My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Will try and be brief here. For some reason they want me to work at work,

First off, I did not go last night. 9 pm starts on weekday nights are just too tough on my body. I have to wake up early for work and if I physically go, there is no way I can fall asleep until after midnight. I feel guilty but can't spend the rest of the week yawning and drinking caffeinated diet soda. Props to those that went.

Let's start by me saying I really like watching Judah play. He is a huge talent and I am a big fan. That said, I have been worried about what will happen at PG next year, when it seemed almost a given Judah will be gone to the pros and we will need a new PG.

JJ looks okay at PG when he fills in but he does not appear to be at the same level as Judah. Just not much of a point getting right now. Coppa seems like a prototype SG. Loved the film on Westry but at this point, about halfway through the season, it is becoming more and more apparent he probably isn't going to play this year. At all. Given he missed almost all last season as well, I think we need to plan for a future where Chance is not part of the team. I love the guy and hope he can get past his injuries but it doesn't look good here.

Cuffe also looks like a scoring guard. Not much of a ball handler or distributor. Can't see him at PG except in emergency situations.

So who will play PG? The other other candidate is Quadir and while he clearly has the skill set to do it, he hasn't exactly been playing PG so far in his career here.

He got the start last night and I thought what happened really provides some insight into what happens next season.

Quadir ran the half court offense and ran it well. Now, we have been running our half court offense through him increasingly as the season has progressed. Our iso offense that was so bad last year has also been bad this year. Our best hope to get the ball moving and to start getting good shots is to get the ball to Q in the paint and have him drive or dish. Sometimes both.

One problem with our offense this year is that the only player who is good at penetrating and dishing out to a player for an open 3 is Q. And he doesn't play much with our two best outside shooters (Bell and Taylor). So they don't get many quality looks from the outside.

Another problem is that our best (really only) inside player is Maliq and when we run our iso offense, he is positioned at the high post, where when he gets the ball, he os too far from the hoop to do much and ends up just passing it to someone on the perimeter. He is largely wasted because if he gets low, there is no one to get him the ball. The only way he gets the ball is to get an offensive rebound (which he is pretty good at) or if Q is in and gets it to him. Yes, Judah, JJ. Justin and others might occasionally find him as well but I bet Q sets up Maliq for most of his baskets. And lots of plays where he is in great position and gets fouled instead of scoring.

So the offense did well with Q in. The ball moved, and players started move too because they all know if they get open and Q is in, he will get them the ball.

I think it is clear now Q is going to be the PG next year. And he is going to be very good at it.

Props to the players for playing inspired defense for 18 minutes in the first half. Things got ugly after that...maybe didn't really play defense again until the last 2 minutes of the second half. But the first 18 minutes were nice. Did not think Bell had the instincts or aggression to get the steals he got. Maliq totally got in Post's head. I think word is out he will knock the ball loose when he is on you and Quentin was terrified of this and got all screwed up trying to avoid getting his pocket picked. Q continues to play quality defense and might be our best defender (no idea what the metrics say; this is what my eyes say).

JJ struggled some but I thought his defense was good and he didn't force much. Taylor didn't shoot great but they were worried about him and had to cover him and he contributed in other ways. Seemed to get a lot of defensive rebounds in the first half and battled the beefy BC guys well down low all game.

Shocked Q did not get more assists. It seemed like he had at least 10 but I guess a bunch of great passes got no credit because BC was forced to hack someone to stop an easy basket.

Also wanted to thank BC for electing to wear the skanky black uniform look that have been so good to Syracuse at the dome this year. They looked awful and I am not sure it is possible to win wearing them. Good job BC. Also props to Will Farrell, who might have been BC's best player last night. He is getting a little long in the tooth but he can still shoot. Thank god he kept his clothes on.
Great analysis, as usual Tom!
A number of teams run their offenses through a point forward, which, in my view is what Q is.
Will try and be brief here. For some reason they want me to work at work,

First off, I did not go last night. 9 pm starts on weekday nights are just too tough on my body. I have to wake up early for work and if I physically go, there is no way I can fall asleep until after midnight. I feel guilty but can't spend the rest of the week yawning and drinking caffeinated diet soda. Props to those that went.

Let's start by me saying I really like watching Judah play. He is a huge talent and I am a big fan. That said, I have been worried about what will happen at PG next year, when it seemed almost a given Judah will be gone to the pros and we will need a new PG.

