Lin's Departure Teaches Knicks Fans Important Lesson |

Lin's Departure Teaches Knicks Fans Important Lesson

Compare Lin's stats to Jonny Flynn's rookie stats for a whole season as a starter on a really bad team with a terrible offense. Do you really think that Lin has shown enough to be worth that much money?
I absolutely agree with you and feel he is not - i do agree with the thought that the Knicks should have played this differently though.

They had a commodity and didn't get anything in return for him leaving. Granted, they always planned to match until Lin played that up to get a ton and Dolan got pissed, but a little foresight would have been good. Sign and trade or something would have been better than this.

They still may match and hope they can deal him before the third year, so who knows.
Compare Lin's stats to Jonny Flynn's rookie stats for a whole season as a starter on a really bad team with a terrible offense. Do you really think that Lin has shown enough to be worth that much money?

the kid sold tickets and generated buzz . and that's money 101.
he created buzz based on one week of solid play.. didnt he also fail to make two other rosters and player poorly after his brief run.. i think you can find 30 guards with the same potential off the street
the kid sold tickets and generated buzz . and that's money 101.

Those tickets were making people money on the secondary market -- NYK did not see any of that money. The Knicks were already selling out before Lin and will be selling out after Lin. When it comes to merchandising, the franchises see little of that money, it primarily goes to whoever manufactures the jerseys and tees. Re-signing Lin, from a financial standpoint, doesn't make any sense for the Knicks. David Barri (Wages of Wins) did a couple nice interviews recently talking about this, you may be able to find a couple replays with a little googling.
Lin's departure teaches me that the Knicks continue to have horrid management and ownership.

Terrible off-season by the knuckleheads.

First - they don't offer Lin, who was probably signable on a 4 yr 24M deal & send him shopping.

Second - Lin gets his deal & the Knicks disclose pre-maturely that they will match, thus encouraging Houston to raise the ante.

Third - As posted above - they manage to get nothing back for the hottest commodity in hoops.

Fourth - They sign two geriatrics to 3 year deals !! Maybe, if they don't do this they could have even matched the last Lin deal.

Fifth - I like Felton & wanted him as Lin's backup instead of the alcoholic, but instead they unload every single trading chip to acquire him back as the starter.

Sixth - they decide they need more experience & trade for the third geriatric as part of the Felton deal.

Seventh - they make one move for youth by signing the 35 year old foreign PG.

Eighth - they do not match the Fields offer. Now this was a bad deal to match per se, but I would rather have kept Landry & Lin than to have paid the same $$$ to the various ancient mariners that they have managed to accumulate.

All in all they now have a an elderly overpaid roster that in no way will match up w Miami's athleticism. They managed to lose two starters to free agency while getting nothing back in return that could be construed as a roster upgrade.
I think Linn wanted to go to Houston or why would he go back and redo the original offer from Houston. He knew the Knicks were going to offer. If you read some of the NY stuff, there seemed to be some team jealousies. Some of the players were already griping about paying him that much money. He hadn't earned it. After watching Linn play against the Heat right before the All Star game, they made him look pretty bad. He shot 1-9 and turned the ball over nearly 10 times. I'd rather Houston be stuck with the 15 million than the Knicks. They can get Paul next summer for that kind of money.
I think Linn wanted to go to Houston or why would he go back and redo the original offer from Houston. He knew the Knicks were going to offer. If you read some of the NY stuff, there seemed to be some team jealousies. Some of the players were already griping about paying him that much money. He hadn't earned it. After watching Linn play against the Heat right before the All Star game, they made him look pretty bad. He shot 1-9 and turned the ball over nearly 10 times. I'd rather Houston be stuck with the 15 million than the Knicks. They can get Paul next summer for that kind of money.
Get Paul ??? - How - they have no trading chips & no cap room.
Lin's departure teaches me that the Knicks continue to have horrid management and ownership.

Terrible off-season by the knuckleheads.

First - they don't offer Lin, who was probably signable on a 4 yr 24M deal & send him shopping.

