Louisville's compelling storyline | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Louisville's compelling storyline

Jim Nantz if already working on an end of game line if the 'Ville wins. Something like, "Louisville wins to share with Ware"! or "Kevin, you got your wish"!

Sorry, I'm just getting tired of Nantz's lame lines.
No I know, just a freak accident that could have resulted in paralysis. Jennings was just a dirtbag.






Yup. Tell me again why I should feel for Louisville?

I do feel bad for Ware though.





Yup. Tell me again why I should feel for Louisville?

I do feel bad for Ware though.
This might make me a bad person... But if injuries like ware''s have to happen, and after seeing those pictures, I hope they happen to dudes like Jennings. That was a blatant undercut th intent to injure.
This thread is strange. It seems like the OP is experiencing survivor's guilt. We all feel bad for Ware and we all want to win. There is nothing wrong with that.
This might make me a bad person... But if injuries like ware''s have to happen, and after seeing those pictures, I hope they happen to dudes like Jennings. That was a blatant undercut th intent to injure.

Yessir. That would get you stomped on the playground.
This thread is strange. It seems like the OP is experiencing survivor's guilt. We all feel bad for Ware and we all want to win. There is nothing wrong with that.
You sound like an a--hole. Just like the rest of us.
By the end of the weekend, we all will be tired of hearing about, and seeing, Ware. On top of that, the Georgia Dome will be a flood of red being 6 hours from Louisville, a number 1 seed. UL has gone Lexington KY (80 miles), Indianapolis IN (115 miles), and Atlanta GA (420 miles).
They have been the favorite to win since game 1. Their fans punched their tickets weeks ago. And now they have the emotional storyline going for them too. It's going to be disgusting. I hope Wichita State takes them out.
I hate to be a pessimistic tin foil hat kind of guy - but does this kind of story and emotion creep into the ref's brains??
Injuries happen and the teams & people accept it and move on. When we lost Onuaku, it was a bitter pill and hurt our ability to compete, but it didn't inspire the team in any overwhelming way. Losing players hurts and it will hurt Louisville. He gave them good minutes, especially against SU. We all feel for Ware and know what it feels like to lose a teammate to injury at a critical time, but the tournament is all about survival and advancement. If we play Louisville again, I will feel no pity for Louisville and want to win. This is our time as much as it is anyone elses and have faced similar adversity. The game is on the floor where it should be.
That it's a good story isn't the problem. It is - that's exactly how I want my team to respond. If we were not in the FF, I'd be rooting for them (BE + good story + hate the other teams)... The question is how do you win and not be an ***hole.
The answer: be Wichita St.
Come on guys, if you do make it to the NC Game - confirming my two brackets (Yes!!) .....have a heart.

Let the good guys win, you . :)

Hey man, strap it on. Beat Michigan, first, then let's party. If either team doesn't bring 100%, THEN you're an a-hole.

Good article on Kevin from this morning's paper: http://www.courier-journal.com/usatoday/article/2044575&usatref=sportsmod

Wow, didn't realize his parents weren't there. As a dad myself I can't even imagine the emotions you would go through watching that on the tube being so far from your kid. And being powerless to do anything or even be there for your boy as he is suffering.

I hate the player Hancock, but the man Hancock sounds like a heck of a human being.
Come on guys, if you do make it to the NC Game - confirming my two brackets (Yes!!) .....have a heart.

Let the good guys win, you . :)

Hey man, strap it on. Beat Michigan, first, then let's party. If either team doesn't bring 100%, THEN you're an a-hole.

Good article on Kevin from this morning's paper: http://www.courier-journal.com/usatoday/article/2044575&usatref=sportsmod
I thought I read somewhere that Louisville has a game on Saturday they have to win. This ain't a round-robin tourney.:p

Kid suffers an absolutely horrific, vomit inducing, accident in full view of all his "brothers" and coaches. He will likely never play again. And this team found the will to carry on.

