Luncheon With HCDM |

Luncheon With HCDM


R.I.P Dan
Aug 15, 2011
PJ Dorsey's in Armory Square is the site of the Monday Afternoon Luncheon With The Coach.

As usual it was a very entertaining hour. There was a light turnout and Matt Park said that this is not unusual as these things are better attended as the season goes on and the wins start piling up. Matt announced that Phillip Thomas was chosen as the Big East defensive player of the week for his two interceptions and that Ryan Nassib was honorable mention for his performance on Saturday.

As is his custom Doug goes from table to table, shakes everyones hand and has brief conversations. This is a very nice gesture as he draws the entire room into his circle

I sat with Orange Extreme. Jerry from the tailgate who is a lurker was there too but at another table. We ran into DCuse afterwards on Walton Street and gave him a briefing.

The menu included a Balarney Burger which Extreme had, a shaved prime rib sandwich which I had, both came with choice of fries or some other kind of potatoes. They also had a grilled salmon salad, some kind of chicken, noodles & sauce and a couple of other options. My sandwich was yummy and the horsey-sauce was a fine compliment. The beverages were the usual fair, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, iced tea, lemonade, Mountain Dew and Sierra Mist, all with free refills.

There were exactly forty-eight people in attendance, the room holds one-hundred seated. Toward the end of last season there was standing room only. I know how many people were there because HCDM did a head count and made the announcement. He mentioned that last year after the Pin Stripe Bowl he threw a party at his own expense. He asked us if we had any idea of how many people were at the party that he knew. He answered his own question by saying, besides his high school coach and his wife and some of her BC friends there were none. Some in the room said thanks for letting us know. He had told us last year that after the season he was going to throw a party and that all who had attended the luncheons were invited. HCDM then said that this year he has to do a better job of organizing the event. He gave us an injury report, said that Chandler Jones and Fisher were out for USC. He thinks Fisher will be back for Toledo but that Jones would have to be re-evaluated. I'm pretty sure he said Rashard Anderson is good to go. Doug also gave us a brief report on recruiting and said we have 18.5 offers out and are awaiting transcripts on one player. The coaches have done a good job of keeping the committed kids with us.

Doug then asked everyone in the room to not blog the next part of his dissertation. Most of it had to do with some very interesting and unusual statistics that have been compiled in relation to this weeks game.

I sat next to a friend of the Copa's and learned that Charlie has transferred to Tulsa and that under NCAA rules has to sit out one year. He has been cleared by two doctors to play again. You may remember CC suffered a concussion while practicing with SU. Here's an interesting fact, Charlie played with Tanner Price, the Wake Forest QB, in high school down in Texas.

Doug was then asked about Mike Acchione and how thrilled his dad must be. Marrone said he didn't know Gary very well but he's sure that he's very proud. Someone in the audience then offered, "I was sitting right behind the Acchione family and they were jumping out of their skin with excitement, it was a great scene." HCDM then said Mike has done everything ever asked of him. He added that when a scholarship becomes available I like to give it to the player who has worked the longest & hardest in the program, that's just me.

The team will practice on Thursday and leave Syracuse at 6 PM. They will be hydrated during the flight, given Pedialyte to balance their electrolytes and arrive in Southern California at 8 PM west coast time. The team should arrive at their team hotel at 9:30 California time.

One interesting thing I learned is that USC has not lost any scholarships, they signed a full class. That's because they filed an appeal with the NCAA and the case is pending.

I asked HCDM if they were doing anything special because the field is messed up. I don't know if you saw the ESPN article I posted the other day that stated the conditions are very rough from an end of July concert that was held there. Boards were on the field for a week and fans started fires in several places. There was not enough time, they need 6 weeks, to restore the field to good playing conditions. Doug said that the players would get spikes that will be tailor made for the rough turf. He joked, "believe it or not we scout out stuff like that, as he smiled and looked my way."

Someone mentioned that the SU San Diego Alumni Club has sold out their allotment of tickets. It was noted that last year at Washington we were well represented. Doug joked that we might have to reschedule one of our home games to the west coast next year.

Here's hoping we give USC our best shot and HCDM misses next weeks luncheon while he celebrates on a surf board somewhere in the Pacific.

Good luck guys and LGO!!!

Here is HCDM's PC At SUA, Wait For The Jump
In his presser at SUAthletics (but not mentioned at the luncheon) ... Rishard Anderson might be available for USC.

"Might be available" sounds a lot more promising than "out indefinitely".

Hopefully we're at full strength in time for Rutgers.
I'd really like to make one of these. Damn classes interrupting valuable SU football stuff ;).
Didn't we go over some stats before the UDub game last year that we are like 0-12 all time playing early games on the west coast?
Great report. Thanks, Dan.
Thanks for the report... Good info... Too bad I live 2+hrs away... would love to go to them
Thanks eyes. So it sounds like the most interesting bit of info is what you're told not to write. damn! Did he mention if bringing an audio recorder is not allowed?
Thanks eyes. So it sounds like the most interesting bit of info is what you're told not to write. damn! Did he mention if bringing an audio recorder is not allowed?

He also talked about the defense that Monte Kiffin runs and how it differs from the one he ran at Tampa Bay. Maybe Orange Extreme could elaborate on that as I was gathering intel on Copa at the time.
It occurred to me that one of our most famous alumni lives in Los Angeles. With Marrone's obsession with history I'm wondering if he will ask Jim Brown to address the team before the game? I know that would get me fired up!!

He also talked about the defense that Monte Kiffin runs and how it differs from the one he ran at Tampa Bay. Maybe Orange Extreme could elaborate on that as I was gathering intel on Copa at the time.

I was gathering intel on the waitress. :)

Marrone talked about Kiffen's tendencies at TB ... what D they used on 1st downs, what they would shift into on 2nd and long, etc...

Marrone didn't give up any info on what he expected USC to do.
It occurred to me that one of our most famous alumni lives in Los Angeles. With Marrone's obsession with history I'm wondering if he will ask Jim Brown to address the team before the game? I know that would get me fired up!!

It would be nice to have Jim Brown on the sidelines for this game.
It would be nice to leave with a big check from Al Davis too.
I'd be happy with a "W".

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