One of the problems with this board and the "tweet" |

One of the problems with this board and the "tweet"


Old Timer / Unofficial Contributor for 25+ years
Aug 26, 2011
is that its "quasi-official" board status means that fans can't discuss things like the Boeheim situation, because trafficking in rumors and innuendo won't be tolerated here. And that's probably for the best, but since internet sports boards are the natural habitat for rumors, it kind of turns this place into a forum where, after a handful of attempts to start a thread are deleted, a topic becomes off limits.

Still people probably want to explore some variables - like Boeheim's odd and angry behavior in some recent press conferences that seem unrelated to the game itself, but some off-court agenda, whether real or imagined. Some people may want to discuss whether Mike's apparent interest in the USC job is just leverage with SU (again), and whether there may be something to be concerned about in terms of potential violations (again, I understand why admins wouldn't like that stuff to be here, but what's the point of a board if we can't talk about stuff like this?), etc.

I mean, we talked all about Doug Marrone, his leaving, his attitude toward the end of his run, the poaching of assistant coaches that never seemed to stop until the towel boys all had new jobs with the Bills, etc. I'd like to see us loosen up a bit about the current basketball situation, but after Bernie Fine and all that mess, and Fab Melo and Southerland and firing the academic support guy, and on and on, well, I guess other people are tired of the never ending soap opera.

But at least we're not UConn, right?
Matt .. We've had a situation here where person after person has been posting ... as fact ... the blog of some 19-year-old kid at OCC that was full of unsubstantiated (and incorrect) rumors -- which SU has denied. It's been very similar to two years ago when people kept posting that Scoop was shaving points... because someone from Missouri said so on an internet poker board. Both Jekelish and MADNyc started threads below trying to put things into context (e.g., read Jake's post in MadNyc's thread). If the deleted posts had been allowed to remain standing, this place would have looked worse than's forum. Trust me: I am able to read them even though they've been deleted.
who knows what to believe. That said I will say that every single one of these rumors I heard over a month ago from those supposed "in the know" type sources. Reading all the tea leaves (Jakes post, JBs "short timer" like behaviour as of late, what you wrote and even Buds take on it this morning) makes any or all of it possible. Time will tell as usual.
No doubt a lot of people want to talk about that which they have no inside or actual information -- most of them post at
is that its "quasi-official" board status means that fans can't discuss things like the Boeheim situation, because trafficking in rumors and innuendo won't be tolerated here. And that's probably for the best, but since internet sports boards are the natural habitat for rumors, it kind of turns this place into a forum where, after a handful of attempts to start a thread are deleted, a topic becomes off limits.

Still people probably want to explore some variables - like Boeheim's odd and angry behavior in some recent press conferences that seem unrelated to the game itself, but some off-court agenda, whether real or imagined. Some people may want to discuss whether Mike's apparent interest in the USC job is just leverage with SU (again), and whether there may be something to be concerned about in terms of potential violations (again, I understand why admins wouldn't like that stuff to be here, but what's the point of a board if we can't talk about stuff like this?), etc.

I mean, we talked all about Doug Marrone, his leaving, his attitude toward the end of his run, the poaching of assistant coaches that never seemed to stop until the towel boys all had new jobs with the Bills, etc. I'd like to see us loosen up a bit about the current basketball situation, but after Bernie Fine and all that mess, and Fab Melo and Southerland and firing the academic support guy, and on and on, well, I guess other people are tired of the never ending soap opera.

But at least we're not UConn, right?

I-Matt wrote:

"I guess other people are tired of the never ending soap opera."

Doesn't sound like Matt is tired of the soap opera.

By describing JB's behavior as "odd and angry" sounds like he revels in the soap opera and would like the freedom to enjoy more of it.

