And a child shall lead them.
I smell boycott
One thing with this board back during the Bernie scandal, the general sentiment was if JB knew that he had to go. It wasn’t unanimous, but I think it was a clear majority. Seeing PSU, OSU, Baylor and now Maryland fans stand up for a coach over victims makes me sick. The Maryland SB nation site is a cesspool of support for Durkin.
I honestly hope that tomorrow I read news of the players coming together and protesting in some manner. Durkin doesn’t deserve the chance.
In fairness to UMd fans their twoforseven board is pretty even, and may actually be slight majority opposed to keeping DJD.
I followed your reasoning. As is my wont, I went off on a bit of a tangent. Sorry..Our new president is a lawyer, too. That's not the point I'm trying to make. The College Park campus doesn't have a law school; only the Baltimore campus does and it has its own president (he's an MD because of all the health sciences stuff is there). If Loh had been president at the Baltimore campus, OK. But why would he want to be president there and why did the Regents pick a lawyer to head a campus without a law school?
Even if you think he can rehabilitate himself, it shouldn't be at Maryland.
I hope they boycott. The NCAA supposedly exists to protect the players. The school is obviously not. They need to be exempt from transfer penalties or boycotts. PROTECT the players. If they boycott, and the school rescinds their scholarships, the fall out on the school would massive. Force the board to resign, and let the president fire the coach.What is the status of scholarships under the current NCAA regs? If players refuse to perform in protest, can the school rescind their scholarships?
I hope they boycott. The NCAA supposedly exists to protect the players. The school is obviously not. They need to be exempt from transfer penalties or boycotts. PROTECT the players. If they boycott, and the school rescinds their scholarships, the fall out on the school would massive. Force the board to resign, and let the president fire the coach.
This whole thing is disgusting. Protect your players, NCAA.[/QUOTE]
While I agree with your statement, what in the NCAA's past actions gives you confidence that they will actually do their job?
Penn State - It's OK to protect a child molester so long as you win
the Ohio State University - It's OK for players to sell off gear and autographs so long as you win
Michigan State University - It's OK for your trainer to molest gymnasts so long as you win
Auburn University - It's OK to pay a player's father sol long as you win
Alabama - We will never investigate anything (payments to players/families, academics, recruiting, etc,) so long as you win
I concede that the NCAA gets tough with a few schools:
USC - You cannot allow a booster buy a player's father a house (see Auburn), you lose your championship
SU - You cannot self report violations without 10 years of legal expenses to prove you did what you say you did
To be resolved:
Baylor - It's OK to allow players to rape co-eds so long as you win (Baylor seems to be getting off VERY light in light of what happened, a la PedStateU)
The trends show that the big state U's are generally let off light to no penalty (see UNC - University of No Classes - how can you claim a player is a student if he never has to go to a class that does not exist?), penalize private U's (and small directional state U's) to appear tough, but the discernment is that if there is a big state ready to back the school, there will be no penalties.
Maryland fits the big state U model and does anyone really believe the NCAA will stand up to them? Seriously, the pretended to play tough with PedState until the state politicians started blowing smoke, then the NCAA folded with no resistance.
If true, dude has serious mental illness.“Multiple players anonymously complain that the coaching staff would subject teams during meal time to disturbing videos. According to Gus Little, this included videos of serial killers, drills entering eyeballs, and bloody scenes with animals eating animals.”
Whaaaaaat? Friggin weirdo.