Now that WVU is offically in the B12, it is time for TGD to make a stand |

Now that WVU is offically in the B12, it is time for TGD to make a stand


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Aug 16, 2011
along with Pitt. I know some will say "well they are our rival and it has been a great series, blah, blah,blah". Pfft. There will be other rivals developed. We have BC and VT back and we hate 'em both. I say that TGD and Pitt both stand together and agree to never play WVU in a sport again. They are now on an island in the B12 with nobody from their past nor general locale with them. Why play them and give them a presence on the east coast at all? Nobody in the ACC should play them. Luck can run his mouth and act all tough knowing he would and did do the same thing. Pay back is a bitch and we as a program gain NOTHING by playing them except that it "feels good" beating them. Screw feeling good, let them become a midwest/southwest team. See how their players and parents feel when all their games are a long distance. Show some backbone TGD and don't cave to the pressure of playing a long time rival.
Eh, I wouldn't mind seeing them in football every 3-5 years. But if we never play them again, it wouldn't bother me in the least.

If WVU weasels their way out early while SU/Pitt are left behind, then yeah... em.
Not sure I understand the hate for WVU. If the ACC swooped in and took Pitt and WVU, what would we have done? They're strictly trying to leave the burning building via the nearest fire-escape. And we lit the fire while Pitt poured the gas. Why should we hold a grudge?
I have to completely disagree on this... you guys want to leave a rivalry just as it is getting good again. No longer the doormat, fueled by hypocritical and spiteful words from the opposition, and now capable of bringing cross-conference interest into a rivalry in which many Cuse fans STILL don't know we have a rivalry trophy. This is the time to capitalize on the rivalry, not back away for petty reasons.
Thats a great point Musky... What's the point of a rivalry trophy that's stuck behind glass the rest of its life?
along with Pitt. I know some will say "well they are our rival and it has been a great series, blah, blah,blah". Pfft. There will be other rivals developed. We have BC and VT back and we hate 'em both. I say that TGD and Pitt both stand together and agree to never play WVU in a sport again. They are now on an island in the B12 with nobody from their past nor general locale with them. Why play them and give them a presence on the east coast at all? Nobody in the ACC should play them. Luck can run his mouth and act all tough knowing he would and did do the same thing. Pay back is a bitch and we as a program gain NOTHING by playing them except that it "feels good" beating them. Screw feeling good, let them become a midwest/southwest team. See how their players and parents feel when all their games are a long distance. Show some backbone TGD and don't cave to the pressure of playing a long time rival.

Why would we want to stop playing one of our long-time rivals? Because their AD put his foot in his mouth? I don't get this one. I would LOVE to play WVU for eternity (though it won't happen)
I disagree. WVU has always been a rival. We bolted before they did and left them with little choice but to take the next best train available. Other than Luck, they have always seemed like decent folks.
Why would we want to stop playing one of our long-time rivals? Because their AD put his foot in his mouth? I don't get this one. I would LOVE to play WVU for eternity (though it won't happen)

One because their AD shot his mouth off and yes I don't look kindly upon a senior official at a University doing that, but two, why would we want to help a team that is on the east coast when we have a perfect opportunity to shut them out of it? For the sake of playing a long time rival? Not me.
If we could get something going with a rotation of WVU, USC, and PSU... I think that would be pretty sweet... and realistic
I doubt Pitt will give up their rivalry with WVU. It's their "backyard brawl," or whatever they call it.
One because their AD shot his mouth off and yes I don't look kindly upon a senior official at a University doing that, but two, why would we want to help a team that is on the east coast when we have a perfect opportunity to shut them out of it? For the sake of playing a long time rival? Not me.

I think you are reaching there. Who cares what Luck said? It was stupid and he was obviously talking out of his a**. Regarding keeping them out of the east coast, they recruit heavily in Florida and how often do we battle head to head with them for a recruit? Certainly not enough. I respect WVU and would love to keep playing them.

I think you will probably get your wish though because they will keep the Pitt series and probably won't have too much room for us anymore. Oh well, at least we will get to keep the trophy in Manley for all eternity.
I doubt Pitt will give up their rivalry with WVU. It's their "backyard brawl," or whatever they call it.

What tangible thing that helps their program does Pitt get from playing them? shutting them out of further visibility in the east helps Su and Pitt both.
I think you are reaching there. Who cares what Luck said? It was stupid and he was obviously talking out of his a**. Regarding keeping them out of the east coast, they recruit heavily in Florida and how often do we battle head to head with them for a recruit? Certainly not enough. I respect WVU and would love to keep playing them.

