Looks like Louisville is going to hire Bobby Petrino | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Looks like Louisville is going to hire Bobby Petrino

Pitino & Petrino. Both coaches do well on the field/court but are greaseballs off the field/court. Sounds like a perfect fit for Louisville.

Oh and it rhymes too. Could help jumpstart the rivalry with the Cards.
Petrino the coach= excellent
Petrino the man= cretin

I will take HCSS any day, thank you.

I guess Louisville will have to get rid of #1 and #2 with Bobby Petrino as coach.

I guess Louisville will have to get rid of #1 and #2 with Bobby Petrino as coach.

Lou Loomis: What's the sign say?
Angie D'Annunzio: No bare feet.
Lou Loomis: What's THAT sign say?
Angie D'Annunzio: No fighting.
Lou Loomis: What's that mean?
Angie D'Annunzio: No fighting.
Lou Loomis: You owe me one gumball machine. What's that candy wrapper doing there? Well don't you see it? Well pick it up!

Bad news for the ACC ... that eventually includes Louisville too.

The Firing

If I'm recruiting against Louisville I would make sure the candidate and the candidates family are aware of this video.

If they choose Petrino over Shafer then they deserve the guidance their children will then be given by this individual.

Question to those of you with children, who would you choose for your child's mentor and role model?
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The Firing

If I'm recruiting against Louisville I would make sure the candidate and the candidates family are aware of this video.

If they choose Petrino over Shafer then they deserve the guidance their children will then be given by this individual.

Question to those of you with children, who would you choose for your child's mentor and role model?

Your logic is sound but as sleazy as the guy is he wins games and we (The ACC) need high profile coaches who have proven at just about every stop he can win. His offensive schemes will be fun to watch and the ACC (specifically the Atlantic Division) needs strong teams in order to ensure the strength of schedule is as attractive as possible. Agree with you that I'd rather not have my son play for the man but if I am 18 and a 4* QB making most likely what will be the biggest decision of my life (at that time) then I go with Petrino all day…

Did not mean for this subject to be my first post on your board BTW.

Long time Clemson fan (attended The Citadel for military reasons) who was excited about the addition of the ‘Cuse joining the ACC. I have not been on your board much since our meeting but have found the majority of the discussions to fairly engaging as well as your subscribers to be knowledgeable about not only your program but College Football in general. It’s been enjoyable to see the excitement most of the subscribers have had in becoming part of the ACC and I hope the relationship proves to be mutually beneficial for both the ACC and the Syracuse program.

I trust most would not have an issue from me dropping by from time to time to engage in some educated discussions regarding your football program as I have an interest in our cousins from up North. Hated I missed the chance to visit your fair city this past year for the game but for those of you who plan on making the trip down to the Valley later this year I wish you safe travels and believe yall will enjoy the hospitality.
I would wish you good luck with your basketball season but doubt yall need much of it. As for me and most of the Tiger family we’re already counting down the days till Spring practice starts ;-)
When I heard it last night I felt bad for Louisville, but I wish them well as long as its not at Syracuse expense. I am shocked though that Jurich hired Petrino over Colorado State coach Jim McElwain, Michigan State defensive coordinator Pat Narduzzi, Clemson offensive coordinator Chad Morris. Those 3 would have been good hires, and Petrino better promise Jurich he won't leave Louisville for the SEC.
Jurich is no dummy. He knew that those other candidates would/could be good head coaches but not sure they were all totally excited about it or was concerned that UofL would again be a stepping, which Jurich is against. Plus Jurich wants the program to continue at a high level and improve which Petrino will deliver, and hiring an OC or DC may cause a temporary drop going into the ACC. With Petrino, he knows the program, he's a great offensive coach which caters to Louisville's strength, and it will make players excited (parents, don't know). Jurich surely did his homework and will ensure Petrino knows strictly the do's and don'ts.