Or am I misreading this.
Matt .. We've had a situation here where person after person has been posting ... as fact ... the blog of some 19-year-old kid at OCC that was full of unsubstantiated (and incorrect) rumors -- which SU has denied. It's been very similar to two years ago when people kept posting that Scoop was shaving points... because someone from Missouri said so on an internet poker board. Both Jekelish and MADNyc started threads below trying to put things into context (e.g., read Jake's post in MadNyc's thread). If the deleted posts had been allowed to remain standing, this place would have looked worse than's forum. Trust me: I am able to read them even though they've been deleted.
I agree that people should not simply be spreading rumors out of left field. However, my argument is if someone says point blank: I heard rumor XYZ, I don't see why this should be deleted. By no means should rumors being stated as fact be tolerated. I understanding keeping things classy, but there has to be some middle ground. I thought one of the points of this forum was for fans to talk about rumors, controversies, etc as long as its not stated as fact, rude, or offensive. That is my opinion.
who knows what to believe. That said I will say that every single one of these rumors I heard over a month ago from those supposed "in the know" type sources. Reading all the tea leaves (Jakes post, JBs "short timer" like behaviour as of late, what you wrote and even Buds take on it this morning) makes any or all of it possible. Time will tell as usual.

It seems pretty certain that there are storm clouds gathering. How big a storm and who it affects is TBD.
Matt .. We've had a situation here where person after person has been posting ... as fact ... the blog of some 19-year-old kid at OCC that was full of unsubstantiated (and incorrect) rumors -- which SU has denied. It's been very similar to two years ago when people kept posting that Scoop was shaving points... because someone from Missouri said so on an internet poker board. Both Jekelish and MADNyc started threads below trying to put things into context (e.g., read Jake's post in MadNyc's thread). If the deleted posts had been allowed to remain standing, this place would have looked worse than's forum. Trust me: I am able to read them even though they've been deleted.

I understand, CTO. No arguments from me. I just think back to last year and the Scoop rumors that were unfounded (and I participated in a thread about it), and there's a great example of why this board is the way it is.

I would like to be able to have a discussion of the dynamics behind the current situation, rather than taking the OCC kid's blog post as fact - because let's be honest, there is something going on behind the scenes here. JB may be a crotchety guy sometimes, but a couple of his recent pressers have been pretty odd, even by his ly standards.

Is JB getting tired of it all? Is he really disappointed in how this season has unwound (who wouldn't be?) - although there is still a chance at redemption for this team. Why is Mike suddenly ready to leave? Again, did he press JB and JB say "I could be here 5 more years - I want to win 1000 games, I want to coach a couple years in the ACC" - who knows what has gone down between them, but as the other very public face of the program, Mike has put pressure on JB, and it is obviously intentional, but aside from being coach-in-waiting, what more could he be angling for? He obviously got a big raise a few years ago when he got that status. If that's not enough for him, maybe he should leave, and then when JB eventually retires, we have an open search for a new coach.

That's the kind of stuff that's begging for discussion, apart from whether or not the OCC kid's post was accurate - whether Darryl is pressuring JB to leave would seem pretty odd to me, and to many, but with the chancellor leaving in June, anything seems possible. Everyone could be looking for a job in a year. And there are examples of coaches not knowing when it's time to go (Bowden and Paterno, although one could argue that Paterno at least got his teams back to winning again before he was forced out).

Thanks for your reply. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. There is a lot of uncertainty that has been introduced into our future because of Mike's public acknowledgement of the USC job and forcing JB to respond to it, which he clearly wasn't happy to have to do. I'd like to be able to engage in a discussion of those issues, without talking about a force out, or any supposed violations that may be lurking.
I agree that people should not simply be spreading rumors out of left field. However, my argument is if someone says point blank: I heard rumor XYZ, I don't see why this should be deleted. By no means should rumors being stated as fact be tolerated. I understanding keeping things classy, but there has to be some middle ground. I thought one of the points of this forum was for fans to talk about rumors, controversies, etc as long as its not stated as fact, rude, or offensive. That is my opinion.
There isn't. Leaving it open for interpretation means speculation is allowed. As much as I love a good "I heard from XYZ" post, you really can't allow it. allows it though.
However, my argument is if someone says point blank: I heard rumor XYZ, I don't see why this should be deleted.
Because not every site has to be a high school cafeteria. That said -- and I don't know if it's true or not -- I heard Mr. Smith is banging the school nurse. Again, can't confirm -- just throwing it out there for discussion.
Matt .. We've had a situation here where person after person has been posting ... as fact ... the blog of some 19-year-old kid at OCC that was full of unsubstantiated (and incorrect) rumors -- which SU has denied. It's been very similar to two years ago when people kept posting that Scoop was shaving points... because someone from Missouri said so on an internet poker board. Both Jekelish and MADNyc started threads below trying to put things into context (e.g., read Jake's post in MadNyc's thread). If the deleted posts had been allowed to remain standing, this place would have looked worse than's forum. Trust me: I am able to read them even though they've been deleted.