JJ looks okay at PG when he fills in but he does not appear to be at the same level as Judah. Just not much of a point getting right now. Coppa seems like a prototype SG. Loved the film on Westry but at this point, about halfway through the season, it is becoming more and more apparent he probably isn't going to play this year. At all. Given he missed almost all last season as well, I think we need to plan for a future where Chance is not part of the team. I love the guy and hope he can get past his injuries but it doesn't look good here.

Cuffe also looks like a scoring guard. Not much of a ball handler or distributor. Can't see him at PG except in emergency situations.

So who will play PG? The other other candidate is Quadir and while he clearly has the skill set to do it, he hasn't exactly been playing PG so far in his career here.

He got the start last night and I thought what happened really provides some insight into what happens next season.

Quadir ran the half court offense and ran it well. Now, we have been running our half court offense through him increasingly as the season has progressed. Our iso offense that was so bad last year has also been bad this year. Our best hope to get the ball moving and to start getting good shots is to get the ball to Q in the paint and have him drive or dish. Sometimes both.

One problem with our offense this year is that the only player who is good at penetrating and dishing out to a player for an open 3 is Q. And he doesn't play much with our two best outside shooters (Bell and Taylor). So they don't get many quality looks from the outside.

Another problem is that our best (really only) inside player is Maliq and when we run our iso offense, he is positioned at the high post, where when he gets the ball, he os too far from the hoop to do much and ends up just passing it to someone on the perimeter. He is largely wasted because if he gets low, there is no one to get him the ball. The only way he gets the ball is to get an offensive rebound (which he is pretty good at) or if Q is in and gets it to him. Yes, Judah, JJ. Justin and others might occasionally find him as well but I bet Q sets up Maliq for most of his baskets. And lots of plays where he is in great position and gets fouled instead of scoring.

So the offense did well with Q in. The ball moved, and players started move too because they all know if they get open and Q is in, he will get them the ball.

I think it is clear now Q is going to be the PG next year. And he is going to be very good at it.

Props to the players for playing inspired defense for 18 minutes in the first half. Things got ugly after that...maybe didn't really play defense again until the last 2 minutes of the second half. But the first 18 minutes were nice. Did not think Bell had the instincts or aggression to get the steals he got. Maliq totally got in Post's head. I think word is out he will knock the ball loose when he is on you and Quentin was terrified of this and got all screwed up trying to avoid getting his pocket picked. Q continues to play quality defense and might be our best defender (no idea what the metrics say; this is what my eyes say).

JJ struggled some but I thought his defense was good and he didn't force much. Taylor didn't shoot great but they were worried about him and had to cover him and he contributed in other ways. Seemed to get a lot of defensive rebounds in the first half and battled the beefy BC guys well down low all game.

Shocked Q did not get more assists. It seemed like he had at least 10 but I guess a bunch of great passes got no credit because BC was forced to hack someone to stop an easy basket.

Also wanted to thank BC for electing to wear the skanky black uniform look that have been so good to Syracuse at the dome this year. They looked awful and I am not sure it is possible to win wearing them. Good job BC. Also props to Will Farrell, who might have been BC's best player last night. He is getting a little long in the tooth but he can still shoot. Thank god he kept his clothes on.
Given we have Quady, Chance and JJ on the roster, I'm less concerned about replacing Judah as a PG and more concerned about replacing Judah's scoring ability and takeover ability. Red will need to find scoring threats who can stay on the court.
Will try and be brief here. For some reason they want me to work at work,

First off, I did not go last night. 9 pm starts on weekday nights are just too tough on my body. I have to wake up early for work and if I physically go, there is no way I can fall asleep until after midnight. I feel guilty but can't spend the rest of the week yawning and drinking caffeinated diet soda. Props to those that went.

Let's start by me saying I really like watching Judah play. He is a huge talent and I am a big fan. That said, I have been worried about what will happen at PG next year, when it seemed almost a given Judah will be gone to the pros and we will need a new PG.

JJ looks okay at PG when he fills in but he does not appear to be at the same level as Judah. Just not much of a point getting right now. Coppa seems like a prototype SG. Loved the film on Westry but at this point, about halfway through the season, it is becoming more and more apparent he probably isn't going to play this year. At all. Given he missed almost all last season as well, I think we need to plan for a future where Chance is not part of the team. I love the guy and hope he can get past his injuries but it doesn't look good here.

Cuffe also looks like a scoring guard. Not much of a ball handler or distributor. Can't see him at PG except in emergency situations.

