umm, no he didn't
Yeah, he’s counting club baseball. I don’t think it’s a big deal.Neal was born in 1966 , Listen around the 2 Minute Mark about his College Baseball experience . Hmmm
last SU Team in 1972 unless he counts club baseball
In fact, I think he's saying he gave up getting school paid for in order to attend SU for the theater school and play club baseball while picking up his own tab.Yeah, he’s counting club baseball. I don’t think it’s a big deal.
Long story how he and I met. Not worth repeating considering he is a public figure.Neal was born in 1966 , Listen around the 2 Minute Mark about his College Baseball experience . Hmmm
last SU Team in 1972 unless he counts club baseball
I’ve read he got really close to Buck Compton.He seems genuinely committed to the idea that Band of Brothers is a quasi-historical artifact and also honored by playing a real guy who made heroic sacrifices. As far as you can ever tell with an actor, he seems very humble and respectful. In that light I don’t see him trying to pass off anything as more than it was. But who knows. He was outstanding in the series that is for sure.