One More Time: It's the $$$... |

One More Time: It's the $$$...


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
from source and various other information...the old BE and Catholic 7 did not agree on Friday about the split because of the dollars involved and which teams and conference get what:
1. There appears to be nearly $100,000,000 to distribute
2. The old BE offered the Catholic 7 $10,000,000 to $20,000,000 plus the BE NAME
3. The Catholic 7 want $30,000,000-$40,000,000 plus the BE NAME
4. UCONN, Cincy, and USF stand to receive as much as $20,000,000 each if #2 stands
--quite a gift to the 3 football schools
--and the new old BE teams get nearly $0 and arent happy...

So the break-up of the BE is based on $$$ again...don't forget that the bball schools were unanimous in voting against the original ESPN offer of $130,000,000/yr new contract. It is interesting that these universities now want more dollars from the pool of dollars the BE presently holds from exit fees and NCAA credits.

What appeared to be a clean break a few days ago may now come down to messy negotiations that could take a bit longer than expected--I mean FOX which now owns the Catholic 7 was going to announce the conference as part of their new Sports channel tomorrow. So maybe that will not be part of the announcement.

Bottom line is that college sports and particularly football is a big time business...generating lots of money...and the only entity not chiming in is the govenment...lots of potential tax dollars not being generated by not for profit status of universities (this may change in the future)...but in the meantime, college sports is all about the dollars and nothing much more fun as a fan back in my day--10 to 30 years ago!
Glad to be outta that mess...but kinda pissed the rats feasting on Cuse's NCAA units.
1. There appears to be nearly $100,000,000 to distribute
4. UCONN, Cincy, and USF stand to receive as much as $20,000,000 each
--and the new old BE teams get nearly $0 and arent happy...

Wow. That's some BS right there. The departing schools absolutely deserve a share of that.

Expect a lawsuit if that's the case.
What appeared to be a clean break a few days ago may now come down to messy negotiations that could take a bit longer than expected--I mean FOX which now owns the Catholic 7 was going to announce the conference as part of their new Sports channel tomorrow. So maybe that will not be part of the announcement.
I thought ESPN owned the rights to the C7. What rights does FOX own? I may have missed something so I apologize if this was explained elsewhere.
Thanks, Arb.

$100MM is a lot of cash to be negotiationg over. My sympathies are with the football schools as the C7 voted it down and essentially forced this situation.
My prediction: B1G vs C7 Basketball Challenge on FOX

The ACC gets stuck with playing the SEC
from source and various other information...the old BE and Catholic 7 did not agree on Friday about the split because of the dollars involved and which teams and conference get what:
1. There appears to be nearly $100,000,000 to distribute
2. The old BE offered the Catholic 7 $10,000,000 to $20,000,000 plus the BE NAME
3. The Catholic 7 want $30,000,000-$40,000,000 plus the BE NAME
4. UCONN, Cincy, and USF stand to receive as much as $20,000,000 each if #2 stands
--quite a gift to the 3 football schools
--and the new old BE teams get nearly $0 and arent happy...

So the break-up of the BE is based on $$$ again...don't forget that the bball schools were unanimous in voting against the original ESPN offer of $130,000,000/yr new contract. It is interesting that these universities now want more dollars from the pool of dollars the BE presently holds from exit fees and NCAA credits.

What appeared to be a clean break a few days ago may now come down to messy negotiations that could take a bit longer than expected--I mean FOX which now owns the Catholic 7 was going to announce the conference as part of their new Sports channel tomorrow. So maybe that will not be part of the announcement.

Bottom line is that college sports and particularly football is a big time business...generating lots of money...and the only entity not chiming in is the govenment...lots of potential tax dollars not being generated by not for profit status of universities (this may change in the future)...but in the meantime, college sports is all about the dollars and nothing much more fun as a fan back in my day--10 to 30 years ago!
Hey this about SUFB!!! Please SUBB has another forums!!
from source and various other information...the old BE and Catholic 7 did not agree on Friday about the split because of the dollars involved and which teams and conference get what:
1. There appears to be nearly $100,000,000 to distribute
2. The old BE offered the Catholic 7 $10,000,000 to $20,000,000 plus the BE NAME
3. The Catholic 7 want $30,000,000-$40,000,000 plus the BE NAME
4. UCONN, Cincy, and USF stand to receive as much as $20,000,000 each if #2 stands
--quite a gift to the 3 football schools
--and the new old BE teams get nearly $0 and arent happy...

