lets make a deal... | Syracusefan.com

lets make a deal...


2022 and 2x ESPN Tourney Challenge Winner
Aug 26, 2011
i promise to NEVER, EVER post again...'Syracuse needs to put on a goddamn fullcourt press to get in the ACC...ASAP'

if all of you promise to NEVER, EVER post about some goddamn cockamamie scenario where you suggest some roundabout way where penn st leaves the big10 for the acc or the new leftover conference.

just because Syracuse is now in a real conference, doesnt mean penn st wants to join it.

please, pretty please, with sugar on top, if you are thinking of typing penn st, for any reason...stop and ask yourself...'if i type this, will i be labeled a jackarse?'

and if the answer is...youre not sure. then the real answer is, yes...jackarse. so dont do it.

this is an exciting time for Syracuse, we've left our high school buddies behind and gone off to college.

its fluckin embarrassing to have to read penn st to the acc garbage. it brings the new board here down a few pegs.

penn st could be given the choice between the 9th level of hell for eternity, or leave the big10...and they would ask Dante for directions.

knock it off.



Your Kaiser
The PSU talk is still not as bad as the Rutgers fan who thinks it's possible to lure UNC into the BE. But I get your point, Kaiser.
i promise to NEVER, EVER post again...'Syracuse needs to put on a goddamn fullcourt press to get in the ACC...ASAP'

if all of you promise to NEVER, EVER post about some goddamn cockamamie scenario where you suggest some roundabout way where penn st leaves the big10 for the acc or the new leftover conference.

just because Syracuse is now in a real conference, doesnt mean penn st wants to join it.

please, pretty please, with sugar on top, if you are thinking of typing penn st, for any reason...stop and ask yourself...'if i type this, will i be labeled a jackarse?'

and if the answer is...youre not sure. then the real answer is, yes...jackarse. so dont do it.

this is an exciting time for Syracuse, we've left our high school buddies behind and gone off to college.

its fluckin embarrassing to have to read penn st to the acc garbage. it brings the new board here down a few pegs.

penn st could be given the choice between the 9th level of hell for eternity, or leave the big10...and they would ask Dante for directions.

knock it off.



Your Kaiser

Agreed. It's about as stupid as wanting Rutgers in the ACC...
If you asked me 3 years ago about Nebraska moving to the B10, TCU would be in the Big East and that SU & PITT would be in the ACC, I would have said you were full of shiat. At this point, nothing would surprise me.

As for PSU to the ACC......nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Agreed. It's about as stupid as wanting Rutgers in the ACC...

I'd just as soon see them die on the vine in the MAC or BE or B12, but I'd rather see them in the ACC than in the B12.
I was thinking Penn to the ACC. Great academics in a Top 5 market and a easy W for Doug Marrone.
I'd just as soon see them die on the vine in the MAC or BE or B12, but I'd rather see them in the ACC than in the B12.
the 2 question left are...

1. what does the sec do??
2. what does the b12 do??

at this point, i dont see ND doing anything.

i really dont see anyone leaving the ACC for the SEC. the only teams who could, are still going to make a lot of $$ here. plus, why give up an easier shot at the National Championship? because lets face it...the SEC fluckin rules, theres just too many potetnial inherent potholes there as opposed to only needing to get lucky just once coming from the outside.

and to be clear, i think rutgers to the ACC is the smart move if they have to expand again, not 1 i want.

i like 14 and 6 confs.
the 2 question left are...

1. what does the sec do??
2. what does the b12 do??

at this point, i dont see ND doing anything.

i really dont see anyone leaving the ACC for the SEC. the only teams who could, are still going to make a lot of $$ here. plus, why give up an easier shot at the National Championship? because lets face it...the SEC fluckin rules, theres just too many potetnial inherent potholes there as opposed to only needing to get lucky just once coming from the outside.

and to be clear, i think rutgers to the ACC is the smart move if they have to expand again, not 1 i want.

i like 14 and 6 confs.