Second - Lin gets his deal & the Knicks disclose pre-maturely that they will match, thus encouraging Houston to raise the ante.

Third - As posted above - they manage to get nothing back for the hottest commodity in hoops.

Fourth - They sign two geriatrics to 3 year deals !! Maybe, if they don't do this they could have even matched the last Lin deal.

Fifth - I like Felton & wanted him as Lin's backup instead of the alcoholic, but instead they unload every single trading chip to acquire him back as the starter.

Sixth - they decide they need more experience & trade for the third geriatric as part of the Felton deal.

Seventh - they make one move for youth by signing the 35 year old foreign PG.

Eighth - they do not match the Fields offer. Now this was a bad deal to match per se, but I would rather have kept Landry & Lin than to have paid the same $$$ to the various ancient mariners that they have managed to accumulate.

All in all they now have a an elderly overpaid roster that in no way will match up w Miami's athleticism. They managed to lose two starters to free agency while getting nothing back in return that could be construed as a roster upgrade.

1. A sign and trade does not usually work when the other teams can offer more than the current team. Therefore, why would Lin allow that??? If he can sign an offer sheet elsewhere worth more. In most cases the player being traded is making more money in these deals...see Carmelo...

2. Landry fields was terrible and was a backup at best. He did not mesh well with Carmelo and struggled to hit an open shot...matching that contract would have been rediculous...

3. Yes Camby and Kidd are old but they are roll players that fill a need...and they provide leadership...

4. Traded their assets to for Felton??? They traded gadzuric and sign and traded Jeffries who could have signed anywhere...gadzuric barely played and Jeffries was not restricted...

5. No one knows how good Lin will be...
Lin played better than just a week or so. He is certainly not a proven player; like Ray Felton who has proven he is not very good.

But the key to me is that all this does is save Dolan money. It doesn't open up cap space that can be used elsewhere; if the argument was we can spend $15 million on Jeremy Lin in year 3 or have $15 million in cap space; totlaly different argument.
IMO, the Knicks had a great offseason until about 5 days ago. Landry Fields was never going to do much for us and he got a ridiculous deal from Toronto so good for him. The move for Camby was great, this gives us a monster combo at Center with Chandler/Camby. Kidd played well last year and is a great backup pg, I love this move. Felton gives us a pure point guard who plays passionate defense and runs the offense. He isnt electric or buzzworthy but hes solid, can take a hit, and gives us an identity both on offense and defense. We have the makings of a very good defensive team and an offense with more defined roles that should compliment each other better. Felton/Kidd know how to run an offense and im excited to see if those guys can figure out how to make it work with our billion dollar frontcourt.

All that being said, Dolan got pissed and let his ego dictate letting Lin walk. Lin barely costs us anything until year 3, at which point its been well documented that we could move any of our big contracts if its not working out or trade Lin as a lucrative expiring contract. Why are Knicks fans suddenly concerned with DOLAN'S money? This has no effect on our cap or ability to make moves. We are capped out anyway and the gift of Early Bird Rights allowed us to go over the cap and keep someone we otherwise couldnt. Not to mention we could trade Lin after Jan 15th for oh, I dont know, maybe a draft pick at least since we are in the business of constantly trading them away. Bottom line, letting Lin walk for nothing is ridiculous and this is all about Dolan being pissed about the extra 5 mil, because Woodson was screaming from mountain top "Were matching and hes our starting pg", then Lin gets 5 mil more in Year 3 and suddenly its all about the money, sorry im not buying it.
Lin played better than just a week or so. He is certainly not a proven player; like Ray Felton who has proven he is not very good.

But the key to me is that all this does is save Dolan money. It doesn't open up cap space that can be used elsewhere; if the argument was we can spend $15 million on Jeremy Lin in year 3 or have $15 million in cap space; totlaly different argument.

Lin Knicks stats - 14.6 pts 6.2 assts
Felton Knicks stats - 17.1 pts 9 assts

Letting Lin go was dumb but lets not rail Felton...He gave his all and wanted nothing more than being a Knick...He did not want to be traded...
Lin's per 36 minute numbers were 20-8. (Using the averages brings them down because he had games where he barely played.)

