Looks like Louisville is going to hire Bobby Petrino | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Looks like Louisville is going to hire Bobby Petrino

Scooch said:
Yep. And I'm really uncomfortable with deifying our own guy in comparison to another. Shafer may be a great dude, but I suspect 99% of people here don't really know him much at all, when you get right down to it. People thought JoePa was a moral bastion...how'd that turn out? If people say they wouldn't send their kids to play for Petrino that's fine. Honestly, I might not either. But let's not pretend that any coach is really there to shape these kids character. If they do, that's a nice byproduct. But they are there to win football games. End of story.

It's as simple as saying that we know Shafer better due to being immersed in all things Syracuse. Enough to makes a claim as to his moral compass? No - but he has nothing on his record remotely close to Petrino's misdeeds.

Of course they are there to win 1st. But there are varying degrees of caring about the student athlete within programs and coaches. All signs point to Syracuse being a school that cares about this development more than most. And that will matter to recruit's parents. End of story.

And I'm really uncomfortable with deifying our own guy in comparison to another. Shafer may be a great dude, but I suspect 99% of people here don't really know him much at all, when you get right down to it. People thought JoePa was a moral bastion...how'd that turn out?

If people say they wouldn't send their kids to play for Petrino that's fine. Honestly, I might not either. But let's not pretend that any coach is really there to shape these kids character. If they do, that's a nice byproduct. But they are there to win football games. End of story.

Honestly, Bud Poliquin is copying the Dan Shaughnessy style of look at me I am going to be brave and say the unpopular thing to get clicks and get attention. I can't stand these type of writers honestly. Congrats, Poliquin you will get asked to me a guest on some show and get paid for it, and will get the attention for you and your newspaper.

It disgusts me what has happened to journalism in the country. Not just sports, political, investigative, scientific all journalism it seems is just turning into trolling for attention. Op-Eds used to be that place, but Op-Eds are becoming the dominant type of journalism. Also, before anyone tries to tell me I know Poliquin is a columnist and not a journalist, but what my point is a source of frustration.
What's Petrino's contract? I heard about the $10 mil buyout clause.
Yeah, Bud. The ACC is having a bad month, except for the BCS Championship it wrested from the SEC.

Give it a rest.
you could take 10 minutes and look at any big 5 league and find similar garbage -just another reason its called the substandard-

the north carolina stuff is just sec type stuff - the winston stuff is on par with the vandy rape as far as tarnishing a league -

and this petrino is a bad thing is way out of whack - we would have been doing cartwheels if we got this guy as would any program -
Honestly, Bud Poliquin is copying the Dan Shaughnessy style of look at me I am going to be brave and say the unpopular thing to get clicks and get attention. I can't stand these type of writers honestly. Congrats, Poliquin you will get asked to me a guest on some show and get paid for it, and will get the attention for you and your newspaper.

It disgusts me what has happened to journalism in the country. Not just sports, political, investigative, scientific all journalism it seems is just turning into trolling for attention. Op-Eds used to be that place, but Op-Eds are becoming the dominant type of journalism. Also, before anyone tries to tell me I know Poliquin is a columnist and not a journalist, but what my point is a source of frustration.

That's unfair.

Shaughnessy is actually a great writer but his schtick is idiotic.

Bud's a lousy writer and his schtick is idiotic.

Honestly, Bud Poliquin is copying the Dan Shaughnessy style of look at me I am going to be brave and say the unpopular thing to get clicks and get attention. I can't stand these type of writers honestly. Congrats, Poliquin you will get asked to me a guest on some show and get paid for it, and will get the attention for you and your newspaper.

It disgusts me what has happened to journalism in the country. Not just sports, political, investigative, scientific all journalism it seems is just turning into trolling for attention. Op-Eds used to be that place, but Op-Eds are becoming the dominant type of journalism. Also, before anyone tries to tell me I know Poliquin is a columnist and not a journalist, but what my point is a source of frustration.

The problem is EVERYTHING is an op-Ed today - compare the amount of media attention Bridgegate has gotten to the IRS scandal. "Journalists" cover stories that back their personal political agenda, and ignore (and in some cases cover up) the ones that don't. Least ethical profession in America (by a wide margin).
What's Petrino's contract? I heard about the $10 mil buyout clause.

$3,25 Mill a year for 7 years, $10 Mill buyout decreasing after four in increments.

