NABC just proposed that SAT and ACT requirements be permanently eliminated from NCAA initial-eligibility standards | Page 4 |

NABC just proposed that SAT and ACT requirements be permanently eliminated from NCAA initial-eligibility standards

Just reality...saw a few guys go through hell for very suspect crap. One was an outright lie as the guy had an airtight alibi but it cost him thousands to fight it. This accuser was all drama and stirred up constant turmoil with other women in the workplace. No one wanted to fire her for being afraid of lawsuits.

The accuser was afforded free legal counsel and no recourse for was screwed up.

Another male friend had a female who was getting reassigned for being incompetent...she accused him of hugging and trying to kiss her after hearing the new assignment. Fortunately, a female co-worker heard the conversation and backed up my friend.

I almost always kept my door open in my office when a female subordinate came in. It served me well. Only once or twice I broke the rule but I used my judgement.

If you are a predator throw the book at you but the system is rigged against most men.

Working in a small office and having input on hiring and firing...I get it.
Just reality...saw a few guys go through hell for very suspect crap. One was an outright lie as the guy had an airtight alibi but it cost him thousands to fight it. This accuser was all drama and stirred up constant turmoil with other women in the workplace. No one wanted to fire her for being afraid of lawsuits.

The accuser was afforded free legal counsel and no recourse for was screwed up.

Another male friend had a female who was getting reassigned for being incompetent...she accused him of hugging and trying to kiss her after hearing the new assignment. Fortunately, a female co-worker heard the conversation and backed up my friend.

I almost always kept my door open in my office when a female subordinate came in. It served me well. Only once or twice I broke the rule but I used my judgement.

If you are a predator throw the book at you but the system is rigged against most men.

And the way to even the playing field is to not hire women with liberal arts degrees?
And the way to even the playing field is to not hire women with liberal arts degrees?
Not all...most. Really depends on the degree, what college it came from and a gut feeling.
Just reality...saw a few guys go through hell for very suspect crap.
A few guys going through Hell doesn't justify blanket not hiring "women with liberal arts degrees."

This would be akin to suggesting that minorities shouldn't be hired, because a few people got in trouble when minority employees made suspect claims of racism in the workplace.

You don't fix the problem of a few dishonest people by harming HUGE groups of people, cutting off opportunities to them because of something that "might" happen that maybe hurts a "few" people. And let's be clear here, the "few" people being protected here are white men.

I get it, bad things happen to good people. If you can envision a world where a person is heinous enough to commit sexual assault or worse you can also envision a world where a person is heinous enough to lie about it happening to them to hurt another person.

But don't take the coward's way by preemptively harming innocent women and holding back what they could accomplish because a few bad apples hurt guys that didn't deserve it. The ugly truth behind that is that it's saying what matters more is protecting some men from something that might unfairly happen to them than it is to for sure limit all women's opportunities.

That's gross. Your solution harms more people than it helps. That's the beauty of privilege though - the "right" people got helped and the wrong people were quietly disadvantaged.
A few guys going through Hell doesn't justify blanket not hiring "women with liberal arts degrees."

This would be akin to suggesting that minorities shouldn't be hired, because a few people got in trouble when minority employees made suspect claims of racism in the workplace.

You don't fix the problem of a few dishonest people by harming HUGE groups of people, cutting off opportunities to them because of something that "might" happen that maybe hurts a "few" people. And let's be clear here, the "few" people being protected here are white men.

I get it, bad things happen to good people. If you can envision a world where a person is heinous enough to commit s e xual assault or worse you can also envision a world where a person is heinous enough to lie about it happening to them to hurt another person.

But don't take the coward's way by preemptively harming innocent women and holding back what they could accomplish because a few bad apples hurt guys that didn't deserve it. The ugly truth behind that is that it's saying what matters more is protecting some men from something that might unfairly happen to them than it is to for sure limit all women's opportunities.

That's gross. Your solution harms more people than it helps. That's the beauty of privilege though - the "right" people got helped and the wrong people were quietly disadvantaged.
I didn't say I wouldn't hire any women with liberal arts degrees...just most. My goal is workplace harmony and hiring people with specific skillsets to maximize productivity.

Privilege is a funny swings many ways.

There are many jobs I would never get interviewed for too. I accept that.

BTW, I acknowledge there are plenty of jobs where hiring liberal arts majors is smart.
If you are a predator throw the book at you but the system is rigged against most men.

Obviously we can find anecdotal examples of anything, but if we step back and look at the big picture, it's much, much harder to be a woman than a man in our "system." Less than 1% of rapes lead to felony convictions.
And let's be clear here, the "few" people being protected here are white men.

Otto...that wasn't the case in my two examples. One was Caucasian the other one was Hispanic. I was in Tejas at the time.

I'll end it here. I don't want this thread to end up on the Darkside.
A few guys going through Hell doesn't justify blanket not hiring "women with liberal arts degrees."

This would be akin to suggesting that minorities shouldn't be hired, because a few people got in trouble when minority employees made suspect claims of racism in the workplace.

You don't fix the problem of a few dishonest people by harming HUGE groups of people, cutting off opportunities to them because of something that "might" happen that maybe hurts a "few" people. And let's be clear here, the "few" people being protected here are white men.

I get it, bad things happen to good people. If you can envision a world where a person is heinous enough to commit s e xual assault or worse you can also envision a world where a person is heinous enough to lie about it happening to them to hurt another person.

