Nit is a very good and tough tournament. | Page 4 |

Nit is a very good and tough tournament.


I couldn’t care less about any post season tournament other than the big dance. I’d rather just be done so the coaches can hammer recruiting and the portal. The off-season will make our break next season. A few more meaningless games against average teams has zero benefit in my opinion.
If it carries me to baseball season I am all for it. I have enjoyed watching the ream this year. Heck, let's win the ACC and go dancing. Stranger things have happened.
Saying this season is a failure is going to far, but I also wouldn't celebrate anything NIT related. I'd simply call it a season of progress with expectations that the progress must continue to NCAA bids with continued progress into top 25 rankings with top 4 tourney seedings.
You can say that if you choose to. Missing the tournament hurts the pocket book, it hurts recruiting, it hurts the fan base, it hurts perception. 20 wins doesn’t mean what it did 20 or 30 years ago. I am a fan of Red so I am not saying he must go.
A lot of that passion died over the last decade. Not only because we won less but because the style of play became "pitt-like". Red is doing a good job but it is going to take awhile for him to rebuild that passion.

Great point on the style of play. It was draining to watch those teams, a chore at times. That's why I think I enjoy this team, despite all of it's flaws. Do they frustrate the hell out of me at times, yes. But there has been some fun basketball too, more-so than we have seen.
Nope…Rewatch Reds introductory press conference….he knows the standard and stated it for all to hear. This is not snobbery…this is what we were told. We are staring at a third straight year of no March madness and that is absurd for this program.

Show me where he said making the tournament in his first year in charge is the standard...

Newsflash - you made that up.

He spoke about winning in general... He said nothing about making the NCAA tournament vs. the NIT as a benchmark for success or failure. That's what you interjected as your expectations.

Go re-watch it yourself - @ about the 15-minute mark:

Red has done a really good job thus far IMO and to call him out for not making the NCAA in the year-1 rebuild is one word - ridiculous.

We just finished our first 20-win regular season in a decade in his first year in charge. Obviously, if that's not enough winning for you in the year-1, so be it. Everyone has their opinions but you don't speak for anyone else (as you implied you do.)

And if that is not program snobbery, I don't know what is.
Show me where he said making the tournament in his first year in charge is the standard...

Newsflash - you made that up.

He spoke about winning in general... He said nothing about making the NCAA tournament vs. the NIT as a benchmark for success or failure. That's what you interjected as your expectations.

Go re-watch it yourself - @ about the 15-minute mark:

Red has done a really good job thus far IMO and to call him out for not making the NCAA in the year-1 rebuild is one word - ridiculous.

We just finished our first 20-win regular season in a decade in his first year in charge. Obviously, if that's not enough winning for you in the year-1, so be it. Everyone has their opinions but you don't speak for anyone else (as you implied you do.)

And if that is not program snobbery, I don't know what is.
Read between the lines….He said the standard that JB set includes playing for championships….hell I am not asking for that only that we make the tournament. JB set the standards…he said the ONLY thing that matters is making the tournament! Well guess what we won’t unless we pull off a miracle next week.

I am not saying fire anyone. But the jury is still out on whether he has the chops to get this program back. I surely hope he does.

Snobbery? If expecting to make the field of 68 is program snobbery then sign me up.
Read between the lines….He said the standard that JB set includes playing for championships….hell I am not asking for that only that we make the tournament. JB set the standards…he said the ONLY thing that matters is making the tournament! Well guess what we won’t unless we pull off a miracle next week.

I am not saying fire anyone. But the jury is still out on whether he has the chops to get this program back. I surely hope he does.

Snobbery? If expecting to make the field of 68 is program snobbery then sign me up.

