim Boeheim to be a badge of honor. Probably more of a petty annoyance.
Perhaps a difference is demographics...I grew up and am still in an environment that being politically correct is NOT the means for promotion nor respect. Would you have preferred JB to respond...Fair didnt get the ball because our lottery pick PG-MCW-didnt pass to him...hmmmmm, now that was a challenging question. How about some balls and a reporter ask, why didnt the guards pass to Fair more often in the second half. Perhaps the answer would have been because Marquette double teamed and/or shadowed Fair...or maybe he wasnt open...
and Let's be honest, if you like JB and what he has done on and off the court is respected and good ...then how he acts in these "after game announcements" means little to me. Bottom line...if a reporter can't ask meaningful not routine questions than frankly how JB responded gets my support.
The program doesn't need any more "publicizing". This isn't 1976.

Boeheim has the right to demand non-loaded, intelligent questions. He's earned that right.
Publicize is the wrong word. Talk about whatever bs, the sports media deems important enough to talk about in a relaxed atmosphere, not close to the end of a game where emotions are going to be on edge anyway. My real question was is he required to stand up there and field questions after a game? Frankly, I don't watch the post game pressers. I don't find them particularly informative. I think a lot of people watch them in hopes that he will go off on some poor sap who asks a dumb question. Probably provides some perverse pleasure or something.
The program doesn't need any more "publicizing". This isn't 1976.

Boeheim has the right to demand non-loaded, intelligent questions. He's earned that right.

Much like the POTUS. Clinton, Bush, Obama, the next one . . . . whoever.
The reporters are asking the questions for us. We want to know why Fair didn't touch the ball at the end of games. We aren't there. JB is basically telling us that we are dumb and have no real need to know. I would bet that jb has said that a movie he saw sucked. Yet, he has never made a movie. How dare he question a director that has made movies. Same thing.
The reporters are asking the questions for us. We want to know why Fair didn't touch the ball at the end of games. We aren't there. JB is basically telling us that we are dumb and have no real need to know. I would bet that jb has said that a movie he saw sucked. Yet, he has never made a movie. How dare he question a director that has made movies. Same thing.
I'll add that since he knows so much more than everyone else, he should be fine enlightening everyone. The reporter didn't tell him he should have done something different, he asked why something happened. Isn't that the reporter's job? Part of JB's job is to answer those questions without being smug, and he gets paid very well to do it. He wasn't being asked about Bernie. He was being asked questions about strategy with regard to the game that was just played. Exactly what questions does he want reporters to ask him?
the only thing worse than Nancy-reporters....is Nancy-posters.

the outrage from all the little kids in steerage here when JB calls a fool a fool, is preposterous.

how so many ignorant people get to write for newspapers is beyond me.

im not surprised however, at the vast quanties of ignorant posters we have here.

Oh Lord

Probably some of the same posters who put those bumper stickers on their cars saying my kid is the next president, world's best, honor student, blah, blah, blah...or from that generation that could do 'no wrong' pampered and stroked their entire lives unable to cope with criticism or rejection. :noidea:
I can't help thinking that with other high profile coaches giving rants about their team after losses or poor play (Self, Calipari etc) that they were hoping to get a soundbite with JB criticizing his team. He wouldn't do it. Asking why he didn't play a bench player is questioning his judgement and I can't help but think after a heartbreaking loss of 3 points with the discrepancy in free throw attempts in that game, am I crazy in wondering why most questions didn't revolve around that point? 28 more free throw attempts would seem to be a story in itself, at least to me. Instead the questions were more of an accusatory nature - why didn't you do this or that.

I wouldn't want to be a reporter after huge losses asking questions of a devastated coach and team and I definitely wouldn't want to be the coach or players. Most questions are dumb - what do you ask or say that is really meaningful? Personally I would hope I'd be politefully disdainful of the process but not insulting - but who knows after the emotions and frustrations of a loss like that? I don't understand why just letting the coach speak isn't enough. Asking about specific impactful plays in the game or what the coach thought were important factors in the outcome is one thing but in essence asking "what would you do differently" minutes after such a loss, is pretty inane.
I can understand JB's frustration with the media and btw it isn't just the sports media that is woeful in this country. But JB should just mimic the Andy Reid/ Bill Belichick style of monotone non-answers that put people to sleep when he doesn't care to elaborate. He does himself no favors getting nasty with reporters.
jim boeheim is SU head coach and an employee of syracuse university. part of that job is dealing with local and national media and answering their questions in various forums. it doesn't matter that he doesn't like doing it. it's his job.
There are times when Boeheim's liness is awesome, (e.g. the 2006 BET not 10 games rant), and then there are times when it's just lame and awkward. This latest episode, in my opinion, falls under the latter.
JB knows more about coaching than most associated with college bball. I really didn't think the questions were that out of line just listening to them. I agree he doesn't seem to be a big fan of presses which I can understand but it is part of the job now. He even said things continue to change in college bball all the time and that happens to be one of them. There are numerous things I don't care to do at my job that weren't part of it when I started but I just had to get over it and do it. I have no problem with him getting on Katz for prior engagements. Maybe there is more to it than this but from the surface I really feel like the questions were fine and he just came off as a crank.