Seems like if the SEC goes in any direction, it's Mizzou. B12 is down to 8, they have to at least add 1. Potentially up to 4. I just don't see the Big 12 wanting anything to do with Rutgers. I know anything is possible, but I think that would be really surprising.

The UConn or Rutgers to the ACC plan that I think we can all agree on now is that if ND ever decided to join, one of those two schools could very well be along for the ride. What we can disagree on, is which one. I'm at least comforted to know that they will never be the 15th and 16th teams, so if I have to suffer through one of them, that means I'm in a league with ND. I can live with that.
Seems like if the SEC goes in any direction, it's Mizzou. B12 is down to 8, they have to at least add 1. Potentially up to 4. I just don't see the Big 12 wanting anything to do with Rutgers. I know anything is possible, but I think that would be really surprising.

The UConn or Rutgers to the ACC plan that I think we can all agree on now is that if ND ever decided to join, one of those two schools could very well be along for the ride. What we can disagree on, is which one. I'm at least comforted to know that they will never be the 15th and 16th teams, so if I have to suffer through one of them, that means I'm in a league with ND. I can live with that.

IMO, if ND were to go to the B10, they would also add rutgers. If ND were to go to the ACC, they would add UConn. If ND does nothing, both the B10 and ACC probably do nothing for now.
IMO, if ND were to go to the B10, they would also add rutgers. If ND were to go to the ACC, they would add UConn. If ND does nothing, both the B10 and ACC probably do nothing for now.

Completely agree -- That's exactly how I see it
IMO, if ND were to go to the B10, they would also add rutgers. If ND were to go to the ACC, they would add UConn. If ND does nothing, both the B10 and ACC probably do nothing for now.

Makes sense. I also think the 5 X 14 only happens if ND picks Big 10. The only other schools that seem worth it for the Big 10 to go beyond 12 would be Texas or OU. And adding either of them eliminates the Big 12. That could put 16 teams back on the table.

But almost all of this is dependent on something that seems like a complete long shot, which is ND joining a conference for all sports.
IMO, if ND were to go to the B10, they would also add rutgers. If ND were to go to the ACC, they would add UConn. If ND does nothing, both the B10 and ACC probably do nothing for now.
only scenario i see storz in the acc is if nd and rut are in the b1g and an ACC team defects to the sec.

i see no strategic reason for them. if nd and rut are gone, 14 is fine.

somebody smart is going to grab Giants Stadium, only way to accomplish that is rutgers.

the way the legends and leaders is set up now and adding nd, you could be staring right at mich/nd v either psu/wisc/osu...and even if neb sneaks in over mich/nd...thats 82k and a NYC backdrop for the championship game. no other conf could deliver that or fill those shoes.

granted, they wont play there every year, but its theirs for the taking.

one could make a case to take rutgers right now and go to 15. protected at 14 if the sec takes 1, theres a spot for nd and theres a spot that has storz' nose pressed against the window begging to get. the big east would be done, and nd would have to put their olympic sports somewhere...
only scenario i see storz in the acc is if nd and rut are in the b1g and an ACC team defects to the sec.

i see no strategic reason for them. if nd and rut are gone, 14 is fine.

somebody smart is going to grab Giants Stadium, only way to accomplish that is rutgers.

the way the legends and leaders is set up now and adding nd, you could be staring right at mich/nd v either psu/wisc/osu...and even if neb sneaks in over mich/nd...thats 82k and a NYC backdrop for the championship game. no other conf could deliver that or fill those shoes.

granted, they wont play there every year, but its theirs for the taking.

one could make a case to take rutgers right now and go to 15. protected at 14 if the sec takes 1, theres a spot for nd and theres a spot that has storz' nose pressed against the window begging to get. the big east would be done, and nd would have to put their olympic sports somewhere...

Here's what I don't understand though. Why does the Big 10 need Rutgers in their league to schedule conference championship games at the Meadowlands?