Let's leave this one alone...
I think you're blowing it out of proportion. Yes, it was a horrific injury from a visual standpoint, but from a recovery standpoint, it's no worse than Onuaku's and it's better than Johan Santana's.
Its interesting that Ware and Hancock were the 2 players that were harassing Michael Carter Williams in the Big East Tournament Finals..., or at least that's the way I saw it...
This thread is strange. It seems like the OP is experiencing survivor's guilt. We all feel bad for Ware and we all want to win. There is nothing wrong with that.

i agree, i dont quite get what the OP is getting at. the syracuse basketball team are s if they win cuz everyone is rooting for louisville? syracuse fans are s cuz theyre rooting against louisville?

it sux he got hurt but i dont feel an ounce of sympathy for louisville. i wanna beat their asses if we play them. and i want witchita st to beat their asses first.
The plucky feel good Louisville thing? Come on man! Their most beloved player on this board is #11 who knelt down beside his fallen comrade to render aid. Same guy was making "gun to the head" hand signals after hitting a three while up 20 an hour later. Yeah let's all feel good for these plucky do gooders who just wanted to have some fun and play good clean ball.
When I read the title "Louisville's Compelling Storeline" I was thinking you would be talking about how amazing it that a team could win the national title while commiting 70-80 fouls per game. Granted only like 15 of them are being called.
Kevin Ware shatters his leg on national television for the entire country to see. People are screaming, "OH MY GOD!" at their television sets. Louisville players are rolling on the floor and vomiting. Coach K is crying. Everyone is crying! The horrific image is stuck in people's traumatized brains. It's like a Terminator movie! No one can believe it.


Ware is strapped to the stretcher, still in shock. He calls for his teammates to gather close around him. He croaks, "Win it for me. Bring home the National Championship." Poignancy and heartbreak, they name is Louisville!

Now we find out he's going to be at the games! He'll be on the sidelines, urging his beloved Cardinals to victory. And they will play their hearts out for him. They can't let him down now. His sacrifice shall not be in vain! The entire country is pulling for the plucky Louisville team. And now one thing becomes crystal clear. If anyone beats Louisville, they will be an a**hole. Yes, any other National Championship team other than the Cardinals will be a huge freaking a**hole!

I don't want to be an a**hole! Help me!

I'm sure every team in the final four has a moving, compelling story but we've got to feel bad if we win because Louisville's happened most recently? Would we feel as bad if it happened two months ago? Or more significantly, if it happened in practice rather than on live television? There are two kinds of people in the world: those who allow tv to manipulate them emotionally and those that don't. I'm hoping Boeheim and company are the latter.
I'm sure every team in the final four has a moving, compelling story but we've got to feel bad if we win because Louisville's happened most recently? Would we feel as bad if it happened two months ago? Or more significantly, if it happened in practice rather than on live television? There are two kinds of people in the world: those who allow tv to manipulate them emotionally and those that don't. I'm hoping Boeheim and company are the latter.

Actually, I'm just hoping the refs are among those that don't.
This is how the story went at my house:

Wife: Who is that player that just got hurt.
Me: His name is Ware.
Wife: He sounds familiar
Me: He plays for Louisville
Wife: I remember him. Do you remember during the Big East Tournament you kept yelling Ware stop fouling Michael Carter-Williams that's a foul. These thugs get away with everything.
Me: I do remember that.
Wife: I thought thugs were supposed to be tough
Me: They are
Wife: Well he can't be a thug then if he can't jump and land without his leg snaping in two
Me: I agree
This is how the story went at my house:

Wife: Who is that player that just got hurt.
Me: His name is Ware.
Wife: He sounds familiar
Me: He plays for Louisville
Wife: I remember him. Do you remember during the Big East Tournament you kept yelling Ware stop fouling Michael Carter-Williams that's a foul. These thugs get away with everything.
Me: I do remember that.
Wife: I thought thugs were supposed to be tough
Me: They are
Wife: Well he can't be a thug then if he can't jump and land without his leg snaping in two
Me: I agree
When I told my wife about it she nearly puked. But Im a graphic dude.

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