Kudos to Marrone | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Kudos to Marrone

I say stop trying to outsmart the other team. Play the game we want to play, don't act surprised if/when we have to adjust on the fly. Just make adjustment and don't be stubborn about it. Too often we're trying to round peg into square hole.

Agree with this. I truly think that Doug is too "mechanical" in his approach to the game. He is so full of facts and stats that he makes decisions based entirely on the odds without factoring in the emotion and circumstances of the moment. Paralysis by analysis I believe is the term. Forget what your head tells you, do what your gut tells you.
Agree with this. I truly think that Doug is too "mechanical" in his approach to the game. He is so full of facts and stats that he makes decisions based entirely on the odds without factoring in the emotion and circumstances of the moment. Paralysis by analysis I believe is the term. Forget what your head tells you, do what your gut tells you.

Ugh, what part of punting from inside your opponent's territory, down 2 scores in the 4th quarter, is using your head? That's the definition of stupid gut-decision football.

If anything Doug should trust his analytical tendencies more.
When has Marrone NOT taken responsibility for anything? Seriously?

After Minny he was asked what his first thought was when the pick happened on the first play of the game. He mentioned bad luck and said that is honestly the first thought that entered my mind.

You have to add a story to that answer to get to the opinion that he was making excuses. It's intellectually dishonest. Rahme should man up and take responsibility for taking the head coach of SU football out of context to attack him because that is what Rahme did.

Could Marrone have been more clear? Sure. He answered the questions as it was asked to him, and he should have known that some people would jump to the negative conclusion. However, the fact remains that for anyone who is impartial and intellectually honest and not relying on emotion to form conclusions all of the past evidence comes to mind that Marrone always takes responsibility. He mans up all the time probably too much.
I just wonder if I were a 4 or5 star prospect, would I be put off by all the pissing and moaning on a board like this? I suggest another forum so all the nay Sayers can have a cluster of joy together. It would bring them great happiness I'm sure.
I just wonder if I were a 4 or5 star prospect, would I be put off by all the pissing and moaning on a board like this? I suggest another forum so all the nay Sayers can have a cluster of joy together. It would bring them great happiness I'm sure.

Yes, the tone of an obscure fan site is much more important than stupid things like how often the team wins.

This is why programs that are bad never get better. Crazy that programs who lose and who's fans are frustrated never, ever improve recruiting and never win again.
Yes, the tone of an obscure fan site is much more important than stupid things like how often the team wins.

This is why programs that are bad never get better. Crazy that programs who lose and who's fans are frustrated never, ever improve recruiting and never win again.

How about when the reporter who covers the team quotes the head coach out of context and then attacks him based on the quote taken out of context?

What the heck happened people? In Rahme's video before the Minny game he starts off with a blustering 2 minute explanation for why no fan should be too high if SU wins or too low if SU loses. Rahme advised everyone that SU is simply a team that will struggle to win any game remaining on the schedule including Minny and he advised us all to maintain an even keel no matter the results.

Cut to his article after the Minny game and Rahme blasts the SU team saying the SU football team fell flat on it's face! What? Do you remember your own diatribe before the Minny game?

A day later, somehow showing no signs of cooling off, Rahme takes Marrone out of context and attacks him. What? Seriously?
How about when the reporter who covers the team quotes the head coach out of context and then attacks him based on the quote taken out of context?

What the heck happened people? In Rahme's video before the Minny game he starts off with a blustering 2 minute explanation for why no fan should be too high if SU wins or too low if SU loses. Rahme advised everyone that SU is simply a team that will struggle to win any game remaining on the schedule including Minny and he advised us all to maintain an even keel no matter the results.

Cut to his article after the Minny game and Rahme blasts the SU team saying the SU football team fell flat on it's face! What? Do you remember your own diatribe before the Minny game?

A day later, somehow showing no signs of cooling off, Rahme takes Marrone out of context and attacks him. What? Seriously?

It's the same reason a majority of the board believes Marrone is now on the hot seat. It was not the score, but the same mistakes and miscues we've seen over and over and I think people just realized it's never going to change.

Our patience with Marrone has worn thin and from the board to the media, we've stopped making excuses and are now demanding answers.
When has Marrone NOT taken responsibility for anything? Seriously?

After Minny he was asked what his first thought was when the pick happened on the first play of the game. He mentioned bad luck and said that is honestly the first thought that entered my mind.

You have to add a story to that answer to get to the opinion that he was making excuses. It's intellectually dishonest. Rahme should man up and take responsibility for taking the head coach of SU football out of context to attack him because that is what Rahme did.

Could Marrone have been more clear? Sure. He answered the questions as it was asked to him, and he should have known that some people would jump to the negative conclusion. However, the fact remains that for anyone who is impartial and intellectually honest and not relying on emotion to form conclusions all of the past evidence comes to mind that Marrone always takes responsibility. He mans up all the time probably too much.

What we have is a man for a coach and I admire that trait but that being said it's also time for these young men to defend the guy that has their back and do this by playing well and with passion. Not talk, anyone can do that.
What we have is a man for a coach...

