nassib's last 5 games | Page 3 |

nassib's last 5 games

105-170, 1496 yards, 12 TD, 1 Int, 158 qb rating

i guess that's decent.

in 06-08, their leading qb only had 13, 11 and 13 td for the whole year

he's obviously way better than I thought he'd be but I still maintain anyone who thought they saw anything like this coming the previous two years is still on crack.

Nassib's last five games have been great, but you have been correct all along about Nassib's limitations.

His 143 passer efficiency rating this year against FBS teams is only ok, barely top 50. When you add in injured studs, back up studs, and running studs, Nassib is far from top 50. No systems that account for running consider Nassib top 50. And in modern college football, you need a top 50 QB, since we are moving towards only 60+ or so FBS teams.
Nassib's last five games have been great, but you have been correct all along about Nassib's limitations.

His 143 passer efficiency rating this year against FBS teams is only ok, barely top 50. When you add in injured studs, back up studs, and running studs, Nassib is far from top 50. No systems that account for running consider Nassib top 50. And in modern college football, you need a top 50 QB, since we are moving towards only 60+ or so FBS teams.
Given our schedule and the talent he has played with vs has played against, his rating and success are remarkable. Not sure hw will ever see an NFL field, but he will get a shot. Whoda thunk?

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Given our schedule and the talent he has played with vs has played against, his rating and success are remarkable. Not sure hw will ever see an NFL field, but he will get a shot. Whoda thunk?

Sent from my Vortex using Tapatalk 2

Nassib has had pro help at WR and RB every year. He has a pro LT. Even Macky is (to my extreme surprise) getting some attention. Cuse fans blame 21 players to protect 1 far too often.

I do think he will be a third day pick though, and he will continue to be a winner and a great Cuse guy.
Nassib's last five games have been great, but you have been correct all along about Nassib's limitations.

His 143 passer efficiency rating this year against FBS teams is only ok, barely top 50. When you add in injured studs, back up studs, and running studs, Nassib is far from top 50. No systems that account for running consider Nassib top 50. And in modern college football, you need a top 50 QB, since we are moving towards only 60+ or so FBS teams.
33 is not barely top 50. everyone else can go to cfbstats too.
33 is not barely top 50. everyone else can go to cfbstats too.

39th vs FBS. If you want to say that is solidly top 50, that's fine, it's semantics. I don't think Nassib will stay that highly ranked anyway, as this is rare territory for him driven by his recent hot streak. Let's hope he proves me wrong though, it would hardly be the first time.

What is not semantics is that Pashall and other non-qualified QBs are also much more efficient, so is Braxton Miller and other dual threats who don't beat out Nassib's pure passing numbers, and there are a number of back ups who are substantially better.
39th vs FBS. If you want to say that is solidly top 50, that's fine, it's semantics. I don't think Nassib will stay that highly ranked anyway, as this is rare territory for him driven by his recent hot streak. Let's hope he proves me wrong though, it would hardly be the first time.

What is not semantics is that Pashall and other non-qualified QBs are also much more efficient, so is Braxton Miller and other dual threats who don't beat out Nassib's pure passing numbers, and there are a number of back ups who are substantially better.
33rd passing rating against fbs

27th passing rating against BCS

general rule of thump on these boards is when someone says semantics, they're admitting they made a stupid post.

even if you were right that he was 39th, any normal person would say that's barely top 40, not barely top 50
The OL improvement is a good point. Wasn't Nassib sacked some 50x once before? This year he's only been sacked 14 times.

IMO one of the biggest changes for Ryan has occurred during the season. Over the last 5 or 6 games he doesn't appear to be scared - no happy feet. He's standing strong in the pocket right up til the last mili second.

I think this has been a huge positive as guys have come open from their patterns and he's made some big throws with DLine right in his face. Earlier in the season he would've been tucking and running or just taken the sack.

Yeah, the OL is huge and don't forget the system/overall aggressiveness of the offense. My argument with Nassib, when people were hammering him, was that he was a solid QB but was in a bland, boring unimaginitive offense with OK but not great talent around him and a leaky offensive line.