So who will play PG? The other other candidate is Quadir and while he clearly has the skill set to do it, he hasn't exactly been playing PG so far in his career here.

He got the start last night and I thought what happened really provides some insight into what happens next season.

Quadir ran the half court offense and ran it well. Now, we have been running our half court offense through him increasingly as the season has progressed. Our iso offense that was so bad last year has also been bad this year. Our best hope to get the ball moving and to start getting good shots is to get the ball to Q in the paint and have him drive or dish. Sometimes both.

One problem with our offense this year is that the only player who is good at penetrating and dishing out to a player for an open 3 is Q. And he doesn't play much with our two best outside shooters (Bell and Taylor). So they don't get many quality looks from the outside.

Another problem is that our best (really only) inside player is Maliq and when we run our iso offense, he is positioned at the high post, where when he gets the ball, he os too far from the hoop to do much and ends up just passing it to someone on the perimeter. He is largely wasted because if he gets low, there is no one to get him the ball. The only way he gets the ball is to get an offensive rebound (which he is pretty good at) or if Q is in and gets it to him. Yes, Judah, JJ. Justin and others might occasionally find him as well but I bet Q sets up Maliq for most of his baskets. And lots of plays where he is in great position and gets fouled instead of scoring.

So the offense did well with Q in. The ball moved, and players started move too because they all know if they get open and Q is in, he will get them the ball.

I think it is clear now Q is going to be the PG next year. And he is going to be very good at it.

Props to the players for playing inspired defense for 18 minutes in the first half. Things got ugly after that...maybe didn't really play defense again until the last 2 minutes of the second half. But the first 18 minutes were nice. Did not think Bell had the instincts or aggression to get the steals he got. Maliq totally got in Post's head. I think word is out he will knock the ball loose when he is on you and Quentin was terrified of this and got all screwed up trying to avoid getting his pocket picked. Q continues to play quality defense and might be our best defender (no idea what the metrics say; this is what my eyes say).

JJ struggled some but I thought his defense was good and he didn't force much. Taylor didn't shoot great but they were worried about him and had to cover him and he contributed in other ways. Seemed to get a lot of defensive rebounds in the first half and battled the beefy BC guys well down low all game.

Shocked Q did not get more assists. It seemed like he had at least 10 but I guess a bunch of great passes got no credit because BC was forced to hack someone to stop an easy basket.

Also wanted to thank BC for electing to wear the skanky black uniform look that have been so good to Syracuse at the dome this year. They looked awful and I am not sure it is possible to win wearing them. Good job BC. Also props to Will Farrell, who might have been BC's best player last night. He is getting a little long in the tooth but he can still shoot. Thank god he kept his clothes on.
i think Q will be the PG this year. as long as he doesnt turn it over, he's elite.

judah isnt a PG...I dont think he ever will be. He just puts his head and decides to shoot with blinders on. Good PGs dont do that. Judahs a great player...but one of his strengths is not PG play, imo. he can make spectacular passes but he doesnt really seem to know how to elevate his teammates. like at all. which is the PGs job.

i like that they forced taylor to shoot...only problem is I think we found out why he never seems to want to. what happened to his form? yikes. the team does seem to have better defense with taylor in the game and opponents; runs seem to happen when he is on the bench fwiw

what im worried about for next year is center. and shooting. and making sure the players who play are well rounded without obvious holes. cannot continue to play 3 on 5 on offense etc

props to the team for figuring out the has won plenty of games already this season. although it doesnt seem they are capable of playing that way for 40 minutes...

if they can figure out the offense, they can level up a level or two...
Given we have Quady, Chance and JJ on the roster, I'm less concerned about replacing Judah as a PG and more concerned about replacing Judah's scoring ability and takeover ability. Red will need to find scoring threats who can stay on the court.

Donnie Freeman and "Choppa" Moore - please pick up the Orange courtesy phone!
Copeland is going to be the PG next year. No question he's the best passer on the team and will continue to get better. They really need to find a 3/4 combo forward who can shoot. That to me is priority one in the off-season. And a center obviously.
Copeland and Maliq had the juice that kept us in the game, when it seemed BC was going to win by 10ish. Bell scored, but I thought Cope and Maliq in particular were really battling when our other 3 options were honestly, failing.

I missed the 1st half, so didn't see how we got the lead. I only saw it evaporate.