I think you will probably get your wish though because they will keep the Pitt series and probably won't have too much room for us anymore. Oh well, at least we will get to keep the trophy in Manley for all eternity.

They do recruit heavily in Florida and even if only a little that we can hurt them as a program might allow us to do even better in Florida. I guess my point is, while they were part of a weak BE, a strong WVU helped SU. Now that they are in a southwest conference, a weak WVU helps SU. IMO, SU, Pitt and the ACC can help weaken WVU by not playing them. Won;t kill them off like it would do to a SUNJ, but it will hurt them. Sticking it up Luck's arse is icing on the cake.
We have played WVU for a very long time and it has been a good rivalry over the years. I hate to see it's demise.

Due to the recruiting point stated by Bees I agree with him.WVU does not have many in state potential recruits so they recruit elsewhere. That is also where we recruit. I would tell recruits if they choose WVU their families will have long , expensive trips to see them play in an away game.

I wouldn't play them to reduce their visibility in the NE. The experiences gleaned from the total realignment process illustrates how cutthroat the current college FB scene has become. I will take advantage of any legal edge I can get to be more competitive.
Most old rivals will go away if we end up with a 9 Conference 3 OOC schedule

I see us playing 1 national elite school ( we might be able to throw WVU in here twice a decade) every season, 1 midmajor or Service Academy, 1 close-by MAC school or 1-aa

Very little room for WVU, Rutgirls or UConn.
They do recruit heavily in Florida and even if only a little that we can hurt them as a program might allow us to do even better in Florida. I guess my point is, while they were part of a weak BE, a strong WVU helped SU. Now that they are in a southwest conference, a weak WVU helps SU. IMO, SU, Pitt and the ACC can help weaken WVU by not playing them. Won;t kill them off like it would do to a SUNJ, but it will hurt them. Sticking it up Luck's arse is icing on the cake.
So much history with WVU Bees. I haven't felt better after a win during the Marrone rebuild than I felt on that Saturday afternoon last fall after the win in Morgantown. That's when I knew we'd be OK. Crushing them last week felt awesome, but different. I will miss playing them, a true measuring stick game, where neither side truly cared for each other, but there was mutual respect. Owens, Graves, even the first R.J. win down there and the last two years. Major Harris, the eight year streak. So much more. We've got to move on, but this is the downside of progress.
So much history with WVU Bees. I haven't felt better after a win during the Marrone rebuild than I felt on that Saturday afternoon last fall after the win in Morgantown. That's when I knew we'd be OK. Crushing them last week felt awesome, but different. I will miss playing them, a true measuring stick game, where neither side truly cared for each other, but there was mutual respect. Owens, Graves, even the first R.J. win down there and the last two years. Major Harris, the eight year streak. So much more. We've got to move on, but this is the downside of progress.

I've made the road trip to Morgantown several times over the years for SU football games. For all of the jokes we make about their fanbase, they're a fun group to banter with. You won't interact with a nicer, more inviting, friendly, gracious crowd before / after the game, outside of the stadium. Now, inside the stadium they flip the switch...things get rough.

But there are few opposing fanbases I'd miss leaving the Big East; WVU is one of them.
Can we please just shove the whole recruiting factor in all of this please... I mean holy stuff guys. "Oh don't want Uconn in the ACC cause we recruit there." "Nope don't want Rutgers in there either... not because they are stuffty... but because we recruit there." And now a cop-out for acting just as petty as WVU is, "oh we should want to hurt them because they go after Florida kids!"

2. At this point WVU is less worried about us than we are them... sad because we just kicked their assssss.
3. At some point this whole rooting against former league members/rivals just so we can hope for slightly better positioning just goes too far. If we are worried about Rutgers and Uconn WE DON'T DESERVE to climb back to the top. We need to play teams LIKE WVU for strength of schedule purposes, so why not just play THEM since we have a sweet rivalry? I mean dang guys, I really think some of you are letting your bitterness get in the way of some of the fun of college football.
Both the SU and Pitt fan bases are exhausted with WVU (and vice versa). The past few years in the Big East have worn on everyone's nerves. It makes sense to step away for a few years to let things shake out in our new conferences.