Not talk, anyone can do that.

I will add "man" to the list of meaningless excuses for keeping Marrone around. Dude is also the king of talk.

If he was a woman from Rutgers whom stuttered in front of blue hairs at the Elks Club, I would not care as long as he won games.

Immediately after coming aboard a big part of his rhetoric was "I am not GRob." I thought that less than classy.

Bottom line is that he needs to win, now. Dougie needs to prove that he is not another Gump.
When has Marrone NOT taken responsibility for anything? Seriously?

After Minny he was asked what his first thought was when the pick happened on the first play of the game. He mentioned bad luck and said that is honestly the first thought that entered my mind.

You have to add a story to that answer to get to the opinion that he was making excuses. It's intellectually dishonest. Rahme should man up and take responsibility for taking the head coach of SU football out of context to attack him because that is what Rahme did.

Could Marrone have been more clear? Sure. He answered the questions as it was asked to him, and he should have known that some people would jump to the negative conclusion. However, the fact remains that for anyone who is impartial and intellectually honest and not relying on emotion to form conclusions all of the past evidence comes to mind that Marrone always takes responsibility. He mans up all the time probably too much.

I know your history. You attacked me incessantly for my "treatment" of the previous coach without finding any support or agreement here, and now you're at it again. I understand you have an issue with me and always have because anytime I write anything that you disagree with it is because I have some kind of agenda. I saw your original comment and thought to myself that it was not my intent at all and where are you coming from, but just in case anyone else reached the same conclusion I went back and added the phrase you believe changed the whole context of the quote. That apparently was not enough. Once again not getting any support from your fellow board members you go fishing again, charging in followup posts that I am giving "diatribes" in videos and two days later am writing emotionally charged pieces where in fact none existed. Stating that SU's bad luck was in fact deserved is apparently an emotional outburst. Funny, once again you are the only one I know of who has reached this conclusion. You have a problem with me. I understand that. Don't try to project that issue onto me having a problem with Doug or even his predecessor. I've been called a homer way more than a critic. My goodness, I have people on our website charging me with being employed by Coach Marrone. So why don't you just "man up" and admit you continually see agendas regarding me that only you see, and it's personal.
I know your history. You attacked me incessantly for my "treatment" of the previous coach without finding any support or agreement here, and now you're at it again. I understand you have an issue with me and always have because anytime I write anything that you disagree with it is because I have some kind of agenda. I saw your original comment and thought to myself that it was not my intent at all and where are you coming from, but just in case anyone else reached the same conclusion I went back and added the phrase you believe changed the whole context of the quote. That apparently was not enough. Once again not getting any support from your fellow board members you go fishing again, charging in followup posts that I am giving "diatribes" in videos and two days later am writing emotionally charged pieces where in fact none existed. Stating that SU's bad luck was in fact deserved is apparently an emotional outburst. Funny, once again you are the only one I know of who has reached this conclusion. You have a problem with me. I understand that. Don't try to project that issue onto me having a problem with Doug or even his predecessor. I've been called a homer way more than a critic. My goodness, I have people on our website charging me with being employed by Coach Marrone. So why don't you just "man up" and admit you continually see agendas regarding me that only you see, and it's personal.

i have been a huge hcdm supporter but not anymore. he appears to remain rigid and conservative to me, and i am not referring to his sideline demeanor,of which i do not have an issue with. his game day decisions seem marginal and predictable. many feel i am too harsh in this. i was hopeful he would grow into his job, i have seen some progress in this but not enough.su football is at a crossroad as a program, and barring any sort of miraculous performances i do not see anything changing. i saw it at stony brook and again saturday. my biggest fear at this point is the team disinegrates as they did last year. our talent with a few exceptons, is overated,but the biggest defect at this time is game day coaching. at this point, i have decided not to renew my seasons for next year and make the 3.5 hour trip to bear witness to this. i was hopefull at metlife stadium but these last two games brought me back to reality.the team is not prepared to play
I know your history. You attacked me incessantly for my "treatment" of the previous coach without finding any support or agreement here, and now you're at it again. I understand you have an issue with me and always have because anytime I write anything that you disagree with it is because I have some kind of agenda. I saw your original comment and thought to myself that it was not my intent at all and where are you coming from, but just in case anyone else reached the same conclusion I went back and added the phrase you believe changed the whole context of the quote. That apparently was not enough. Once again not getting any support from your fellow board members you go fishing again, charging in followup posts that I am giving "diatribes" in videos and two days later am writing emotionally charged pieces where in fact none existed. Stating that SU's bad luck was in fact deserved is apparently an emotional outburst. Funny, once again you are the only one I know of who has reached this conclusion. You have a problem with me. I understand that. Don't try to project that issue onto me having a problem with Doug or even his predecessor. I've been called a homer way more than a critic. My goodness, I have people on our website charging me with being employed by Coach Marrone. So why don't you just "man up" and admit you continually see agendas regarding me that only you see, and it's personal.