But don't take the coward's way by preemptively harming innocent women and holding back what they could accomplish because a few bad apples hurt guys that didn't deserve it. The ugly truth behind that is that it's saying what matters more is protecting some men from something that might unfairly happen to them than it is to for sure limit all women's opportunities.

That's gross. Your solution harms more people than it helps. That's the beauty of privilege though - the "right" people got helped and the wrong people were quietly disadvantaged.

Protecting the business is protecting the business. Reality is, man, woman, whatever, if a prospective employee (who is a rookie) has the potential to be a problem that's not good for the business. Anyway I just wrote this as Mark wrote his and don't want to speak for him.
Obviously they aren't the "be all" predictor for college success...effort is #1 in my book. The dumbing down of college coursework is my issue.

Well there is a college for everyone.
The mistake made is thinking all kids deserve to go to college... the answer is no.

Why not? You pay for it why shouldn't you be able to go?
If I were a decision maker for hiring... I'd avoid most Ivy applicants...and frankly most women with liberal arts degrees. Cuz #metoo I didn't used to feel that way but the last 5-10 years has been eye-opening and saw the damage an unsubstantiated claim that can screw over good workers. Guilty until proven innocent and no negative outcomes for the false accuser.

And this is why you're not a decision maker for hiring.
Protecting the business is protecting the business. Reality is, man, woman, whatever, if a prospective employee (who is a rookie) has the potential to be a problem that's not good for the business. Anyway I just wrote this as Mark wrote his and don't want to speak for him.
We're protecting the business now?

Because the way this started was with a comment about thinking twice about hiring women that _____ because they *might* cause trouble for innocent men later. In this case the blank was "that have liberal arts degrees" but that really doesn't make it any better.

That wasn't about protecting the business.
And this is why you're not a decision maker for hiring.

Eh, one of the worst employees I've ever had went to Harvard. Senses of entitlement entering the workforce aren't great.
We're protecting the business now?

Because the way this started was with a comment about thinking twice about hiring women that _____ because they *might* cause trouble for innocent men later. In this case the blank was "that have liberal arts degrees" but that really doesn't make it any better.

That wasn't about protecting the business.

All that happens within the umbrella of the business. But not my post so I interpret it possibly different.
All that happens within the umbrella of the business. But not my post so I interpret it possibly different.
This is a perfect response, because it shows you're still not getting it.

You're interpreting it from the perspective of what's fair to the men. Not the women. And justifying it by saying that what's fair for the men is what's good for the business. And what's unfair to the women doesn't have any consequence to the business.

Come on.

This is some text book bias at work. It's 2020, fellas. We can be more self-aware these days.
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Just reality...saw a few guys go through hell for very suspect crap. One was an outright lie as the guy had an airtight alibi but it cost him thousands to fight it. This accuser was all drama and stirred up constant turmoil with other women in the workplace. No one wanted to fire her for being afraid of lawsuits.

The accuser was afforded free legal counsel and no repercussions for was screwed up.

Another male friend had a female who was getting reassigned for being incompetent...she accused him of hugging and trying to kiss her after hearing the new assignment. Fortunately, a female co-worker heard the conversation and backed up my friend.

I almost always kept my door open in my office when a female subordinate came in. It served me well. Only once or twice I broke the rule but I used my judgement.

If you are a predator throw the book at you but the system is rigged against most men.

The system was rigged against women for hundreds of years. Men were able to harass people at will (men & women) with no consequences. Nobody was able to do anything to make a boss stop harassing an employee. Now male & female managers are being held accountable. And I see it as a positive that managers are being trained to be more aware of their behavior.

Just like anything there are people who try to game the system, but its a minority. In my workplace, their were two employees that brought charges against their manager in the last eight years. Both were for harassment (not sexual) and both were men charging men. One manager was reassigned, the other was exonerated.

You should be mad at the bad bosses, not at the changes that have taken place because of the bad bosses.
This is a perfect response, because it shows you're still not getting it.

You're interpreting it from the perspective of what's fair to the men. Not the women. And justifying it by saying that what's fair for the men is what's good for the business. And what's unfair to the women doesn't have any consequence to the women.

Come on.

This is some text book bias at work. It's 2020, fellas. We can be more self-aware these days.

That's not what I am saying at all. Employers protect the business, which includes all the women in it.
I know my SAT score went up 50 pts under the old scale just taking it a 2nd time. No prep other than studying stuff I was weak on and testing smarter

I was lazy in HS my studying wasn't rigorous
Scored exactly the same on my pre-SAT and the first time I took the real test. Went up 160 points with the second SAT.
Better bottle that up and give it to your son.
You ain’t kidding. He’s not a great test taker to start with, which one teacher made the mistake of telling him once. Fall back excuses like that are so detrimental to a kid. He already missed his first opportunity to take the exam because of Covid. Next opportunity is September so who knows.
You ain’t kidding. He’s not a great test taker to start with, which one teacher made the mistake of telling him once. Fall back excuses like that are so detrimental to a kid. He already missed his first opportunity to take the exam because of Covid. Next opportunity is September so who knows.
If you haven't read up on it...there are certain strategic techniques to guess on some questions and skip others.

I'd work vocabulary with him over the summer. That is easy to do 15-20 words a day.
Protecting the business is protecting the business. Reality is, man, woman, whatever, if a prospective employee (who is a rookie) has the potential to be a problem that's not good for the business. Anyway I just wrote this as Mark wrote his and don't want to speak for him.

So to be clear .. you are all in agreement that hiring “most women” with liberal arts degrees is bad for business.. I’m really having trouble believing this is not only believed but admitted to

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