Louisville's compelling storyline | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Louisville's compelling storyline

I thought I read somewhere that Louisville has a game on Saturday they have to win. This ain't a round-robin tourney.:p

Touche'!! You read it correctly and I need to wash my mind out with soap for that. I doubt you'll find abundant overlooking anyone, in reality, on any Louisville site. Losing Ware actually hurts the rotations, for one thing. For another, we all know anything is possible.

Wichita State was always a feel good story and I rooted hard for them against the Bucknuts. Truth is, we wanted Ohio State, badly.
This is how the story went at my house:

Wife: Who is that player that just got hurt.
Me: His name is Ware.
Wife: He sounds familiar
Me: He plays for Louisville
Wife: I remember him. Do you remember during the Big East Tournament you kept yelling Ware stop fouling Michael Carter-Williams that's a foul. These thugs get away with everything.
Me: I do remember that.
Wife: I thought thugs were supposed to be tough
Me: They are
Wife: Well he can't be a thug then if he can't jump and land without his leg snaping in two
Me: I agree
Wow. Your wife is hard-nosed! Get her on Shafer's payroll.
Kevin Ware shatters his leg on national television for the entire country to see. People are screaming, "OH MY GOD!" at their television sets. Louisville players are rolling on the floor and vomiting. Coach K is crying. Everyone is crying! The horrific image is stuck in people's traumatized brains. It's like a Terminator movie! No one can believe it.


Ware is strapped to the stretcher, still in shock. He calls for his teammates to gather close around him. He croaks, "Win it for me. Bring home the National Championship." Poignancy and heartbreak, they name is Louisville!

Now we find out he's going to be at the games! He'll be on the sidelines, urging his beloved Cardinals to victory. And they will play their hearts out for him. They can't let him down now. His sacrifice shall not be in vain! The entire country is pulling for the plucky Louisville team. And now one thing becomes crystal clear. If anyone beats Louisville, they will be an a**hole. Yes, any other National Championship team other than the Cardinals will be a huge freaking a**hole!

I don't want to be an a**hole! Help me!
The kid broke his leg. While a graphic and horrible occurrence fair balanced reporting would be the show thst Michael Carter Williams' family house burned down while he was playing in the NCAA tournament. Given the positive news we've had so far on the injury recovery; it seems to me that the house burning down is a far more lasting and tragic event.

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Touche'!! You read it correctly and I need to wash my mind out with soap for that. I doubt you'll find abundant overlooking anyone, in reality, on any Louisville site. Losing Ware actually hurts the rotations, for one thing. For another, we all know anything is possible.

Wichita State was always a feel good story and I rooted hard for them against the Bucknuts. Truth is, we wanted Ohio State, badly.
Siva has been our MvP in more than a few games over the years.
Siva has been our MvP in more than a few games over the years.

No doubt. Stuff like that scares most UofL fans - those with a brain, anyway. He's playing pretty well right now, having said that.
No doubt. Stuff like that scares most UofL fans - those with a brain, anyway. He's playing pretty well right now, having said that.
Stepped it up a few notches after Ware went down.
I don't remember the huge out-pouring of emotion from the world when AO went down? Not be to a jerk, but he was much more important and his loss was more devastating despite the fact he didn't have bone sticking out of his leg. This is only as big as it is because it happened in the elite 8 game in front of many more viewers.

So bballbeadle, don't feel bad - if we win it's because we deserve it, not because we are a$$holes. Don't forget we beat this team once already this year with Ware playing.

Thank you, CuseFanVT! I was just playing around with the storyline because it does tug at people's heartstrings and I thought it was an interesting topic for discussion. Obviously, I was exaggerating for drama the "a**hole" label. As some have pointed out, there are many compelling storylines for this Final Four and all the others as well.

I think that's why I love college basketball and not so much the NBA. I am interested in the stories of all these young people who are starting to figure out who they are, and what they want to become. We watch them come here as boys and leave here as men (if we and they are lucky!).

Bottom line: I desperately want to beat Michigan and win the National Championship! But whether they do or don't, I have ended up loving this team, and that's the tug on the heartstrings that means the most to me.

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