Wow! Of all the days I pick to wait to check this board until the late afternoon I picked this one.

You are a very good reporter. I respect you for that very much.

As an alum I also respect the institution of higher learning that is Syracuse University. Call me loyal because I own that. I bleed Orange.

If you are familiar with my posts over the years you are also familiar that my main and consistent point or theme, other than praising you for good reporting, is what I see as your propensity for a "doom and gloom" attitude that certainly under the last regime spiraled downward with an incessant hammering of stats without reporting on the kids playing the games and going to classes. Everyone knew the former coach was a disaster, and you were stuck on it without any release in my opinion. I don't see that as healthy for the community or for the university and certainly not for the student athletes busting their humps. Thankfully, until this game I've seen great reporting for a good long stretch probably going back to the Rutgers game last year.

You mention support from fellow board members and being called a homer rather than a critic. Am I supposed to take a poll every time I post my opinion? Do you? Is that your operating principle as a journalist? How do you see your role as a journalist covering student athletes? Are you supposed to inform the community in CNY that the SU student-athletes fell flat on their faces in Minneapolis? Look, I'm very glad you want SU football to succeed, and you do a great job most of the time. I just have an issue when you go negative because in the past I've seen you go very low and you didn't let go.

As for you adding the phrase... on the bad luck piece... I apologize because I had no idea you did that. Your video and your response after the Minny game ...falling flat on their faces piece... speak for themselves. As a journalist you have a tremendous influence on the perceptions of a lot of people in CNY, especially people who are very busy and who have no time to dig deeper themselves. I take it personally when I feel like you are spreading doom and gloom as the program is trying to dig itself out of a whole. A lot of people want this program to succeed and look to you for the status.

In the end, the University decides who to hire as the coach and the bottom line is wins and losses. It's pretty simple and in the end pretty obvious even to people who are too busy to pay much attention. You can express anger, doom and gloom all you want to when your expectations are not met, but as a loyal SU alum who bleeds Orange I'm going to call it how I see it especially when I think it is redundant and excessive and becomes harmful and unprofessional and yes, perhaps even personal on your part.

Wow! Of all the days I pick to wait to check this board until the late afternoon I picked this one.

You are a very good reporter. I respect you for that very much.

As an alum I also respect the institution of higher learning that is Syracuse University. Call me loyal because I own that. I bleed Orange.

If you are familiar with my posts over the years you are also familiar that my main and consistent point or theme, other than praising you for good reporting, is what I see as your propensity for a "doom and gloom" attitude that certainly under the last regime spiraled downward with an incessant hammering of stats without reporting on the kids playing the games and going to classes. Everyone knew the former coach was a disaster, and you were stuck on it without any release in my opinion. I don't see that as healthy for the community or for the university and certainly not for the student athletes busting their humps. Thankfully, until this game I've seen great reporting for a good long stretch probably going back to the Rutgers game last year.

You mention support from fellow board members and being called a homer rather than a critic. Am I supposed to take a poll every time I post my opinion? Do you? Is that your operating principle as a journalist? How do you see your role as a journalist covering student athletes? Are you supposed to inform the community in CNY that the SU student-athletes fell flat on their faces in Minneapolis? Look, I'm very glad you want SU football to succeed, and you do a great job most of the time. I just have an issue when you go negative because in the past I've seen you go very low and you didn't let go.

As for you adding the phrase... on the bad luck piece... I apologize because I had no idea you did that. Your video and your response after the Minny game ...falling flat on their faces piece... speak for themselves. As a journalist you have a tremendous influence on the perceptions of a lot of people in CNY, especially people who are very busy and who have no time to dig deeper themselves. I take it personally when I feel like you are spreading doom and gloom as the program is trying to dig itself out of a whole. A lot of people want this program to succeed and look to you for the status.

In the end, the University decides who to hire as the coach and the bottom line is wins and losses. It's pretty simple and in the end pretty obvious even to people who are too busy to pay much attention. You can express anger, doom and gloom all you want to when your expectations are not met, but as a loyal SU alum who bleeds Orange I'm going to call it how I see it especially when I think it is redundant and excessive and becomes harmful and unprofessional and yes, perhaps even personal on your part.

It seems as if you are the only one who feels he is "spreading doom and gloom as the program is trying to dig itself out of a whole [sic]." To me, that's either an agenda or poor reading comprehension.
Taking responsibility is easy. For a cool million to teach a kids game to superior athletes, I'd think you should be able to take responsibility.

What would impress me more is evidence that he learns from his mistakes. I don't see it. Unfortunately for us, I just don't think he's a very good coach. Unfortunately for him, I don't think he'll be able to escape that fact for much longer.

Good man. Loyal son of the program. I just wish he could coach. I wish this train wreck could end another way, because we are looking at ANOTHER 4-5 year rebuilding project.

For saying today that the rash of turnovers and penalties are on him.
I do hope this thing gets turned around and that he and the program are successful.
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