As this year has gone on the OL has taken a BIG step forward and the new offense is soooooooooooooo much more aggressive not only in terms of tempo but pushing the ball downfield (deep balls and intermediate routes).

Does this mean Nassib is simply a product of the system, OL, Sales' return and West's emergence? No, but I do think it means he has absolutely benefited from those things.

I always defended Nassib -- or almost always -- and now it's fun to watch his improvement. I too noticed the confidence and even his movement and feel for pressure seems to have improved. I still agree that he's more "very good" than "great" and is benefiting from what I mentioned earlier, but that's really picking nits, IMO.
I think this is really it. Along with Nassib just getting better over his 3 years as a starter, having a functional OL, decent running game and a couple of good WRs has made a WORLD of difference.

It actually makes me optimistic for the future of the offense. Not to diminish Nassib at all, he's proven to be a good college QB when everything else around him is good, but I suspect it'll be easier to recruit and develop the next Nassib than it's been to recruit and develop the next McNabb. I think we have a system in place that will give us at least a baseline of competence offensively.

Yeah, the sustainability of this season's gains, which hopefully net us at least one more W, is so much easier to buy into than the 8 wins of 2010. You have to be able to move the ball and that has to help recruiting when you do. Couple that with the fall of BC, the instability at UConn and Pitt (even with their move to the ACC with us) and Schiano leaving, and we are certainly in a position to have a good run going forward. We shall see.
33rd passing rating against fbs

27th passing rating against BCS

general rule of thump on these boards is when someone says semantics, they're admitting they made a stupid post.

even if you were right that he was 39th, any normal person would say that's barely top 40, not barely top 50

You are correct, 33rd, not 39th. I was wrong on that one. So yes, 33rd is solidly top 50 in pure passing numbers, but again, this is only qualified passers, not including Pashall, Garnder, and other better QBs who have played shorter seasons. Braxton Miller and other dual threats are also far more efficient overall QBs. And a large number of backups are known to be better than Nassib right now, like Christian Lemay, just as pro scouts knew that Nick Florence and Brett Hundley were better than Nassib last year. Nassib is still not a top 50 college QB, as he misses the mark by more than 6 spots.

But I was wrong, 33rd is better than 39th, and it's fairly significant. No way to spin it, I had the numbers wrong. Arguing whether the cut off for "barely top 50" is 39, or 43, is semantics however.
You are correct, 33rd, not 39th. I was wrong on that one. So yes, 33rd is solidly top 50 in pure passing numbers, but again, this is only qualified passers, not including Pashall, Garnder, and other better QBs who have played shorter seasons. Braxton Miller and other dual threats are also far more efficient overall QBs. And a large number of backups are known to be better than Nassib right now, like Christian Lemay, just as pro scouts knew that Nick Florence and Brett Hundley were better than Nassib last year. Nassib is still not a top 50 college QB, as he misses the mark by more than 6 spots.

But I was wrong, 33rd is better than 39th, and it's fairly significant. No way to spin it, I had the numbers wrong. Arguing whether the cut off for "barely top 50" is 39, or 43, is semantics however.
ok if you want to take rushing yards into account and set aside rating, he's 12th in the country in total offense

16th vs bcs

14th vs fbs

i don't see how a qb who is 35th in rating, 8th in YPG and 12th in total yardage could possibly be considered not top 50
Nassib has had pro help at WR and RB every year. He has a pro LT. Even Macky is (to my extreme surprise) getting some attention. Cuse fans blame 21 players to protect 1 far too often.

I do think he will be a third day pick though, and he will continue to be a winner and a great Cuse guy.
one excellent Olineman. Don't see our WRs really make a squad/playing. Not fast enough to make up for hands. My main point is that on many Saturdays the guys on D, as a whole, have been better than the guys with Nassib.

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ok if you want to take rushing yards into account and set aside rating, he's 12th in the country in total offense

16th vs bcs

14th vs fbs

i don't see how a qb who is 35th in rating, 8th in YPG and 12th in total yardage could possibly be considered not top 50

Why the focus on the gross yardage? Of all posters on this board, surely you know that an argument based on total yards rather than efficiency is a partial argument.