Anyway, I am probably being alittle hard on Felton, but look at his career numbers. True shooting% below 50. And he needs to drop some pounds.
What better way to fend off an up and coming Brooklyn Nets squad than by alienating your fanbase. The Knicks better be on point this year because it will get FUGLY if they start off slow.
What better way to fend off an up and coming Brooklyn Nets squad than by alienating your fanbase. The Knicks better be on point this year because it will get FUGLY if they start off slow.

Yeah, Felton has a chance to become one of the most hated Knicks in a very short time. And Melo will def be hearing the boo birds as well i f things don't go well, and quickly.
Felton aint that good. He was more of a product of d'antoni's system, hence the career year with the knicks. Dont expect 17 and 9 from him again this year. Should not have bothered with that trade, just roll with lin and kidd at pg.
Watching Mike and Mike and im sorry but I have to defend NY a little bit here. They put NY as presently constructed at 6th in the East. Im sorry but im expecting NY to be top 4 in the East or the regular season is an epic failure. The Knicks are right there with Boston/Chicago (with Rose) for the number 2 spot to Miami. Adios with the Pacers/Nets being better than NY.

Everyone thinks that because the Knicks finished 8th and got beat down by Miami that, that is the team NY has, completely dismissing the turmoil of the season and missing 3/5 of their team in the playoffs. NY, when healthy has more talent 1-9 than anyone in the East. Miami has the better trio of stars and other teams may have better chemisty at this point but talent wise Melo/Amare/Chandler/JR/Felton/Kidd/Shump/Novak/Camby is better than anyone else 1-9 on pure talent. No excuses for them this year, they better be a contender.
Felton aint that good. He was more of a product of d'antoni's system, hence the career year with the knicks. Dont expect 17 and 9 from him again this year. Should not have bothered with that trade, just roll with lin and kidd at pg.
I think its a mix of two things, A) Dolan threw a temper tantrum when Lin got the extra money and B)Felton/Kidd will do what Woodson wants, play defense and run the offense threw Melo/Amare.
Felton aint that good. He was more of a product of d'antoni's system, hence the career year with the knicks. Dont expect 17 and 9 from him again this year. Should not have bothered with that trade, just roll with lin and kidd at pg.

Wait so felton was a product of the system but Lin wasn't?!?!?

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Actually you sell them a bit short, they finished 7th, not 8th. But I am not sure you can include Shump right now, since he's not gonna be back until at least Christmas, right? And I bet it's after that.

I'm pegging them for about 48 wins or so next year. I might be selling them a bit short next year; there was a ton of stuff going on last year; they had the worst PG rotation in the league until Lin showed up; Amare/Lin/Melo all missed significant time; JR and Novak either didn't start the season with the team or didn't start the season in the rotation, Toney Douglas and Mike Bibby played significant minutes; did I mention that Toney Douglas and Mike Bibby played significant minutes?

I see a pretty good team. My main point for optimism was that Lin could end up playing somewhere close to the level he played last year, and I thought that at least gave the Knicks a fighting chance against Miami. There's still an opening with Chicago missing Rose for part of the season but I am less optimistic of their chances to take th at spot now that Lin is gone.

Wait so felton was a product of the system but Lin wasn't?!?!?

Lin had good numbers when D'Antoni left as well. It was only 6 games, but he averaged 18/7 per 36 minutes with a 59% true shooting.
Wait so felton was a product of the system but Lin wasn't?!?!?

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You know what youre getting with felton, hes ok but nothing special. You still dont know what youre getting with Lin, i think he was worth the risk to find out, and it really isnt that big of a risk. He should at least be able to put up felton numbers, 12 points 6 assists, etc.
Wait so felton was a product of the system but Lin wasn't?!?!?

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he has his blinders on just like half of Knicks nation does. I think at the half way point this NBA season people will understand the move more

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