I could see Richards playing LB in this system and I'd bet Dawson is at least 25lbs heavier after a year in the S&C program.If Bear and Black are the DEnds then I think you have to go Harper in the middle at 300lbs. My guess is that Bear mans the middle with Black (270) and Jonathan (255) on the outside. Harper spells Beat.
Who backs up the Ends? Tuazama (250) Munoz (255), and Rondi (255) seem like the best bets. Caleb Okechukwu (261) is a wildcard. Hope he's back for Spring. If not, then at what point is he a medical DQ.
After those guys we go really light. Richards (230), Dawson (240), Linton (215) and Goulebourne (200). The latter two might have to play OLB.
Really curious to see the spring roster and what kind of weight some of these guys have put on.