Without Judah next year, and maybe without Chance (as you suggest), it just seems like we will still be a very flawed team. Until we have that stud center, stud PF, & 3 reliable shooters, I'll feel that way.
Copeland has assisted on Maliq's baskets 17 times. The rest of the team combined has assisted on Maliq's baskets 20 times.
I think that is mostly because Q was not playing much early in the season. Do not think that is the case in recent games.
Will try and be brief here. For some reason they want me to work at work,

First off, I did not go last night. 9 pm starts on weekday nights are just too tough on my body. I have to wake up early for work and if I physically go, there is no way I can fall asleep until after midnight. I feel guilty but can't spend the rest of the week yawning and drinking caffeinated diet soda. Props to those that went.

Let's start by me saying I really like watching Judah play. He is a huge talent and I am a big fan. That said, I have been worried about what will happen at PG next year, when it seemed almost a given Judah will be gone to the pros and we will need a new PG.

JJ looks okay at PG when he fills in but he does not appear to be at the same level as Judah. Just not much of a point getting right now. Coppa seems like a prototype SG. Loved the film on Westry but at this point, about halfway through the season, it is becoming more and more apparent he probably isn't going to play this year. At all. Given he missed almost all last season as well, I think we need to plan for a future where Chance is not part of the team. I love the guy and hope he can get past his injuries but it doesn't look good here.

Cuffe also looks like a scoring guard. Not much of a ball handler or distributor. Can't see him at PG except in emergency situations.

So who will play PG? The other other candidate is Quadir and while he clearly has the skill set to do it, he hasn't exactly been playing PG so far in his career here.

He got the start last night and I thought what happened really provides some insight into what happens next season.

Quadir ran the half court offense and ran it well. Now, we have been running our half court offense through him increasingly as the season has progressed. Our iso offense that was so bad last year has also been bad this year. Our best hope to get the ball moving and to start getting good shots is to get the ball to Q in the paint and have him drive or dish. Sometimes both.

One problem with our offense this year is that the only player who is good at penetrating and dishing out to a player for an open 3 is Q. And he doesn't play much with our two best outside shooters (Bell and Taylor). So they don't get many quality looks from the outside.

Another problem is that our best (really only) inside player is Maliq and when we run our iso offense, he is positioned at the high post, where when he gets the ball, he os too far from the hoop to do much and ends up just passing it to someone on the perimeter. He is largely wasted because if he gets low, there is no one to get him the ball. The only way he gets the ball is to get an offensive rebound (which he is pretty good at) or if Q is in and gets it to him. Yes, Judah, JJ. Justin and others might occasionally find him as well but I bet Q sets up Maliq for most of his baskets. And lots of plays where he is in great position and gets fouled instead of scoring.

So the offense did well with Q in. The ball moved, and players started move too because they all know if they get open and Q is in, he will get them the ball.

I think it is clear now Q is going to be the PG next year. And he is going to be very good at it.

Props to the players for playing inspired defense for 18 minutes in the first half. Things got ugly after that...maybe didn't really play defense again until the last 2 minutes of the second half. But the first 18 minutes were nice. Did not think Bell had the instincts or aggression to get the steals he got. Maliq totally got in Post's head. I think word is out he will knock the ball loose when he is on you and Quentin was terrified of this and got all screwed up trying to avoid getting his pocket picked. Q continues to play quality defense and might be our best defender (no idea what the metrics say; this is what my eyes say).

JJ struggled some but I thought his defense was good and he didn't force much. Taylor didn't shoot great but they were worried about him and had to cover him and he contributed in other ways. Seemed to get a lot of defensive rebounds in the first half and battled the beefy BC guys well down low all game.

Shocked Q did not get more assists. It seemed like he had at least 10 but I guess a bunch of great passes got no credit because BC was forced to hack someone to stop an easy basket.

Also wanted to thank BC for electing to wear the skanky black uniform look that have been so good to Syracuse at the dome this year. They looked awful and I am not sure it is possible to win wearing them. Good job BC. Also props to Will Farrell, who might have been BC's best player last night. He is getting a little long in the tooth but he can still shoot. Thank god he kept his clothes on.

I'm not disputing you. Copeland generally feeds Maliq more than anyone else on the team.
Maliq moves with basketball IQ more than anyone on the team
Will try and be brief here. For some reason they want me to work at work,

First off, I did not go last night. 9 pm starts on weekday nights are just too tough on my body. I have to wake up early for work and if I physically go, there is no way I can fall asleep until after midnight. I feel guilty but can't spend the rest of the week yawning and drinking caffeinated diet soda. Props to those that went.