I think you actually do understand how a QB who is ranked mid-30s in rating, top ten in YPG, and top 12 in total yardage could be considered a non-top 50 QB: Rakeem Cato. Or do you feel that Cato and his 7.14 yards/attempt is a top 50 college QB. It's not hard to understand how a player in a weak conference on a pass-happy team could put up good gross totals while still being mediocre: relatively weak competition, inefficient yardage, etc. Kolton Browning is another example of a guy who combines huge total yardage, despite not being a super-conference caliber QB (i.e. top 50).
Why the focus on the gross yardage? Of all posters on this board, surely you know that an argument based on total yards rather than efficiency is a partial argument.

I think you actually do understand how a QB who is ranked mid-30s in rating, top ten in YPG, and top 12 in total yardage could be considered a non-top 50 QB: Rakeem Cato. Or do you feel that Cato and his 7.14 yards/attempt is a top 50 college QB. It's not hard to understand how a player in a weak conference on a pass-happy team could put up good gross totals while still being mediocre: relatively weak competition, inefficient yardage, etc. Kolton Browning is another example of a guy who combines huge total yardage, despite not being a super-conference caliber QB (i.e. top 50).

we already covered rating, where you were proven wrong.

then you brought in rushing yards. so that's when I moved over to total yards.

surely there must be some amount of passing yardage that would make you ok with not having a running threat in the backfield. apparently being 12th in total yardage isn't good enough for you. whatever.

i don't know how you can be top 35 in qb rating and top 15 in total yards and not be top 50.

keep digging

if you want to cherry pick, cato has 32 td. that's 5th. that offsets his average YPA
we already covered rating, where you were proven wrong.

then you brought in rushing yards. so that's when I moved over to total yards.

surely there must be some amount of passing yardage that would make you ok with not having a running threat in the backfield. apparently being 12th in total yardage isn't good enough for you. whatever.

i don't know how you can be top 35 in qb rating and top 15 in total yards and not be top 50.

keep digging

I mistakenly said Nassib was 39th among qualified passers against FBS, when he was 33rd. That doesn't make my statement that Casey Pashall, Braxton Miller, and Devin Garder are better QBs wrong, despite not qualifying or not ranking better than Nassib. Similarly, I am correct that Cuse fans generally cannot name 50 college QBs, so they are not aware of Christian Lemay, Kevin Hogan, and the many other QBs who are already better than Nassib, just as they did not know who Brett Hundley, Nick Florence, et al were last year.

Surely you know that efficiency is more important that gross yardage, especially against relatively weak competition, on a team with a 6-5 record that ranks 65th in scoring offense. So you are saying Cato and Browning are top 50 QBs because they have good gross yardage totals?

The more obvious point, is that transiently appearing in the top 40 in qualified passer rating is not rock-solid proof that a QB is one of the best 50 QBs in college football. This is the exact same mistake many fans made last year, when they berated me for saying Nassib wasn't top 50 (during a hot streak), and he finished the year ranked #65. No one who was wrong then is admitting that they were wrong, and of course none of the Mod brown-nosers are admitting that I was correct last year. So then, the myopia continues.
I mistakenly said Nassib was 39th among qualified passers against FBS, when he was 33rd. That doesn't make my statement that Casey Pashall, Braxton Miller, and Devin Garder are better QBs wrong, despite not qualifying or not ranking better than Nassib. Similarly, I am correct that Cuse fans generally cannot name 50 college QBs, so they are not aware of Christian Lemay, Kevin Hogan, and the many other QBs who are already better than Nassib, just as they did not know who Brett Hundley, Nick Florence, et al were last year.

Surely you know that efficiency is more important that gross yardage, especially against relatively weak competition, on a team with a 6-5 record that ranks 65th in scoring offense. So you are saying Cato and Browning are top 50 QBs because they have good gross yardage totals?

