Yeah. The giant load-bearing column is directly in front of the TVs. Not ideal. The front row couches are reserved for $1,500 min. spend. You also get control of the remote for 2 TVs per couch for the $1,500. The “everything” boneless wings and Fiddlehead on tap were delicious.
I went to point place Sunday. It’s way better setup than TS and was told YBR will be even better than Point place. Bartender at PP said it’s been dead for the first 3 days but obviously they expect that to change in September.
They are still learning the basics. I wanted to bet the final round of the Wyndham PGA and they said the screen was only showing the Masters. Lol. They claim that any bet you can make at Caesar’s you can make there. Hmm. I hope I can bet the fedex playoffs this weekend. We’ll see