As I said before, nutrition is the biggest thing. H.s. Kids need to Eat pretty basic. Most middle to high protein, good carb, and good fat for kids is gonna work. As u get to d-1 levels u need, a expert to decide what food works for u and what doesn’t. I see too many changes as in up weight then down then up again. Look u need an olinemen to add muscle, u have great protein, low to medium carbs such as sweet potatoes, low glycemic fruits, and a lot of veges that are organic. Now a speed guy who has a super fast metabolism needs same protein with a bit more good fat in it, a lot of veges but also a bit higher glycemic index carbs, but not a ton. U can use more nanas, guacamole, olive oil, and such but at a higher caloric amount. If he needs strength but not size, it needs to be more in the 50 carbs, 30 percent protein, and 20 percent great fat. It’s a total individual thing that they need to cooperate with the coaches to find what each person needs. It’s a science. We need help bad in this area. I ain’t even talked about the lifting part. I hope we hit a home run with the food part. Kids shouldn’t be complaining or parents. I’m being picky I know and not everyone with a weight program can turn into a nose guard lmfao. 6-0. Go cus.