So the break-up of the BE is based on $$$ again...don't forget that the bball schools were unanimous in voting against the original ESPN offer of $130,000,000/yr new contract. It is interesting that these universities now want more dollars from the pool of dollars the BE presently holds from exit fees and NCAA credits.

What appeared to be a clean break a few days ago may now come down to messy negotiations that could take a bit longer than expected--I mean FOX which now owns the Catholic 7 was going to announce the conference as part of their new Sports channel tomorrow. So maybe that will not be part of the announcement.

Bottom line is that college sports and particularly football is a big time business...generating lots of money...and the only entity not chiming in is the govenment...lots of potential tax dollars not being generated by not for profit status of universities (this may change in the future)...but in the meantime, college sports is all about the dollars and nothing much more fun as a fan back in my day--10 to 30 years ago!

The key for the ACC is what happens to Notre Dame and Louisville. I went on some ND boards last night, and there seems to be some desire to stay with the C7 especially for basketball. There is nostalgia with Georgetown, Marquette, St. John's, Villanova, etc in basketball, and with no history at all with Clemson, NC State, UVA, VT, Wake Forest, Miami, etc., it makes that league attractive. It was disappointing, but ND will learn to love the ACC once they spend time in it.

But, my understanding is that a big part of Notre Dame's decision to come to the ACC is access to the ACC bowl lineup below the Playoff Bowls. Notre Dame isn't going to be in the top 5 year after year, and they need to be able to go to a bowl. The C7 won't help with this in any way as I can tell. The key is that Notre Dame doesn't want to have to spend $20 million like West Virginia did to leave early. I don't even think they want to spend $8 million like Pitt and Syracuse. Does your source have any insight into how this breakup will affect ND and to lesser extent Louisville exit fees? Perhaps no one knows at this point.
The key for the ACC is what happens to Notre Dame and Louisville. I went on some ND boards last night, and there seems to be some desire to stay with the C7 especially for basketball. There is nostalgia with Georgetown, Marquette, St. John's, Villanova, etc in basketball, and with no history at all with Clemson, NC State, UVA, VT, Wake Forest, Miami, etc., it makes that league attractive. It was disappointing, but ND will learn to love the ACC once they spend time in it.

But, my understanding is that a big part of Notre Dame's decision to come to the ACC is access to the ACC bowl lineup below the Playoff Bowls. Notre Dame isn't going to be in the top 5 year after year, and they need to be able to go to a bowl. The C7 won't help with this in any way as I can tell. The key is that Notre Dame doesn't want to have to spend $20 million like West Virginia did to leave early. I don't even think they want to spend $8 million like Pitt and Syracuse. Does your source have any insight into how this breakup will affect ND and to lesser extent Louisville exit fees? Perhaps no one knows at this point.
So schedule them OOC.
The Catholic 7 should and leave the NCAA credits alone.
In the last 5 years look at the results, Catholic 7 generated 7 units in 2008 vs. 12 units from Football/ND.
In 2009, C7 generated 7 units vs 17 units from Football.
In 2010, 3 units from the C7 vs 12 units from the Football/ND.
In 2011, C7 generated 6 units vs. 17 units from Football/ND.
Last year, the C7 earned 4 units vs. 18 units from Football.

From the last 5 years the C7 have earned 27 units the Football/ND side have earned 76 units. If I am UConn/USF/Cincy I tell the Catholic 7 to go pound sand if they thing they are getting anything more than 27 units and the 76 units go to them. The Providence, Seton Hall, DePaul trio have some nerves for thinking they deserve any more welfare than they have received. Those C7 credits were earned by Georgetown, Marquette, and Villanova(St. John's had 1) and they are leaving the conference so if the UConn, USF, Cincy group have any intelligence they give the C7 the credits their teams have earned and sell the Big East name for an amount that isn't outrageous.
The C7 might end up with the name but it will always be associated with Syracuse, that's why it should be retired. With JB leaving next year, he is the last remaining link to the league, and they should shut it down, start with something new. They need to build their own cred for the rest of the nation to see, can't live on something built by others.
Thanks, Arb, for all your postings on conference realignment. Your posts are the most informed and informative on this board and I seek them out.

But your ongoing attempts to convince us that you have this high ranking ACC inside source are bogus and unnecessary.
Thanks, Arb, for all your postings on conference realignment. Your posts are the most informed and informative on this board and I seek them out.

But your ongoing attempts to convince us that you have this high ranking ACC inside source are bogus and unnecessary.
Thanks, Arb, for all your postings on conference realignment. Your posts are the most informed and informative on this board and I seek them out.