Ah...Woolworths. Those were the days. I used to catch my bus going home from work right at that spot.
I can understand JB's frustration with the media and btw it isn't just the sports media that is woeful in this country. But JB should just mimic the Andy Reid/ Bill Belichick style of monotone non-answers that put people to sleep when he doesn't care to elaborate. He does himself no favors getting nasty with reporters.
...and no favors meaning...some of us may like his curt, to the point, in your face answers...my whole working day is that way...from people above and below me...open forum. If something is asked that is not obvious, there typically is an answer...for example: the two best defenders were in the game alluding to why DC-2 didnt play...my guess is DC-2 isnt ready to play and JB doesnt want to say that...but I find it difficult to believe that the sensitivities of the board are so much on the surface...tough skin my friends!
Must be that corporate environment has hardened me...I watch other bball coaches go off and not much fuss and reaction...now I have watched JB's ROAR after the Marquette game and I am wondering...WHAT S THE FUSS? Perhaps it is simply the fact he takes on the reporters whose job is to take him on. There wasnt a good question...none. Anyone remember Pitino reaction...when he said "we played like crap--if you have a bball question ask it otherwise its over"--and stormed off the podium. I am getting very tired of Nancy reporters...you want to give heat but not take it...go away. Perhaps the whole thing comes down to the REPORTERS BADGE OF COURAGE...I got JB pissed at me.

I heard about the presser before watching it. I expected some kind of memorable fireworks. All i saw was a downbeat JB after a loss keeping his composure while reporters asked him why he didn't do something different than what he did.

When Red Grange scored those 6 touchdowns vs. Michigan, the Michigan coach, Fielding Yost, come home, stunned and depressed at what had happened. Mrs. Yost, trying to be helpful, asked "Why didn't you send someone in to tackle that red-haired boy?"

The questions in that presser were Mrs. Yost-type questions.
JB always bristles whenever he's asked a question about strategy employed or a move he made in the game. No coach likes to be second guessed. But getting combative and insulting with the media questioner is not productive for JB or the university. Just give a brief unemotional answer of your thinking and move on. Tom Coughlin of the Giants gets those type of questions after every loss and handles it terrifically without getting nasty. I didn't think the questions after the Marquette game were out of line. One guy was fishing for a leadership issue but wasn't overtly combative. I thought JB's responses were for the most part OK except when he got condescending at the end which was unnecessary.
According to Goodman, JB mentioned the importance of leadership to him (or a group of people) earlier in the year. I wonder if there's been any effort to corroborate that.
Perhaps a difference is demographics...I grew up and am still in an environment that being politically correct is NOT the means for promotion nor respect. Would you have preferred JB to respond...Fair didnt get the ball because our lottery pick PG-MCW-didnt pass to him...hmmmmm, now that was a challenging question. How about some balls and a reporter ask, why didnt the guards pass to Fair more often in the second half. Perhaps the answer would have been because Marquette double teamed and/or shadowed Fair...or maybe he wasnt open...
and Let's be honest, if you like JB and what he has done on and off the court is respected and good ...then how he acts in these "after game announcements" means little to me. Bottom line...if a reporter can't ask meaningful not routine questions than frankly how JB responded gets my support.

The answer is, yes, I'd like a coach - any coach - to give honest answers.
He doesn't have to be nasty to reporters OR about his players.
Boeheim could have said something like, "I'd like to know that as well. We just didn't do a good job of recognizing CJ when he was open."
Then a follow-up would have been nice...something like, "Coach, did you call any plays for CJ?"

That's what give and take is.
That's what a news conference is.
Boeheim has been at the game for 37 years.
Her certainly knows better.
It's a shame he didn't act it.

And by the way...Fair was flashing to the foul line against Marquette's 2-3.
I was looking for it and saw him do it at crunch time.
You're correct...our ace point guard didn't get him the ball.
How come?
That's a rhetorical question but I think we'd all like to know.
I heard about the presser before watching it. I expected some kind of memorable fireworks. All i saw was a downbeat JB after a loss keeping his composure while reporters asked him why he didn't do something different than what he did.

When Red Grange scored those 6 touchdowns vs. Michigan, the Michigan coach, Fielding Yost, come home, stunned and depressed at what had happened. Mrs. Yost, trying to be helpful, asked "Why didn't you send someone in to tackle that red-haired boy?"

The questions in that presser were Mrs. Yost-type questions.
You thinking Julie might have asked JB why CJ didn't get more touches?
The reporters are asking the questions for us. We want to know why Fair didn't touch the ball at the end of games. We aren't there. JB is basically telling us that we are dumb and have no real need to know. I would bet that jb has said that a movie he saw sucked. Yet, he has never made a movie. How dare he question a director that has made movies. Same thing.

Why do you think? (Select from the following)

1. Georgetown knows that Fair is our single inside threat. So they didn't allow BT or MCW to see him most of the time. He wasn't open. They prioritized covering him and it was easy to do because they had zero fear of Keita or Christmas catching the ball inside and doing something with it. When they when they were in a zone, they clogged up the lanes that Fair generally runs in.

2. I told BT and MCW that whoever attempted the most three point shots would get a prize.

3. BT and MCW are mad at CJF because they are all three interested in the same girl.

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