Generally, UofL fans are happy, with exceptions from those concerned more about morals (which is admirable). I like the hire a lot, but don't approve of his other antics, so let's hope the guy has finally matured and acts like an adult.
From the WKU AD:

In a statement, WKU Athletic Director Todd Stewart said, "President Ramsey, Tom Jurich and the University of Louisville have made a tremendous hire, and I wish Bobby, Becky and the Petrino family much success and happiness in Louisville. Coach Petrino displayed a tireless work ethic throughout his 13 months as our head coach and was completely devoted to WKU football from the day he was hired. Our program benefited greatly from his presence, knowledge and leadership. He will do a terrific job leading the Louisville football program as they move into the Atlantic Coast Conference, and I am also confident he will take an already outstanding program to even loftier heights."
Your logic is sound but as sleazy as the guy is he wins games and we (The ACC) need high profile coaches who have proven at just about every stop he can win. His offensive schemes will be fun to watch and the ACC (specifically the Atlantic Division) needs strong teams in order to ensure the strength of schedule is as attractive as possible. Agree with you that I'd rather not have my son play for the man but if I am 18 and a 4* QB making most likely what will be the biggest decision of my life (at that time) then I go with Petrino all day…

Did not mean for this subject to be my first post on your board BTW.

Long time Clemson fan (attended The Citadel for military reasons) who was excited about the addition of the ‘Cuse joining the ACC. I have not been on your board much since our meeting but have found the majority of the discussions to fairly engaging as well as your subscribers to be knowledgeable about not only your program but College Football in general. It’s been enjoyable to see the excitement most of the subscribers have had in becoming part of the ACC and I hope the relationship proves to be mutually beneficial for both the ACC and the Syracuse program.

I trust most would not have an issue from me dropping by from time to time to engage in some educated discussions regarding your football program as I have an interest in our cousins from up North. Hated I missed the chance to visit your fair city this past year for the game but for those of you who plan on making the trip down to the Valley later this year I wish you safe travels and believe yall will enjoy the hospitality.
I would wish you good luck with your basketball season but doubt yall need much of it. As for me and most of the Tiger family we’re already counting down the days till Spring practice starts ;-)
Welcome! Don't be a stranger.

(And don't be a troll ;))
Question to those of you with children, who would you choose for your child's mentor and role model?

Neither. I wouldn't want my children's mentor or role model being a college football coach. That's silly, honestly. If my kid's primary mentor and role model isn't my wife and I then we've failed pretty spectacularly as parents.

Question... when I went to college I did not choose a school based on which adult male there would develop me into a man or shape my character. I'm pretty sure my parents expected me to develop myself given the opportunity they were providing. Why do we attach such importance to a college athlete needing to be "developed" by their head coach? Seems like the other 99% of students on campus get by just fine without said "development".
Neither. I wouldn't want my children's mentor or role model being a college football coach. That's silly, honestly. If my kid's primary mentor and role model isn't my wife and I then we've failed pretty spectacularly as parents.

Question... when I went to college I did not choose a school based on which adult male there would develop me into a man or shape my character. I'm pretty sure my parents expected me to develop myself given the opportunity they were providing. Why do we attach such importance to a college athlete needing to be "developed" by their head coach? Seems like the other 99% of students on campus get by just fine without said "development".

