New Update (Sorry folks its now a waiting game) | Page 6 |

New Update (Sorry folks its now a waiting game)

Townie - I have never played the I know someone card yet. However, should we not be a little concerned that our HC is interviewing. I don't get paid doing this and I know I was going to catch a lot of flack for posting what I was told I could post.

I certainly hope my source has it all wrong or what needs correcting gets corrected. I don't think we will ever know because HCDM is such a professional. But to sit back and say virtually nothing while your HC interviews is wrong too.
I'd hate to lose HCDM obviously, mostly because the falsehood of his- "This is my dream job" quote would be exposed.
In today's college athletics, the Boeheim's of the world are just no longer possible...something I still believed when we first hired HCDM.
In any case, if we survived GRob and Frank Maloney, we can survive anything. :(
Townie - I have never played the I know someone card yet. However, should we not be a little concerned that our HC is interviewing. I don't get paid doing this and I know I was going to catch a lot of flack for posting what I was told I could post.

I certainly hope my source has it all wrong or what needs correcting gets corrected. I don't think we will ever know because HCDM is such a professional. But to sit back and say virtually nothing while your HC interviews is wrong too.

His interviewing is a fact.

But his motives and frustrations and the rest of it are pure speculation.

How many people --- in the world --- know your plans, frustrations, hopes, dreams? How much of that do you share?

I. myself, would prefer to sit back and watch what happens.An interview is not an offer.

I'm sure that Marrone's interviewing has piqued the attention of Gross, Cantor, and the BOT. They are no doubt telling them they love him and want him to stay. But there's a limit on what they can do. They are not going to pay him NFL money.

I have people that worked for me that were offered jobs by others that paid a lot more money. Sometimes it was a good deal. Other times these offers were fraught with risk. Marrone is still a relatively young man.
I'd hate to lose HCDM obviously, mostly because the falsehood of his- "This is my dream job" quote would be exposed.
In today's college athletics, the Boeheim's of the world are just no longer possible...something I still believed when we first hired HCDM.
In any case, if we survived GRob and Frank Maloney, we can survive anything. :(

I have written this before.

How does one get from the statement "This is my dream job" to "I'll never leave this job"?????

What you are doing Doc, is to interpret what Marrone meant by "This is my dream job" and then calling Marrone a potential hypocrite --- a liar, no less --- for not sticking to your interpretation of what he meant when he said, "This is my dream job".

Many years ago, we built our "dream house" almost driving our selves and our contractor crazy in the process. That was three houses ago.
We aren't now and never have been a consistent top 25 program, at the best we were from 1957-1967 a top 40 with a few top 25's and a national championship.
The BOT botched this beginning in the 90's when they allowed Buzz and Jake to transfer money from athletics to the general fund. The whole death spiral could have been avoided if the Athletics department was allowed to keep the profits they generated and invest them where improvements were needed. Instead dumb and dumber were allowed to drive the program into the ground.
I have written this before.

How does one get from the statement "This is my dream job" to "I'll never leave this job"?????

What you are doing Doc, is to interpret what Marrone meant by "This is my dream job" and then calling Marrone a potential hypocrite --- a liar, no less --- for not sticking to your interpretation of what he meant when he said, "This is my dream job".

Many years ago, we built our "dream house" almost driving our selves and our contractor crazy in the process. That was three houses ago.
Townie, this was a great post and I love the way you illustrated context.
Well said.
I worked at large corporations my whole life. When I got to a high enough position to actually know what the strategy was and what the politics were, I was shocked at how many rumors were either baseless or were at best based on a partial truth. But the rumors lived on because people love to tell them and pass them along.


There are things I've seen here presented as "insider knowledge" about the few things I know a little bit about that are just flat-out laughably wrong.

I'm always skeptical when people start projecting motives.
Townie - I have never played the I know someone card yet. However, should we not be a little concerned that our HC is interviewing. I don't get paid doing this and I know I was going to catch a lot of flack for posting what I was told I could post.

I certainly hope my source has it all wrong or what needs correcting gets corrected. I don't think we will ever know because HCDM is such a professional. But to sit back and say virtually nothing while your HC interviews is wrong too.

If he is interviewing, so what?! People interview for any number reasons, not just to look for a new job. Some people interview with places they know they will either never get a job with or will accept a job with that place, just for interviewing practice. I did this before I retired from the military. Others interview to get an idea of their "market worth", they interview and if they get an offer it gives them idea of what they worth on/in a particular market. Other interview to use that as leverage with their current employers to get something from them. This by no means that the person wants to leave their current position. So proclaim that HCDM is interviewing to take take a job if offered is way pre-mature in my opnion. Also, to say he is interviewing because he is disgruntled is a bit careless, no one except for him, his family and close friends know this exactly. To same some second-hand source is claiming this is very suspect in my opnion and I take with a grain of salt. Also, I would have more faith in what people like CTO have to say on this than some "second-hand" source, as people like CTO probably know a lot more of what is going on...

We know he is interviewing, great, good for him, that means people are interested and have recognized his accomplishments, however that DOES NOT mean he is leaving. So, all these threads specualting on who the coach will be, etc. is way pre-mature. People need to relax, calm down and wait and see what happens.

Also, you keep saying things about catching a lot of flak and daring the mods to delete your stuff...just post your "inside" info or whatever and please stop playing the martyr's already old!!
Oh please get of your high horse. It is quite uncommon for a mod to specifically start a new thread to counter a thread they don't like. My reaction - just in the original and counter thread - was to state the obvious - don't post a counter thread just delete original as they normally do.

Time will tell whether or not Marrone stays or goes - like I posted at the start of this thread. It is now a waiting game.