These takes are loaded with a lack of perspective. It’s easy to unload on the staff when you don’t factor in all the injuries and then attrition (Benny). To be at 20-11 with a tough schedule and a team that looks far different than what was on paper in August and one that many coaches would struggle to get 20 wins with is a solid step in the right direction and the most regular season wins in a decade.
These takes are loaded with a lack of perspective. It’s easy to unload on the staff when you don’t factor in all the injuries and then attrition (Benny). To be at 20-11 with a tough schedule and a team that looks far different than what was on paper in August and one that many coaches would struggle to get 20 wins with is a solid step in the right direction and the most regular season wins in a decade.
Perspective…ok….by all accounts they ran Joe off and didn’t want to pay for a proven center. The staff owns those decisions which bit us hard. We ended up with shooting guard who can’t shoot and a backup center from Florida St.
The NIT is no aspiration.
It's a losers tournament...for teams that didn't make the NCAA's.

If the Orange are in it, I'll watch and root for a championship.
That's what fans do.
And, sadly, being in it would be a step up from the past few years.
But that's not the place to aspire to be.
baby steps after the last 2 years of no postseason. Maybe we follow the trajectory of the women's team. They went to the WNIT in FLJ's first year after the Hillsman debacle. They're Top 25 today and 3 seed in the ACCT. I'll sign up for that.
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Read between the lines….He said the standard that JB set includes playing for championships….hell I am not asking for that only that we make the tournament. JB set the standards…he said the ONLY thing that matters is making the tournament! Well guess what we won’t unless we pull off a miracle next week.

I am not saying fire anyone. But the jury is still out on whether he has the chops to get this program back. I surely hope he does.

Snobbery? If expecting to make the field of 68 is program snobbery then sign me up.

And you said not making the tournament in his first year as HC makes him a failure.

. Friend's….the NIT is not the Syracuse standard. If we fail to dance, this season will have been a failure by our standards….Red is well aware of this.

I revise my assessment, it's not a snob take... It's worse.
There is going to be a number of name programs in the NIT this year and a lot of potent mid-majors.
And you said not making the tournament in his first year as HC makes him a failure.

I revise my assessment, it's not a snob take... It's worse.
If I implied that Red was a failure then I made a mistake because that was not my intention. My only intention was to say that the season would be a failure in my mind because we didn’t dance. And I will be honest that this may be unreasonable but I am so tired of missing March Madness.
Perspective…ok….by all accounts they ran Joe off and didn’t want to pay for a proven center. The staff owns those decisions which bit us hard. We ended up with shooting guard who can’t shoot and a backup center from Florida St.

Ran Joe off? Has someone validated that ? Because that’s not at all what was said by the staff or Joe in the interviews that came after . Jesse’s departure put us in a bind being so late too. All that said you are avoiding the obvious to cherry pick a couple things.

Mind you we also had Judah not come back and improve from last year - somehow that’s on Red too?
Show me where he said making the tournament in his first year in charge is the standard...

Newsflash - you made that up.

He spoke about winning in general... He said nothing about making the NCAA tournament vs. the NIT as a benchmark for success or failure. That's what you interjected as your expectations.

Go re-watch it yourself - @ about the 15-minute mark:

Red has done a really good job thus far IMO and to call him out for not making the NCAA in the year-1 rebuild is one word - ridiculous.

We just finished our first 20-win regular season in a decade in his first year in charge. Obviously, if that's not enough winning for you in the year-1, so be it. Everyone has their opinions but you don't speak for anyone else (as you implied you do.)

And if that is not program snobbery, I don't know what is.

Red's first public words as head coach; see 15:00 - 15:48 mark.

“What I think about what drew me to Syracuse as a player, I think about its history, rich tradition, and what I refer to as the Orange standard, which was set by coach Boeheim.” “The Orange standard is; this history of winning, the history of playing hard, and competing for championships.” “The history of resilance, determination and grit.” “As I take over this program as the head coach, it’s these standards that will guide us into the future.” “I am a new voice, a new face with new ideas, but the standards that have helped built this program will not change.”