I'm sure after a brief hiatus, the rivalry will continue in some form.
Can we please just shove the whole recruiting factor in all of this please... I mean holy stuff guys. "Oh don't want Uconn in the ACC cause we recruit there." "Nope don't want Rutgers in there either... not because they are stuffty... but because we recruit there." And now a cop-out for acting just as petty as WVU is, "oh we should want to hurt them because they go after Florida kids!"

2. At this point WVU is less worried about us than we are them... sad because we just kicked their assssss.
3. At some point this whole rooting against former league members/rivals just so we can hope for slightly better positioning just goes too far. If we are worried about Rutgers and Uconn WE DON'T DESERVE to climb back to the top. We need to play teams LIKE WVU for strength of schedule purposes, so why not just play THEM since we have a sweet rivalry? I mean dang guys, I really think some of you are letting your bitterness get in the way of some of the fun of college football.

There are plenty of teams out there that would provide the same boost to SOS. Anytime that you can hurt a team by putting them on an island is a positive for our program. Being fun to play shouldn't be a criteria. I'm more interested in every little bit of help to the program vs. being a fan and enjoying the rivalry. It's also not just an SU thing. Us and Pitt have to both do it as well as the ACC teams like MD. It would further take one team in the east out of the equation.
There are plenty of teams out there that would provide the same boost to SOS. Anytime that you can hurt a team by putting them on an island is a positive for our program. Being fun to play shouldn't be a criteria. I'm more interested in every little bit of help to the program vs. being a fan and enjoying the rivalry. It's also not just an SU thing. Us and Pitt have to both do it as well as the ACC teams like MD. It would further take one team in the east out of the equation.

Sorry Bees... sucking the fun out of a game is not the way to go about our rebuilding process. I've heard you bellow on and on about the university treating the fans right in regards to various topics in the past... well I believe the casual fan WANTS to see us play WVU, and I think that entertainment value will only go UP from here. If we get back to contender status, it will be through tough wins and tougher losses, not division tactics. In other words, one way or another we are going to earn it on the field. Perhaps I am the only one who feels this way, but I don't think this is much different then rooting for a rival player to get injured to gain an edge. Effective, yes... Sportsmanship, no.
along with Pitt. I know some will say "well they are our rival and it has been a great series, blah, blah,blah". Pfft. There will be other rivals developed. We have BC and VT back and we hate 'em both. I say that TGD and Pitt both stand together and agree to never play WVU in a sport again. They are now on an island in the B12 with nobody from their past nor general locale with them. Why play them and give them a presence on the east coast at all? Nobody in the ACC should play them. Luck can run his mouth and act all tough knowing he would and did do the same thing. Pay back is a bitch and we as a program gain NOTHING by playing them except that it "feels good" beating them. Screw feeling good, let them become a midwest/southwest team. See how their players and parents feel when all their games are a long distance. Show some backbone TGD and don't cave to the pressure of playing a long time rival.

No, West Virginia is a team we have a long history with. That's like saying never play Penn State again. Some of our most storied games have been against them. It's not like we compete with them in recruiting. I'd be happy to play them again. There was a reason there were 45,000 in the Dome last weekend. They wouldn't be there for any other team in today's Big East, except for maybe Pitt, if they were having a really good year.
Sorry Bees... sucking the fun out of a game is not the way to go about our rebuilding process. I've heard you bellow on and on about the university treating the fans right in regards to various topics in the past... well I believe the casual fan WANTS to see us play WVU, and I think that entertainment value will only go UP from here. If we get back to contender status, it will be through tough wins and tougher losses, not division tactics. In other words, one way or another we are going to earn it on the field. Perhaps I am the only one who feels this way, but I don't think this is much different then rooting for a rival player to get injured to gain an edge. Effective, yes... Sportsmanship, no.

WVU can be replaced by someone as a "fun game". Not the same thing as moving 14 of the biggest OOC games out of the Dome. Not even close IMO. If WVU agrees to only play us in the Dome when we do play, OK maybe. Otherwise, adios Luck. Go tell your recruits they'll never play a road game in the eastern half of the USA. Maybe SU starts grabbing some of those kids they recruit. It's only a positive for SU and Pitt.

BTW, I said this a few weeks ago on the bball board. Some agreed some didn't. To each their own. But unless Gtown, Nova, SJU etc help us get out of the BE now (bball has ALL the power now in the BE), then I'd never play them again either. With us in the ACC, they need us more than we need them. They're either with us or against us.

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