The more obvious point, is that transiently appearing in the top 40 in qualified passer rating is not rock-solid proof that a QB is one of the best 50 QBs in college football. This is the exact same mistake many fans made last year, when they berated me for saying Nassib wasn't top 50 (during a hot streak), and he finished the year ranked #65. No one who was wrong then is admitting that they were wrong, and of course none of the Mod brown-nosers are admitting that I was correct last year. So then, the myopia continues.
you're a terrible poster.

i agree that just being top 40 in passer rating doesn't neccessarily make you top 50. of course you'd rather have a guy with 1000 more yards rushing just behind you in passer rating is

I think being top 35 in passer rating and top 15 in total yards does make you top 50.
FFCC is just the worst among all posters, not just qualified posters. We have the stats to back it up.
you're a terrible poster.

i agree that just being top 40 in passer rating doesn't neccessarily make you top 50. of course you'd rather have a guy with 1000 more yards rushing just behind you in passer rating is

I think being top 35 in passer rating and top 15 in total yards does make you top 50.

that's completely arbitrary, and it means Rakeen Cato and Browning are both top 50 QB. Infact, you must rate Cato even higher, he is top 3 in total yards.

I'm a pro evaluator, I could obviously not care less about whether you think I'm a good poster.

Will you at least admit that my post from last year was correct, and that Nassib was clearly not a top 50 QB last year? Consider the vitriol I got for that post last year: its the same people by and large, making the same arguments. I was correct you respect your intellect enough to admit that I was correct last year?

I hope Nassib plays great the rest of the year, I seriously do. More likely, however, he is due for some regression, and will end the year with a passer efficiency rating that undermines your arbitrary "top 35 in rating + top 15 in total yards = top 50" formula.
that's completely arbitrary, and it means Rakeen Cato and Browning are both top 50 QB. Infact, you must rate Cato even higher, he is top 3 in total yards.

I'm a pro evaluator, I could obviously not care less about whether you think I'm a good poster.
You sure do spend a lot of time replying and debating for someone who doesn't care what others think of his opinion.
Nassib's last five games have been great, but you have been correct all along about Nassib's limitations.

His 143 passer efficiency rating this year against FBS teams is only ok, barely top 50. When you add in injured studs, back up studs, and running studs, Nassib is far from top 50. No systems that account for running consider Nassib top 50. And in modern college football, you need a top 50 QB, since we are moving towards only 60+ or so FBS teams.

Same ridiculous point.

The one that looks like it was deleted is one of the worst posts ever. And that's saying something for this place.

He's a QB running a balanced, no huddle, uptempo system. There is so much more to doing the job than QB rating. How about intelligence, poise, knowing the offense, the ability to read defenses and audible. He's old school, he doesn't need to be the best athlete on the field to be effective. He's playing the position at a very high level.

And who cares about not being a great runner, that's not a featured part of his job description, but when he has had to run he has been effective and moved the sticks in big spots.

Best QB in the BE, top 5 in school history, 12th in total offense, 8 in passing yds per game, 21st in TD's.

He's led two 80 yd 4th Q comebacks in the last 2 minutes in the last four games. He's had 6 300 plus yd games in 11 so far this year.

Least mobile QB, he's been sacked 14 times on 435 pass plays(and that doesn't count plays when he's pulled it down and gained a couple of yards).

You really think there is a legitimate argument to be made based on people who don't play. Seriously, who does that?
Nassib has had pro help at WR and RB every year. He has a pro LT. Even Macky is (to my extreme surprise) getting some attention. Cuse fans blame 21 players to protect 1 far too often.

I do think he will be a third day pick though, and he will continue to be a winner and a great Cuse guy.

And every other QB that plays the game doesn't have high end players at other positions. I guess Geno Smith is out there playing with a bunch of D3 guys. Barkley is throwing to 5-6 shrimps that run 4.9s.


This is the FIRST year that there has been a cohesive well performing line. This is the first year that the WR unit has been stable and healthy all year. And guess what, he is shredding defenses.
I mistakenly said Nassib was 39th among qualified passers against FBS, when he was 33rd. That doesn't make my statement that Casey Pashall, Braxton Miller, and Devin Garder are better QBs wrong, despite not qualifying or not ranking better than Nassib. Similarly, I am correct that Cuse fans generally cannot name 50 college QBs, so they are not aware of Christian Lemay, Kevin Hogan, and the many other QBs who are already better than Nassib, just as they did not know who Brett Hundley, Nick Florence, et al were last year.

Surely you know that efficiency is more important that gross yardage, especially against relatively weak competition, on a team with a 6-5 record that ranks 65th in scoring offense. So you are saying Cato and Browning are top 50 QBs because they have good gross yardage totals?