Big 10 should just do it now on a rotating basis. The odds of Rutgers even being in that game are slim to none. But you get some combo of Penn State, Michigan, Ohio State, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa, you'll sell out the game. That's half the league. Maybe throw in Michigan State as well. Indiana, NW, Illinois, Minny, Purdue wouldn't draw or travel so well but again, odds they even make it to that game aren't so good. Seems like the Meadowlands would jump at the chance, with or without Rutgers.
Here's what I don't understand though. Why does the Big 10 need Rutgers in their league to schedule conference championship games at the Meadowlands?

Big 10 should just do it now on a rotating basis. The odds of Rutgers even being in that game are slim to none. But you get some combo of Penn State, Michigan, Ohio State, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa, you'll sell out the game. That's half the league. Maybe throw in Michigan State as well. Indiana, NW, Illinois, Minny, Purdue wouldn't draw or travel so well but again, odds they even make it to that game aren't so good. Seems like the Meadowlands would jump at the chance, with or without Rutgers.
imo: to play a champ game in a state where you are not located, makes no sense. ford field, lucas oil etc...would be furious and never allow it.
only scenario i see storz in the acc is if nd and rut are in the b1g and an ACC team defects to the sec.

i see no strategic reason for them. if nd and rut are gone, 14 is fine.

somebody smart is going to grab Giants Stadium, only way to accomplish that is rutgers.

the way the legends and leaders is set up now and adding nd, you could be staring right at mich/nd v either psu/wisc/osu...and even if neb sneaks in over mich/nd...thats 82k and a NYC backdrop for the championship game. no other conf could deliver that or fill those shoes.

granted, they wont play there every year, but its theirs for the taking.

one could make a case to take rutgers right now and go to 15. protected at 14 if the sec takes 1, theres a spot for nd and theres a spot that has storz' nose pressed against the window begging to get. the big east would be done, and nd would have to put their olympic sports somewhere...

As usual, I agree with your thinking. And I understand why both the BiG and the ACC would want Rutgers when you present it like this.

But I ask again, why would ND want Rutgers? Wherever ND goes, I see them having a huge say in who is #14 (if BiG) or who is #16 (if ACC). Rutgers to the BiG just makes that league more what ND is not. And with SU in the ACC, getting the ACC championship game at the Meadowlands on a rotating basis won't require Rutgers.

The only incentive I could see for ND to take Rutgers with them to the ACC is if they were willing to play ND at the Linc. Help me out here my Kaiser, what am I not seeing?

I think the B1G only takes RU if ND comes along. And they only take Mizzou if Texas comes along. If neither ND or Texas bite the B1G will stay at 12 forever.

I think the P12 will stay just that, 12 teams. They had a chance to add a power in OU, and declined. I was very surprised by that as the P12 is mediocre IMO. They have two good programs right now and a bunch of decent ones. Top to bottom them are pretty good but their top is slim compared to the B1G or SEC. And one can argue the ACC offers more at the top. Adding OU would put the P12 clearly #3. So unless Texas comes with Tech, OU, and Okie St the P12 will stay at 12 forever.

I don't think Texas is going anywhere. Their ego is too big. So they will build the B12 back up to 12.

The SEC needs to add a 14th. That will happen. But I think that will be the end of the madness and we see no more expansion. So I think we will see three confs of 12 and two of 14. IMO RU and UConn are screwed.
imo: to play a champ game in a state where you are not located, makes no sense. ford field, lucas oil etc...would be furious and never allow it.

If the ACC wanted to play their conf championship in, say, Indianapolis, I would agree. But this is NYC, Big Apple, different set of rules apply there, especially when most Big 10 teams have an army of alumni in the city. Just seems like a stretch to me that the Big 10 would agree to split the revenue one more way just so the championship game can be in that team's state when no one really thinks of the draw of that venue having anything to do with that state.