I didn't post anything as fact and it was deleted.

someone could at least tack a post giving the details of the article and explaining that posts on the rumors wont be allowed.
I-Matt wrote:

"I guess other people are tired of the never ending soap opera."

Doesn't sound like Matt is tired of the soap opera.

By describing JB's behavior as "odd and angry" sounds like he revels in the soap opera and would like the freedom to enjoy more of it.

Or am I misreading this.

No, I'm not ENJOYING it; but I see it. How else can you describe JB's "go win your pulitzer prize somewhere else" rant the other night? Or his Andy Katz "you're not loyal" rant the game before that.

It had nothing to do with the game, either time. I'd like to know WHY it's happening -whether it's petite mal seizures from Boeheim or some other sign of old age, or that he's sick of the job, because it impacts the stability of the program, or whether there is some good reason behind the scenes.

We have had so much crap around this program the past several years that I'd just like it to stop. But in the meantime, I'd like to try to figure out WHY he's acting out in public, because it might help us fix the problem. I would guess that Mike is part of these recent rants. I would also guess that he is frustrated with this team's collapse. I hate to think he's getting pressure from Darryl Gross - that would be absurd, but with Gross, I could kind of see it.
Imatt, the articles have been in OE's daily links. But what happens, as with a number of threads started (and deleted by at least 4 different mods) is that people are using those threads as a jump off point for all the telephone stuff. Want to discuss the SU or PS articles or releases? Go for it. Did any posts get deleted about Hop interviewing with USC? No. I can point to a number of threads discussing JB maybe leaving and who would be the next HC. Are you ignoring all those?

But certain things aren't allowed by the site such as all the telephone stuff. That also includes links to the OCC kids website so he can drive his traffic up. We all agreed last night, this topic as it was layed out at the time wasn't going on the board. This is a private board, nobody is forced to post here and even questioning how it is run shouldn't be up for debate either.

Here are links to some of the public stuff.

CNY Central


And a funny Nunes blog

Another good blog
I'd like to try to figure out WHY he's acting out in public, because it might help us fix the problem. ... I would also guess that he is frustrated with this team's collapse. I hate to think he's getting pressure from Darryl Gross - that would be absurd, but with Gross, I could kind of see it.

I think you're providing enough evidence for why posts based on pure conjecture (or less) are ripe for deletion. Do you think anyone on this board can answer why he's "acting out" -- as though this is the first year he's given a surly answer to the press ("not 10 [bleeping] games" comes to mind)? Help us fix the problem?!? You think Boeheim wants to come to a group therapy session? Open up the chat room! This team's "collapse"? They lost three games -- all of which they were in -- to three top 15 teams. I know Louisville has fallen off the map since they lost three in a row -- Kansas too -- but that doesn't mean the same will happen to Syracuse. And even if Gross wanted to push Boeheim out, I can't imagine he'd broach that subject with him before the season ended. And I'd say with even more authority that, if he had, Boeheim wouldn't have sat next to him during the women's basketball game against Louisville the other day.
Selective deleting of posts is the prerogative of the moderators/admins of any forum on the internet, like it or not. Sometimes the responsibility is abused or the forum mismanaged but in general the censorship greatly reduces the number of trolls and asinine posts (even if some worthy topics get removed on occasion). As long as there is consistency with the deletions it really doesn't bother me. I can always visit other forums and groups to enter more liberal discussions, understanding that headaches and s are likely to be part of the package.
I would like to be able to have a discussion of the dynamics behind the current situation, rather than taking the OCC kid's blog post as fact - because let's be honest, there is something going on behind the scenes here. JB may be a crotchety guy sometimes, but a couple of his recent pressers have been pretty odd, even by his ly standards.