But your ongoing attempts to convince us that you have this high ranking ACC inside source are bogus and unnecessary.
Arb's information is legit and like an attorney protecting attorney/client privilege he has to be cryptic with his information so as not to burn his source. The information is too legitimate to not come from a person in the know and he can't say from whom it comes but it is obvious where it comes from, but he is certainly not the DudeofWV who's information comes out of meth trailers and butthurt envy that his school is landlocked in an inferior league. If you want true speculation and depression go to the UConn board where they are grasping at straws and fending off attacks from Providence College fans.
Thanks, Arb, for all your postings on conference realignment. Your posts are the most informed and informative on this board and I seek them out.

But your ongoing attempts to convince us that you have this high ranking ACC inside source are bogus and unnecessary.
Really, really...nice try young man...but little do you know! It is unfortunate that you have not been on this board since before 'Cuse went to the any rate, everyone has their bias and their beliefs...and I do appreciate your seeking my posts out.
Arb's information is legit and like an attorney protecting attorney/client privilege he has to be cryptic with his information so as not to burn his source. The information is too legitimate to not come from a person in the know and he can't say from whom it comes but it is obvious where it comes from, but he is certainly not the DudeofWV who's information comes out of meth trailers and butthurt envy that his school is landlocked in an inferior league. If you want true speculation and depression go to the UConn board where they are grasping at straws and fending off attacks from Providence College fans.
Thanks Alsacs...
Ok, so let me know if I've got this straight. Your source, a cousin, is a high ranking NC State administrator ("higher than a Vice President") who reads Frank the Tank (really?) and occasionally this board, goes to dinner with you rather than peers from other conference institutions at the ACC winter meetings, and tells you when to hold information and when to release it to this board? And now this source knows the what's going on behind the scenes at the Big East talks too. Wow!
Ok, so let me know if I've got this straight. Your source, a cousin, is a high ranking NC State administrator ("higher than a Vice President") who reads Frank the Tank (really?) and occasionally this board, goes to dinner with you rather than peers from other conference institutions at the ACC winter meetings, and tells you when to hold information and when to release it to this board? And now this source knows the what's going on behind the scenes at the Big East talks too. Wow!
Do you honestly believe he has actually stated who is source is? My goodness, if I had source who probably wouldn't want to be identified would I want my identity stated. C'mon dude either and or don't read the information. He had the opponents were playing in football before anyone on this board, he has been on the money with K renegotiations with ESPN, but its an easy to be passive aggressive and take shots. Just read the information and take from it what you will don't believe it fine, but to troll on another team's board and take a shot at a respectable source on that board isn't going to win you any battles.
Ok, so let me know if I've got this straight. Your source, a cousin, is a high ranking NC State administrator ("higher than a Vice President") who reads Frank the Tank (really?) and occasionally this board, goes to dinner with you rather than peers from other conference institutions at the ACC winter meetings, and tells you when to hold information and when to release it to this board? And now this source knows the what's going on behind the scenes at the Big East talks too. Wow!

At best he may be Dr. Gross. At worst he's a quality poster who is great at compiling tid-bits from legitimate press articles. Why derail a thread over it?
Ok, so let me know if I've got this straight. Your source, a cousin, is a high ranking NC State administrator ("higher than a Vice President") who reads Frank the Tank (really?) and occasionally this board, goes to dinner with you rather than peers from other conference institutions at the ACC winter meetings, and tells you when to hold information and when to release it to this board? And now this source knows the what's going on behind the scenes at the Big East talks too. Wow!
My first thought was to reply to this in a relatively sarcastic manner; but rather than that, I request that you do not discuss my family nor what my family does...dislike my postings, disagree with them, or even profess they are bullshit...but comments about my family is not within the perusal of this board.
Do you honestly believe he has actually stated who is source is? My goodness, if I had source who probably wouldn't want to be identified would I want my identity stated. C'mon dude either and or don't read the information. He had the opponents were playing in football before anyone on this board, he has been on the money with K renegotiations with ESPN, but its an easy to be passive aggressive and take shots. Just read the information and take from it what you will don't believe it fine, but to troll on another team's board and take a shot at a respectable source on that board isn't going to win you any battles.
Thanks, but the important point is that I will continue to provide the board with the information I am provided...some may believe and like; and one or two may be it.
Don't discuss your family?? Everything in that post was from directly from your own posts.

But look, DeGrozz was right. I'll stop. And I'll continue to read your posts because they are very informative, whatever the source.

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