By the way, what you bring up is old news and almost everyone has moved on...
BB was 11-5 in Cleveland the year before Art Modell moved the team to Baltimore. The Ravens won a SB a few years later. You think BB couldn't have won that SB in Cleveland?

Yes...and so does well as Newsome, Saban, Pioli, Dimitroff, Schwartz & Mangini, whom were all part of BB's staff in Cleveland...
Oh please get of your high horse. It is quite uncommon for a mod to specifically start a new thread to counter a thread they don't like. My reaction - just in the original and counter thread - was to state the obvious - don't post a counter thread just delete original as they normally do.

Time will tell whether or not Marrone stays or goes - like I posted at the start of this thread. It is now a waiting game.

By the way, what you bring up is old news and almost everyone has moved on...

You were the one who said on page 9: "However, should we not be a little concerned that our HC is interviewing." Thus my response about interviewing.

Also, you said in the same post: "I don't get paid doing this and I know I was going to catch a lot of flack for posting what I was told I could post." So either you think you are a martyr and doing us all favor or just looking for attention...probably both.

You said in one post: "But to sit back and say virtually nothing while your HC interviews is wrong too." but then state above: "Time will tell whether or not Marrone stays or goes - like I posted at the start of this thread. It is now a waiting game." Can't have it both say we should wait then say we shouldn't? A bit contradictory there...

Therefore apparently you need to take your own advice and move on...
Yes...and so does well as Newsome, Saban, Pioli, Dimitroff, Schwartz & Mangini, whom were all part of BB's staff in Cleveland...

I'm confused, are you saying that BB and team DIDN'T think they could win a Super Bowl in Cleveland?

Anyway, my point was lost when people jumped on me saying SU will never win a national title. I just think the notion that Cleveland and KC are places where no one of any ability can ever win, ever, is a bit silly. Hell, we have an NFL playoff starting that includes Cincinnati, Washington and Seattle. You don't have to go back too many years to find people who thought those were dead-end jobs too.
But KC and Cleveland could win a Super Bowl with a great coach LOL. Now that's impossible.

With new ownership in place, along with other respectable front office hires, it certainly isn't outside the realm. Cleveland's franchise is one of the most storied and their fans clearly are amongst the most loyal in all of sports...the local interest and support is undoubtedly there.

The NFL system (draft, salary cap, etc.) clearly affords mid-market type teams to win it all, so it isn't impossible...maybe you do not truly understand the meaning of that particular word... :noidea:
I'm confused, are you saying that BB and team DIDN'T think they could win a Super Bowl in Cleveland?

Anyway, my point was lost when people jumped on me saying SU will never win a national title. I just think the notion that Cleveland and KC are places where no one of any ability can ever win, ever, is a bit silly. Hell, we have an NFL playoff starting that includes Cincinnati, Washington and Seattle. You don't have to go back too many years to find people who thought those were dead-end jobs too.

No, I agree with you 100% and think it's completely foolish as bad...I should have responded no, but I was thinking yes, that absolutely BB and his staff I mentioned all believed that the Browns would've won a Super Bowl if not for Modell's moving of the team to Baltimore...I'm a life long Cleveland fan...

Additional other alleged dead-end jobs not too long ago were New Orleans and Arizona as has recently won a SB and the other took an incredible catch in the end zone at game's end by the opponent, which I despise more than any other NFL team...
With new ownership in place, along with other respectable front office hires, it certainly isn't outside the realm. Cleveland's franchise is one of the most storied and their fans clearly are amongst the most loyal in all of sports...the local interest and support is undoubtedly there.

The NFL system (draft, salary cap, etc.) clearly affords mid-market type teams to win it all, so it isn't impossible...maybe you do not truly understand the meaning of that particular word... :noidea:
It was more of response to Scooch saying SU football will never win a NC. And no I still don't think Cleveland will win a Super Bowl no offense. Yes Baltimore won the Super Bowl with part of Cleveland's team, but the team was moved in '96 Baltimore won in '00 that's 4 years removed.
We aren't now and never have been a consistent top 25 program, at the best we were from 1957-1967 a top 40 with a few top 25's and a national championship.

From 1987 through 2001 SU had the 9th best winning percentage in all of Division I college football. That was a significant stretch of 15 years when SU was indeed a consistent top 25 program. At one point Syracuse had the 3rd-longest string of consecutive winning seasons, behind only Florida State and Nebraska.
I can't in my wildest dreams imagine any NFL team convincing it's fan base to accept Doug Marrone as their new HC. Not trying to diss HCDM but he has only been here what, four years with .500 win percent? I'm convinced this is simply a case of HCDM using the two Pinstripe wins as a crowbar to see if he can get SU to loosen it's purse strings a bit. He is doing the right thing, and it is what any Coach worth his salt would do. Can't expect anyone outside the Athletic Dept. to know how much these personnel raises and facilities are needed to compete in the ACC, perhaps the threat will be enough.
It was more of response to Scooch saying SU football will never win a NC. And no I still don't think Cleveland will win a Super Bowl no offense. Yes Baltimore won the Super Bowl with part of Cleveland's team, but the team was moved in '96 Baltimore won in '00 that's 4 years removed.

No offense taken...In the end, I'm aware it's all pure speculation. However, Belichick and his impressive supporting cast/staff (all whom currently hold significant/high positions in the NFL, except for Saban's Crimson Tide) all strongly believe, in their minds, that if the Browns hadn't moved to Baltimore, they undoubtedly would've won a SB in Cleveland.
I think its simple. Marrone is interviewing to show target recruits how much the SU Football program is on the up and up. In the end, he accepts an extension and commitment from SU to continue to improve the Football program, we land top recruits, and Doug continues with his "Dream Job".

That's my take and I'm sticking with it on this early 2013 January day.


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