Is JB getting tired of it all? Is he really disappointed in how this season has unwound (who wouldn't be?) - although there is still a chance at redemption for this team. Why is Mike suddenly ready to leave? Again, did he press JB and JB say "I could be here 5 more years - I want to win 1000 games, I want to coach a couple years in the ACC" - who knows what has gone down between them, but as the other very public face of the program, Mike has put pressure on JB, and it is obviously intentional, but aside from being coach-in-waiting, what more could he be angling for? He obviously got a big raise a few years ago when he got that status. If that's not enough for him, maybe he should leave, and then when JB eventually retires, we have an open search for a new coach.

There are threads, plenty of them, about those types of discussions. How have you missed them or why do you only want to discuss them in the context of a tweet by an OCC kid?
Because not every site has to be a high school cafeteria. That said -- and I don't know if it's true or not -- I heard Mr. Smith is banging the school nurse. Again, can't confirm -- just throwing it out there for discussion.

If you post "I heard that Mr Smith is banging the school nurse" on a public message board, there will be 100 people tweeting that they SAW Mr Smith banging the nurse.

Then 1,000 tweets. Then 100,000 tweets.

By discussing a rumor, you are feeding the rumor. Whether you realize it or not.
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This is a private board, nobody is forced to post here and even questioning how it is run shouldn't be up for debate either.

Amen to that, some think this is the PS I guess, and they are "entitled/empowered" to: "fix the problem" for SU. Thank God this is a private board. Mods, feel free to delete this as you wish.
Imatt, the articles have been in OE's daily links. But what happens, as with a number of threads started (and deleted by at least 4 different mods) is that people are using those threads as a jump off point for all the telephone stuff. Want to discuss the SU or PS articles or releases? Go for it. Did any posts get deleted about Hop interviewing with USC? No. I can point to a number of threads discussing JB maybe leaving and who would be the next HC. Are you ignoring all those?

But certain things aren't allowed by the site such as all the telephone stuff. That also includes links to the OCC kids website so he can drive his traffic up. We all agreed last night, this topic as it was layed out at the time wasn't going on the board. This is a private board, nobody is forced to post here and even questioning how it is run shouldn't be up for debate either.

Here are links to some of the public stuff.
Couldn't agree more. Look at some of the other sites with no "editing" by the moderators. Not fun.
CNY Central


And a funny Nunes blog

Another good blog
The vibe I'm getting here is "go start your own board."

Which seems, well, silly, and avoiding the question.
The vibe I'm getting here is "go start your own board."

Which seems, well, silly, and avoiding the question.
Or you can go to and comment all you want.
There is no upside to talking about rumors that are far from being substantiated.
The vibe I'm getting here is "go start your own board."

Which seems, well, silly, and avoiding the question.
Why? I think silly is helping to spread these rumors. Does any of this really help the Syracuse basketball program. If something is substantiated as true, it will be talked about plenty.
Why? I think silly is helping to spread these rumors. Does any of this really help the Syracuse basketball program. If something is substantiated as true, it will be talked about plenty.

Nothing we do here helps the program besides drives for donations. It's all idle chatter at heart.
And even if Gross wanted to push Boeheim out, I can't imagine he'd broach that subject with him before the season ended. And I'd say with even more authority that, if he had, Boeheim wouldn't have sat next to him during the women's basketball game against Louisville the other day.
I sat near Gross last nite and ( watch THIS for speculation) he didn't look like a guy pressuring out a Hall-of-Fame coach. If he did the Metro Mattress guy was involved as they spent the whole nite in conversation barely noticing the game. Speculation Spoiler #2...Boeheim really seems "meaner" more often especially in the first half. He was MAD at CJ on a defensive lap.
Seriously, this OCC kid's probably in a mass media sociology course at OCC and we are all his lab rats to see how society reacts to rumour in the 21st century.
Matt .. We've had a situation here where person after person has been posting ... as fact ... the blog of some 19-year-old kid at OCC that was full of unsubstantiated (and incorrect) rumors -- which SU has denied. It's been very similar to two years ago when people kept posting that Scoop was shaving points... because someone from Missouri said so on an internet poker board. Both Jekelish and MADNyc started threads below trying to put things into context (e.g., read Jake's post in MadNyc's thread). If the deleted posts had been allowed to remain standing, this place would have looked worse than's forum. Trust me: I am able to read them even though they've been deleted.
you gunned down what could've been the greatest thread since lucious pusey and it's going to take me tens of minutes to get over it

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