That's a great point Scooch and I agree that parents are responsible for developing their children's character not a coach. As a parent, though, I think it isn't that you want a head football coach to do your job for you, but instead that you are concerned about two other issues. First, as parents we don't want morally bankrupt people (whether they are friends, bullies, fellow students, coaches or other adults) around our kids particularly when they are away from home for four years and left to make their own decisions, because they could influence our kids to abandon their sense of right and wrong. A football player seeing a coach without integrity standing before him making $3 million/yr could certainly lead the kid to adopt a ends justifies the means philosophy that is ultimately not good for the kid. Second and more important, as a parent you don't want your son to play for a win at all cost coach with really questionable moral integrity, because that coach has significant power over your son while in college and in the future and can make your son do things that aren't good for your son (ex. demanding he take steroids to bulk up, making him play or lift weights or practice or whatever despite obvious injury and the likelihood that it will get worse, demanding he devote twice as much time to football as the NCAA regs allow at the cost of time spent on studies, demanding he let a tutor take a test for him instead of studying and taking the test himself, subjecting the kid to hazing or even knowingly allowing the kid to be hazed horribly in an abusive manner, sit the bench despite superior talent because another kid's father paid him off).
I can't believe he got a 7 year contract. 7!!
His agent's legal name is David Dunn but his real identity is Satan.
I think he will become a lifer at Lville now given the 2nd chance they are giving him. Problem is if he continues winning people have short memories and he will spin the life lesson to his advantage. Players will end up supporting him and everything will be conveniently forgotten way too soon unfortunately...
Neither. I wouldn't want my children's mentor or role model being a college football coach. That's silly, honestly. If my kid's primary mentor and role model isn't my wife and I then we've failed pretty spectacularly as parents.

Question... when I went to college I did not choose a school based on which adult male there would develop me into a man or shape my character. I'm pretty sure my parents expected me to develop myself given the opportunity they were providing. Why do we attach such importance to a college athlete needing to be "developed" by their head coach? Seems like the other 99% of students on campus get by just fine without said "development".
Not talking the primary role model of course for many of these athletes. Responsible parents, if one is lucky enough to have two or in other cases where there is one who is highly responsible is always ideal. In my case I had one parent, my mother. My male coaches were very important in shaping me. I was very lucky to have a great coach who made life lessons more important than athletic lessons. He was also a great a great character builder. A person who followed up with his players through the years. We never wanted to let him down. In the case of athletes that are going to be at an institution for 5 years their coach is going to have a lot to do with shaping them as men. Just look at the back stories of so many of our football players. Shamarko Thomas, Jay Bromley, Terrel Hunt, John Raymon and so many others. Their support system at SU is going to be a tremendous part of their lives and impact who they become more so than a kid from a "normal family."
Bobby P and LV program could never be good enough to have me support as a parent my child going to play for him. There are dozens of better options than playing for a coach who has issues like Bob.
Players are not usually going to Louisville for academics or nurturing. They go to win and have a coach get them a shot at the NFL.

I guess Louisville will have to get rid of #1 and #2 with Bobby Petrino as coach.

How about all 5. Little known fact that after Bobby left the Ville the first time, Kragthorpe and staff had to dismiss over 20 players for disciplinary reasons. That's right -- 20 players. This is going to be awesome.
Not talking the primary role model of course for many of these athletes. Responsible parents, if one is lucky enough to have two or in other cases where there is one who is highly responsible is always ideal. In my case I had one parent, my mother. My male coaches were very important in shaping me. I was very lucky to have a great coach who made life lessons more important than athletic lessons. He was also a great a great character builder. A person who followed up with his players through the years. We never wanted to let him down. In the case of athletes that are going to be at an institution for 5 years their coach is going to have a lot to do with shaping them as men. Just look at the back stories of so many of our football players. Shamarko Thomas, Jay Bromley, Terrel Hunt, John Raymon and so many others. Their support system at SU is going to be a tremendous part of their lives and impact who they become more so than a kid from a "normal family."

Petrino has 85 kids there to win ACC football games. That's it, that's the whole story.

Coaches recruit over kids, tell them to leave the school, lie to the media and take the next best job all the time, etc etc every day.
Petrino has 85 kids there to win ACC football games. That's it, that's the whole story.

Coaches recruit over kids, tell them to leave the school, lie to the media and take the next best job all the time, etc etc every day.


And I'm really uncomfortable with deifying our own guy in comparison to another. Shafer may be a great dude, but I suspect 99% of people here don't really know him much at all, when you get right down to it. People thought JoePa was a moral bastion...how'd that turn out?

If people say they wouldn't send their kids to play for Petrino that's fine. Honestly, I might not either. But let's not pretend that any coach is really there to shape these kids character. If they do, that's a nice byproduct. But they are there to win football games. End of story.

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