my thoughts on why davis is doing this | Page 2 |

my thoughts on why davis is doing this

It's been mentioned a million times on this board and other boards by people who actually worked with abuse victims is that they often place blame from being sexually abused by their parents onto people who are actually trying to help them. All that his crying can prove is that in all likelyhood he was abused by his parents as a kid. Recalling that can make him cry. Due to his mental instability and refusal to cope he is placing that on someone else who has wronged him.

Second explanation is he is obviously on drugs and is completely insane. Those people can cry too.
My thoughts exactly. Recalling a traumatic event in your life (grandparent's death, dog's death, friend's death etc.) then talking about a made up molestation is really easy to bring tears to your eyes.
How bout another reason Davis is doing this... Because he has nothing better to do! He thought he was going to be a professional basketball player until well into his 20s. Most kids drop this dream when they're 14. He realizes his life sucks and is blaming Bernie
You guys have to admit, though, that Davis' interviews look pretty damn convincing.

He either...

(a) was really sexually abused by Fine
(b) was abused by someone else and is directing the emotion caused by that abuse towards Fine (for whatever reason) in his interviews
(c) should be in Hollywood winning Academy Awards

what you are seeing could be the result of any kind of trauma (trauma does not need to be physical to be damaging or lasting).

try this one out: Bernie served as this kid's surrogate father for over a decade, and Davis grew to love him like a father. But, as an adult, he and Bernie had their well documented falling out. Davis is both hurt and angered because he has lost the love of his father, and he has been striking out at him ever since (which is why Bernie is now weathering the 5th investigation of this non-crime).

The Oedipal urge to destroy the father is as old as the human race. Most of us do it in symbolic ways that we often do not even notice ourselves; occasionally, someone like Davis comes along and plays the psychodrama out publicly.
I just watched that interview and my two cents:

(a) Lang slurs his speech
(b) What is with Bobby Davis raising his eyebrows throughout the interview? A lot of places on the web indicate, and this seems to make sense, that this would indicate a person is surprised. My interpretation is that raising eyebrows may disguise other facial features he doesn't want you to see, like a smirk of contempt.
Do you realize how difficult it is to cry on demand like you're assuming Davis did? Hell, most actors (even the successful and famous ones) can't even do it.

I don't think it's difficult at all. Even bad actors can do it. I have quite a bit of experience with actors and with interviews. Davis & Lang both have zero credibility IMO.
I also hope that people who believe these guys or think that crying = telling the truth, voluntarily ban themselves from ever serving on a jury.
All that his crying can prove is that in all likelyhood he was abused by his parents as a kid.

Abused by someone. I don't think I saw any expert say the crying is because he was abused by his parents.
I also hope that people who believe these guys or think that crying = telling the truth, voluntarily ban themselves from ever serving on a jury.

I don't think anyone here can say whether they are telling the truth or not.
Abused by someone. I don't think I saw any expert say the crying is because he was abused by his parents.

I would add that a person can feel like they're the victim without every experiencing actual abuse. They just have to feel deserving and "know" that they have not been properly treated.

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