Except... when the D has adjusted to take away what you were doing prior, and it’s no longer working.
Venables is a defensive genius, and makes insane $ for a D-Coordinator for a reason.
Well, 2 reasons:
He’s worth it.
Clemson can afford it.
It’s remarkably easy to Monday Morning QB after we’ve seen how certain things played out.
We did enough right to win that game exactly as it played out.
If Dungey doesn’t bounce that screen pass to Nykeim, it would have been a big gainer, and kept that drive alive.
If Butler looks for that pass, maybe it’s not an INT. Or if Dungey put a little air under it, could have been a big completion.
And the ineligible receiver call on 4th down.
It’s overly simplistic to say “keep doing what you were doing” - when the other team is also trying to do things to win the game.