Let's start by me saying I really like watching Judah play. He is a huge talent and I am a big fan. That said, I have been worried about what will happen at PG next year, when it seemed almost a given Judah will be gone to the pros and we will need a new PG.

JJ looks okay at PG when he fills in but he does not appear to be at the same level as Judah. Just not much of a point getting right now. Coppa seems like a prototype SG. Loved the film on Westry but at this point, about halfway through the season, it is becoming more and more apparent he probably isn't going to play this year. At all. Given he missed almost all last season as well, I think we need to plan for a future where Chance is not part of the team. I love the guy and hope he can get past his injuries but it doesn't look good here.

Cuffe also looks like a scoring guard. Not much of a ball handler or distributor. Can't see him at PG except in emergency situations.

So who will play PG? The other other candidate is Quadir and while he clearly has the skill set to do it, he hasn't exactly been playing PG so far in his career here.

He got the start last night and I thought what happened really provides some insight into what happens next season.

Quadir ran the half court offense and ran it well. Now, we have been running our half court offense through him increasingly as the season has progressed. Our iso offense that was so bad last year has also been bad this year. Our best hope to get the ball moving and to start getting good shots is to get the ball to Q in the paint and have him drive or dish. Sometimes both.

One problem with our offense this year is that the only player who is good at penetrating and dishing out to a player for an open 3 is Q. And he doesn't play much with our two best outside shooters (Bell and Taylor). So they don't get many quality looks from the outside.

Another problem is that our best (really only) inside player is Maliq and when we run our iso offense, he is positioned at the high post, where when he gets the ball, he os too far from the hoop to do much and ends up just passing it to someone on the perimeter. He is largely wasted because if he gets low, there is no one to get him the ball. The only way he gets the ball is to get an offensive rebound (which he is pretty good at) or if Q is in and gets it to him. Yes, Judah, JJ. Justin and others might occasionally find him as well but I bet Q sets up Maliq for most of his baskets. And lots of plays where he is in great position and gets fouled instead of scoring.

So the offense did well with Q in. The ball moved, and players started move too because they all know if they get open and Q is in, he will get them the ball.

I think it is clear now Q is going to be the PG next year. And he is going to be very good at it.

Props to the players for playing inspired defense for 18 minutes in the first half. Things got ugly after that...maybe didn't really play defense again until the last 2 minutes of the second half. But the first 18 minutes were nice. Did not think Bell had the instincts or aggression to get the steals he got. Maliq totally got in Post's head. I think word is out he will knock the ball loose when he is on you and Quentin was terrified of this and got all screwed up trying to avoid getting his pocket picked. Q continues to play quality defense and might be our best defender (no idea what the metrics say; this is what my eyes say).

JJ struggled some but I thought his defense was good and he didn't force much. Taylor didn't shoot great but they were worried about him and had to cover him and he contributed in other ways. Seemed to get a lot of defensive rebounds in the first half and battled the beefy BC guys well down low all game.

Shocked Q did not get more assists. It seemed like he had at least 10 but I guess a bunch of great passes got no credit because BC was forced to hack someone to stop an easy basket.

Also wanted to thank BC for electing to wear the skanky black uniform look that have been so good to Syracuse at the dome this year. They looked awful and I am not sure it is possible to win wearing them. Good job BC. Also props to Will Farrell, who might have been BC's best player last night. He is getting a little long in the tooth but he can still shoot. Thank god he kept his clothes on.
Was thinking the same thing about Judah myself. I do not think we are the same team w/o him next year. He's almost a pro plying for us now - although he has to improve to stay in the NBA.

Who is on the radar at the point coming in. Who thinks they would be as good leading this team?
JJ is going to have to be the next one up IMO. Quadir has to remain as he almost is a very good basketball player. WE

We are, this year, a team of sophomores a few Jr's and a couple of non starting seniors.

I hope Adrian has someone out there he's following but it is going to be a puzzle. Really too bad we do not have a legit three point shooter. We need one. Cole Swider come back - 37 points a couple of nights ago.
Copeland was recruited to be a point guard. Then we got Judah and he was put in that job. I think we are much better with Cope at the point and Judah as the SG. (I wonder if that that's who Sutomcat meant when the said "Coppa seems like a prototype SG." Copeland can't shoot.)
Copeland was recruited to be a point guard. Then we got Judah and he was put in that job. I think we are much better with Cope at the point and Judah as the SG. (I wonder if that that's who Sutomcat meant when the said "Coppa seems like a prototype SG." Copeland can't shoot.)
Think he just missed the h in Choppa :)

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