Do Indianapolis and Detroit have so much going for them that they can just turn their backs on Big 10 championship games because NYC is getting one ever 4-5 years?
indiana would then have 3 schools in the conf, mich 2. thats a lot of $$$ for the state that you are trading to be spent in NY/NJ. not to mention that ohio is going say...hey wait a second, if you are playing outdoors...we got 2 fully capable stadiums right here!! its a whole new can of worms.

and why is ND calling the shot for #14?? they would be getting 5 pretty good schools and 2 more (mich st & purdue) who they play every year anyway i cant see #14 being a walk away point. and again, with rut, they could almost guarantee a game in NYC every year between Giants and Yankee Stadium without lifting a finger or forcing someones hand, ahem.
indiana would then have 3 schools in the conf, mich 2. thats a lot of $$$ for the state that you are trading to be spent in NY/NJ. not to mention that ohio is going say...hey wait a second, if you are playing outdoors...we got 2 fully capable stadiums right here!! its a whole new can of worms.

and why is ND calling the shot for #14?? they would be getting 5 pretty good schools and 2 more (mich st & purdue) who they play every year anyway i cant see #14 being a walk away point. and again, with rut, they could almost guarantee a game in NYC every year between Giants and Yankee Stadium without lifting a finger or forcing someones hand, ahem.

You've posted smarter things. Especially considering ND will have its choice of the BiG or the ACC.

I can see Jack now: "Gee, Jim, John is willing to let me choose who goes to the ACC with us. You're telling me it's Rutgers or the highway?!?"

As for guaranteeing a game in NYC, the ACC pod would be BC, Pitt, and SU with the SU game at Meadowlands, you can bank on that. They don't need Rutty for that either, since I don't see them being in the same pod as ND in the BiG.

You've posted smarter things. Especially considering ND will have its choice of the BiG or the ACC.

I can see Jack now: "Gee, Jim, John is willing to let me choose who goes to the ACC with us. You're telling me it's Rutgers or the highway?!?"

As for guaranteeing a game in NYC, the ACC pod would be BC, Pitt, and SU with the SU game at Meadowlands, you can bank on that. They don't need Rutty for that either, since I don't see them being in the same pod as ND in the BiG.


If you do the pods with 1 protected rival from each pod then ND could play RU every year. That means every other year they get a game in NYC.

North pod's East rivals

ND would get RU
Mich would get OSU
Mich St would get PSU
Purdue would get Indiana
If you do the pods with 1 protected rival from each pod then ND could play RU every year. That means every other year they get a game in NYC.

North pod's East rivals

ND would get RU
Mich would get OSU
Mich St would get PSU
Purdue would get Indiana

First, I'm not sure that the BiG will ever go to 16. But if they did, I don't think the pods will work like that at all. I see the pods eventually being divisions (they can't call them divisions now since I don't believe NCAA regulations allow you to have anything but two divisions with the two champions of each division meeting in a single championship game).

When 4-16 is truly in place, there will be 4 divisions instead of the current two, you play all three teams in your division annually and then you play two teams each from each of the other three pods. There would be no cross-over rivalry game as I see 4 pods/divisions developing.

If the BiG only goes to 14, ND goes to the Legends Division with Michigan, MSU and Nebraska and plays Purdue as its cross-over rivalry game.

You've posted smarter things. Especially considering ND will have its choice of the BiG or the ACC.

I can see Jack now: "Gee, Jim, John is willing to let me choose who goes to the ACC with us. You're telling me it's Rutgers or the highway?!?"

As for guaranteeing a game in NYC, the ACC pod would be BC, Pitt, and SU with the SU game at Meadowlands, you can bank on that. They don't need Rutty for that either, since I don't see them being in the same pod as ND in the BiG.

i think you are giving nd too much power, if they move theyre going to have to negotiate something. they will already be over a barrel to get the olympics somewhere so i say they negotiate 8 conf games and not worry about who is #14. thats 5 teams a year they dont have to play and gives them 4 to schedule as they please (usc, stanford, navy, bc etc). plus the b1g powers recruit in NJ petty heavily now, theyre not snooping around hartford, and nd has bc for new england anyway.

hey if the b1g can get nd and mizzou, they do it. if not, my guess is the magic rat drives his sleek machine over the jersey state line.

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