As a Louisville fan, I could smell the hire coming. It helps to remember the absolute reverence the fans had generally for Charlie Strong. Sure, the first criticisms had leaked out, mostly regarding a strange perceived misuse of our offensive abilities and the Heisman possibilities for Bridgewater. What was appearing in its stead was a fairly new defensive excellence at a high level - disregarding the defensive collapse against UCF - a galling loss. But, man, his leaving was still a shot to the chops...no one - I mean no one - saw it coming at all. We were laughing at Vegas for setting 2-1 odds on his hire at Texas, lol, which now seems like whistling past the graveyard, har har wait - the joke's on us.

Full disclosure - it also tempered the depth of emotional feeling in the future for coaches looking for "destinations". Jurich gave Charlie his "Big Break" - releasing him from Assistant Purgatory and giving him absolutely everything he wanted. We all were positive his gratitude - expressed many times - was genuine. His girls were on club volleyball teams and doing well in high school, he seemed at home here. But then Texas called, lol.

BobbyP earned some rancor for his Auburn and LSU flirtations before and some of that - not all - was rationalized by the simple formula that he was that good and that is to be expected. Let's face it, he spent half his career at Louisville in the Top 10. But, yeah, he was far more ly back then, somewhat uncomfortable with media and defensive. But he was a genius and his teams played with an amazing passion. That, above all, endeared him and his results to Louisville. When the Falcons signed him, most of us tossed up our hands...I mean, it's the NFL.

We followed him later, closely, alternately embarrassed or mirthful about his trials, lol. The Arky thing was tawdry and all white trashy as hell and we had ourselves a huge laugh at someone else's misfortune, showing us all the eternal lessons in power and influence that are so corruptible. He stayed in our headlights because he was BobbyP. He had earned some good football karma with us for the most legitimate reasons and we kept that. When Western Kentucky hired him, most of us were delighted because we knew he had Kentucky on his schedule, lol. Most of us at the time thought it resembled the normal pattern of reputation rehabilitation and that Bobby would spend 2 years at Western, then land somewhere like Florida or Notre Dame or whatever. When Western curb stomped Kentucky it was one of our largest laughs of the year, last season. They were in the stand chanting the venerable, tasteless "SEC!! SEC!!" chants and suddenly realizing, "Crap, that's --g Petrino beating our butts again!" Classic, lol. Beautiful cheese.

Then Strong split. Almost immediately of course, the rumors began. It gave us a tiny window of time to assimilate all the changes. Louisville fans were pretty devastated, to be honest. Strong built some power back into the program, undoubtedly, and he had graduated 93 of 98 players he recruited. His strengths were legion and unquestioned.

Among others, I was delighted we were considering Bobby. Granted, the rehabilitation process of our national Punishment Culture demanded another year in Purgatory, but this was a trying situation and, frankly, next year, Petrino would be long gone. In retrospect, we look at Bobby's obvious stated interest and the fact that, at his lowest ebb, his confidant in the trade during his year out of football was the man who just rehired him...Jurich. They had not only mended fences, but he was instrumental in Bobby getting the gig at Western.

We had been watching him this past Summer, caddying for his daughter at her Summer events (she is a UofL golfer) and we displayed pics of him playing with this whole new cult - grandchildren. His image was already softened somewhat substantially at our end.

Bobby never really "went away", just as the good vibes surrounding Charlie Strong won't either. They both won and supplied huge, satisfying entertainment on the largest stage.
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$3,25 Mill a year for 7 years, $10 Mill buyout decreasing after four in increments.

As a Louisville fan, I could smell the hire coming. It helps to remember the absolute reverence the fans had generally for Charlie Strong. Sure, the first criticisms had leaked out, mostly regarding a strange perceived misuse of our offensive abilities and the Heisman possibilities for Bridgewater. What was appearing in its stead was a fairly new defensive excellence at a high level - disregarding the defensive collapse against UCF - a galling loss. But, man, his leaving was still a shot to the chops...no one - I mean no one - saw it coming at all. We were laughing at Vegas for setting 2-1 odds on his hire at Texas, lol, which now seems like whistling past the graveyard, har har wait - the joke's on us.

BobbyP earned some rancor for his Auburn and LSU flirtations before and some of that - not all - was rationalized by the simple formula that he was that good and that is to be expected. Let's face it, he spent half his career at Louisville in the Top 10. But, yeah, he was far more ly back then, somewhat uncomfortable with media and defensive. But he was a genius and his teams played with an amazing passion. That, above all, endeared him and his results to Louisville. When the Falcons signed him, most of us tossed up our hands...I mean, it's the NFL.

