Yeah, a "seismic" 2.1 on the Richter Scale...I dont this is considered "seismic" but maybe this is what he was talking about.
If Jordan Tucker or any such player has signed a LOI with a school, the school can release him if the player requests a release. However, The player is still bound by the LOI constraints and has to sit out a year before playing for another team. Believe that there is an out and that is if the player never enrolled in the school for classes. Don't know how the NCAA would handle this.Is a player like Tucker able to play at another school like Syracuse if he wanted to? I'm uneducated about these things lol
Please,please,please...I think seismic might be what is about to drop on UNC...
anything come out of this?
You think like me. I was going to ask that. Very curious what it was/if it happened. Agreed with the OP that it was very unlikely about Cuse, though anything is possible. Glad to see you back, man. Wasnt the same without you.