The more obvious point, is that transiently appearing in the top 40 in qualified passer rating is not rock-solid proof that a QB is one of the best 50 QBs in college football. This is the exact same mistake many fans made last year, when they berated me for saying Nassib wasn't top 50 (during a hot streak), and he finished the year ranked #65. No one who was wrong then is admitting that they were wrong, and of course none of the Mod brown-nosers are admitting that I was correct last year. So then, the myopia continues.

When you have Milly go to this extent to defend Nassib you have to know you are out of your freaking mind.
It's an odd day when Millhouse is the one arguing FOR ryan nassib.
I mistakenly said Nassib was 39th among qualified passers against FBS, when he was 33rd. That doesn't make my statement that Casey Pashall, Braxton Miller, and Devin Garder are better QBs wrong, despite not qualifying or not ranking better than Nassib. Similarly, I am correct that Cuse fans generally cannot name 50 college QBs, so they are not aware of Christian Lemay, Kevin Hogan, and the many other QBs who are already better than Nassib, just as they did not know who Brett Hundley, Nick Florence, et al were last year.

Surely you know that efficiency is more important that gross yardage, especially against relatively weak competition, on a team with a 6-5 record that ranks 65th in scoring offense. So you are saying Cato and Browning are top 50 QBs because they have good gross yardage totals?

The more obvious point, is that transiently appearing in the top 40 in qualified passer rating is not rock-solid proof that a QB is one of the best 50 QBs in college football. This is the exact same mistake many fans made last year, when they berated me for saying Nassib wasn't top 50 (during a hot streak), and he finished the year ranked #65. No one who was wrong then is admitting that they were wrong, and of course none of the Mod brown-nosers are admitting that I was correct last year. So then, the myopia continues.

They only Lemay that matters is Curtis, and he threw more bombs than any guy you can ever mention
I mistakenly said Nassib was 39th among qualified passers against FBS, when he was 33rd. That doesn't make my statement that Casey Pashall, Braxton Miller, and Devin Garder are better QBs wrong, despite not qualifying or not ranking better than Nassib. Similarly, I am correct that Cuse fans generally cannot name 50 college QBs, so they are not aware of Christian Lemay, Kevin Hogan, and the many other QBs who are already better than Nassib, just as they did not know who Brett Hundley, Nick Florence, et al were last year.

Surely you know that efficiency is more important that gross yardage, especially against relatively weak competition, on a team with a 6-5 record that ranks 65th in scoring offense. So you are saying Cato and Browning are top 50 QBs because they have good gross yardage totals?

The more obvious point, is that transiently appearing in the top 40 in qualified passer rating is not rock-solid proof that a QB is one of the best 50 QBs in college football. This is the exact same mistake many fans made last year, when they berated me for saying Nassib wasn't top 50 (during a hot streak), and he finished the year ranked #65. No one who was wrong then is admitting that they were wrong, and of course none of the Mod brown-nosers are admitting that I was correct last year. So then, the myopia continues.

You do realize that Sales didn't play all of last year and that Provo and Lemon were playing very hurt the second half of the year. Who was he supposed to throw the ball to? Not a whole lot of NFL talent at WR and RB last year.
that's completely arbitrary, and it means Rakeen Cato and Browning are both top 50 QB. Infact, you must rate Cato even higher, he is top 3 in total yards.

I'm a pro evaluator, I could obviously not care less about whether you think I'm a good poster.

Will you at least admit that my post from last year was correct, and that Nassib was clearly not a top 50 QB last year? Consider the vitriol I got for that post last year: its the same people by and large, making the same arguments. I was correct you respect your intellect enough to admit that I was correct last year?

I hope Nassib plays great the rest of the year, I seriously do. More likely, however, he is due for some regression, and will end the year with a passer efficiency rating that undermines your arbitrary "top 35 in rating + top 15 in total yards = top 50" formula.

You're a pro evaluator, you have got to be kidding.
FFCC is just the worst among all posters, not just qualified posters. We have the stats to back it up.
I just googled this FFCC character and came up with this....scouting analysis in tow:


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