We followed him later, closely, alternately embarrassed or mirthful about his trials, lol. The Arky thing was tawdry and all white trashy as hell and we had ourselves a huge laugh at someone else's misfortune, showing us all the eternal lessons in power and influence that are so corruptible. He stayed in our headlights because he was BobbyP. He had earned some good football karma with us for the most legitimate reasons and we kept that. When Western Kentucky hired him, most of us were delighted because we knew he had Kentucky on his schedule, lol. Most of us at the time thought it resembled the normal pattern of reputation rehabilitation and that Bobby would spend 2 years at Western, then land somewhere like Florida or Notre Dame or whatever. When Western curb stomped Kentucky it was one of our largest laughs of the year, last season. They were in the stand chanting the venerable, tasteless "SEC!! SEC!!" chants and suddenly realizing, "Crap, that's --g Petrino beating our butts again!" Classic, lol. Beautiful cheese.

Then Strong split. Almost immediately of course, the rumors began. It gave us a tiny window of time to assimilate all the changes. Louisville fans were pretty devastated, to be honest. Strong built some power back into the program, undoubtedly, and he had graduated 93 of 98 players he recruited. His strengths were legion and unquestioned.

Among others, I was delighted we were considering Bobby. Granted, the rehabilitation process of our national Punishment Culture demanded another year in Purgatory, but this was a trying situation and, frankly, next year, Petrino would be long gone. In retrospect, we look at Bobby's obvious stated interest and the fact that, at his lowest ebb, his confidant in the trade during his year out of football was the man who just rehired him...Jurich. They had not only mended fences, but he was instrumental in Bobby getting the gig at Western.

We had been watching him this past Summer, caddying for his daughter at her Summer events (she is a UofL golfer) and we displayed pics of him playing with this whole new cult - grandchildren. His image was already softened somewhat substantially at our end.

Bobby never really "went away", just as the good vibes surrounding Charlie Strong won't either. They both won and supplied huge, satisfying entertainment on the largest stage.

How much for the assistant coaches? Is it true the DC is making $1 mil?
How much for the assistant coaches? Is it true the DC is making $1 mil?

Yes, Grantham is making a mill. The OC is getting close to that, actually, having moved here from the HC gig at UAB. He has been around Petrino as a player, at Arky and various other spots since he was 18 and is congruent with not just how Bobby runs things. He believes his role is to prepare an offense for Bobby to make the game calls which is Bobby's forte in my experience. He gave an interesting interview this afternoon at an introductory press conference.

It bears mentioning that Strong's buyout was almost $5 Million.
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It's as simple as saying that we know Shafer better due to being immersed in all things Syracuse. Enough to makes a claim as to his moral compass? No - but he has nothing on his record remotely close to Petrino's misdeeds.

Of course they are there to win 1st. But there are varying degrees of caring about the student athlete within programs and coaches. All signs point to Syracuse being a school that cares about this development more than most. And that will matter to recruit's parents. End of story.

Moral outrage is always just a motorcycle crash away. By that I don't mean that all coaches are doing sketchy things, but rather that we have no idea what any given coach is doing that may be morally questionable or outright morally bankrupt. We wouldn't have known about Petrino's skeleton's either without the crash. Before that, no one could or should have suggested his flaws (flirting with other programs while under contract) outweighed his value (winning games and building programs).

I don't think the ACC is worried about Petrino's moral flaws or Louisville bringing embarrasment to the league. I think the ACC teams are worried that they'll lose games to Louisville due to superior coaching and the ACC as a whole can only be bolstered by having another power program in the Top 25 regularly.

Petrino is building a great staff. Get ready.
How much for the assistant coaches? Is it true the DC is making $1 mil?
A little off topic but...Chad Morris, OC at Clemson, makes 1.3 million.
dinosaurbbq said:
Moral outrage is always just a motorcycle crash away. By that I don't mean that all coaches are doing sketchy things, but rather that we have no idea what any given coach is doing that may be morally questionable or outright morally bankrupt. We wouldn't have known about Petrino's skeleton's either without the crash. Before that, no one could or should have suggested his flaws (flirting with other programs while under contract) outweighed his value (winning games and building programs). I don't think the ACC is worried about Petrino's moral flaws or Louisville bringing embarrasment to the league. I think the ACC teams are worried that they'll lose games to Louisville due to superior coaching and the ACC as a whole can only be bolstered by having another power program in the Top 25 regularly. Petrino is building a great staff. Get ready.

Bring it on? I'll take what I don't know about Shafer over what I know about Petrino all day.
The DC hire surprises me. He couldn't get it done at Georgia and they were in the top 10 in recruiting every year he was there, what would make him worth 1 million? Was he hired by Dr. Evil?

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