Lots of questions but no answers | Syracusefan.com

Lots of questions but no answers


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
As a lifelong fan of the Basketball program its really painful to see our program struggling like this. I know... we've been to 2 final 4's recently... it's not a big deal to miss on a recruit... and all those things which are said to soothe and abate the panic that's knocking at the programs door.

Some of the things we are seeing actually seem to defy our eyes and what we are seeing. The complete and utter inability for the team to execute any semblance of a half court offense and the complete absence of any set plays. Tonight's game seemed to epitomize all that has been trending wrong with Syracuse offense over the past few years. Long protracted droughts without scoring any points.

There are many things that could be pointed to which would attribute to what we are seeing. Not the right players?... not talented enough?... lack of chemistry?... Some type of dissension on the team? among the coaching staff?... I hope that I am wrong... repeat... hope that I am wrong but it really is beginning to seem like there is something rotten in Denmark.

The initial urge is to plunge into despair over this team having lost 3 early games... ONE of which was to UCONN... and watching the fashion in which they lost those games. But... I will defer passing a final judgement on this group of kids... I still think there is a lot of talent out there and I still believe that JB can coax it out of them...or should I say coach it into them. All is not lost... but it sure feels that way.

In time... and only with time, we will have the answers as to what lies ahead for this team and what it is that is preventing them from seemingly coming together. Until that time... I'll continue to cheer them on... even though a lot of the luster that is usually associated with teams at this point in the year seems to be conspicuously absent with this group.

As an Orange Fanatic... I continue to be optimistic... although pained while doing so
The biggest disappointment for me is that the players don't display the urgency that the fans do.
I believe JB is the problem, basketball has passed him by, time for a change

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