Bees... please. Over the approximately 25 years I've been actively posting on various incarnations of this board, I've consistently been one of the most optimistic posters on this forum. But I'm not going to get shouted down by anyone pretending that a program that used to win ~75% of it's games and is now winning >58% of those games hasn't slipped a notch.
I can't stand posters who are incessantly negative -- as you well know. Over time, like many on this board I've learned who those posters are and have tuned them out accordingly.
But I've also grown tired of the kneejerk backlash from posters who get angry about the ever increasing number of fans who are beginning to come around to the idea that things are rotten in Denmark, and have been getting steadily worse to an unacceptable degree for a span of 8+ years. And that last year's losing record is the culmination of an extended period of program decline / relatively poor recruiting.
I don't care whether you or others disagree with the logic stated above that the program is in a downward trend of decline. But an inability to be intellectually honest about the state of the program and what the root causes are seems akin to tolerating the status quo.