That's great but I still have not found any place outside of Syracuse where the term "coney" is not in reference to a red hot dog/frank ...the kind they sell in Coney Island. If you go anywhere outside of Syracuse and try to peddle a (white) coney as a "hot dog", people would think you are nuts. However, those other things you referenced are hot dogs...sure some bigger and some with different toppings...but still "hot dogs"...which is what they sell and are famous for in Coney Island.
Well if you go outside of Upstate NY/Michigan/Ohio the word "coney" has no meaning to 95% of the country's population, and that includes people in NYC. If you bought a Coney Island hot dog, handed it to someone from Michigan and said, "here's your coney," he would look at you like you're nuts. That's not a coney to him, that's a
hot dog, just like it is to every other person in the country. "Coney" has a very specific meaning to that person and it goes way beyond just the color of the dog to include very specific toppings. Likewise, coney has a specific meaning to Upstate New Yorkers that includes the color and type of meats.
The Upstate NY coney is similar to the dogs on coney island because they're just that: plain, simple dogs. A CNY coney doesn't need to be slathered in chili to be called a coney, it just
is... but the colors different. A Michigan/Ohio coney requires it to be covered in a bunch of very specific toppings (none of which you'd see on Coney Island)... but the color of the actual dog is the same. You see how you're just picking the one similar element and deciding
that's the most important thing?
The fact is, the only thing that matters is that they're all meats in an enclosed casing, served in a bun. They all belong to the hot dog "family," and, as such, owe a debt to the original American hot dog stand on Coney Island. The fact that a few random dogs in the USA decide to pay tribute to those humble origins by incorporating it into the name is kind of cool if you ask me, especially since
there's nothing special about this mythical Coney Island hot dog that doesn't even really exist! I swear, you'd think we were comparing a strip steak to a head of lettuce here!