You are correct that he did not speak in specifics. However, IMO, one that I think many can interpret his words of "the standard of competing for championships" as meaning, NCAA, not NIT. And, that being the case, something that a program with the aforementioned "standards" being one that is competing for, more times than not, on an annual basis. Furthermore, in order to do such, there isn't any need to mention the minimal type threshold of simply making the Dance, because with such "standards" of its built "history," etc., it's an obvious 'given' type bar for a program the likes of Syracuse University.

However, as is always the case, folks will choose to interpret things as they see fit.
well you're gonna have to deal with either UNC or DUKE every year in the ACCT . so you pick your poison in semi. clemson ,pitt, or virginia. clemson no. pitt maybe. virginia is down but they crushed us early.
as for the NIT talk. we haven't been ranked all season. what would possibly make you think we'd get selected or even have a chance to win a title ? maybe we can win the NIT.
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Red's first public words as head coach; see 15:00 - 15:48 mark.

“What I think about what drew me to Syracuse as a player, I think about its history, rich tradition, and what I refer to as the Orange standard, which was set by coach Boeheim.” “The Orange standard is; this history of winning, the history of playing hard, and competing for championships.” “The history of resilance, determination and grit.” “As I take over this program as the head coach, it’s these standards that will guide us into the future.” “I am a new voice, a new face with new ideas, but the standards that have helped built this program will not change.”

You are correct that he did not speak in specifics. However, IMO, one that I think many can interpret his words of "the standard of competing for championships" as meaning, NCAA, not NIT. And, that being the case, something that a program with the aforementioned "standards" being one that is competing for, more times than not, on an annual basis. Furthermore, in order to do such, there isn't any need to mention the minimal type threshold of simply making the Dance, because with such "standards" of its built "history," etc., it's an obvious 'given' type bar for a program the likes of Syracuse University.

However, as is always the case, folks will choose to interpret things as they see fit.

Yeah, my issue is with the take that he has failed in year 1 because he doesn't make the tournament.

That was said in this thread.

I don't think that's a legitmate take at all for a first-year coach inheriting a program that missed the last 2 years of NCAA tournaments and had no posteseason (NIT).

Also, "Competing for Championships"... how about an ACC championship?? I'd like to win one of those at some point.
If I implied that Red was a failure then I made a mistake because that was not my intention. My only intention was to say that the season would be a failure in my mind because we didn’t dance. And I will be honest that this may be unreasonable but I am so tired of missing March Madness.

That's all I'm saying - I get the frustration in not making the tournament again (I'm frustrated too), but calling year 1 a failure because of it is a bit irrational.
That's all I'm saying - I get the frustration in not making the tournament again (I'm frustrated too), but calling year 1 a failure because of it is a bit irrational.
Probably is. I will give myself a time out.
There is going to be a number of name programs in the NIT this year and a lot of potent mid-majors.
They would be crazy to not do Cuse-Seton Hall. Slam dunk matchup.
Very respectable. Realistically the Nit champ is easily a top 20 team at the end of the year. The NitF4 could be inserted into the Ncaa sweet 16 without a noticeable dropoff in quality games maybe improved.
If the Nit started today, our run to championship could look something like this...@Richmond @memphis~ Oregon~ Providence~ Pitt
I know, I know as a Cuse program every year NCAA or bust. But if we are being realistic, it's never gonna happen. Ups and downs. As years go by all programs deal with it. Be thankful our down years are .500 seasons. Look at USC this year... the end of the day I write down what I'm most grateful my 75 yr old healthy mother and Adrian autry is our head coach.

You could argue that with the explosion of talent in basketball in recent decades that the NIT actually has more talent in it now than when it seemed to relevant to most of us.

It will be won by a team that wanted to win it.
You could argue that with the explosion of talent in basketball in recent decades that the NIT actually has more talent in it now than when it seemed to relevant to most of us.

It will be won by a team that wanted to win it.
Yeah, but it’s the NI-freaking-T.


I will root and watch any game Syracuse plays but gang…let’s reset here.

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