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Cuse House

All American
Apr 3, 2013
As I read the board tonight all I can think about is how spoiled we are as a fan base. We have come to expect a top 5 team every year, as we should, we're Syracuse gosh darnit! Well, **** happens sometimes and things do not always work out (people get injured, leave early, etc).

We have to keep in perspective that we have not missed the tournament since the 2007-2008 season. In the span that we have been going to the dance schools like Kentucky have been in the NIT twice. We have rebuilt teams over the past few years after losing some studs early. Our coaches have done a great job at keeping the talent flowing. Are we having a "down" year? Absolutely, were looking at around another 20 win season with a chance at making the tourney and we are all going nuts about why this kid or that kid is here.

We need to quit questioning JB's judgement, he has been doing this longer and better than most. The fact of the matter is, we return 4 out of 5 starters next year as well as a top 5 class, potentially a top 2 or 3 class if Bryant comes. Everyone needs to relax, we are fine, the sky is not falling. We need to stop over analyzing everything and recognize the potential we have in the program for years to come. The 2014-15 Cuse basketball season is making everyone lose their minds, step back and look at the gem we have. Have fun watching the team everyone! Go Orange!
We just had a three year run where we went to an elite 8, a final four, and started a season 25-0. All programs go through tough years, it was the perfect storm of things going against us, ennis and grant leaving, and dc and cmc getting hurt. We will be back next year.
We just had a three year run where we went to an elite 8, a final four, and started a season 25-0. All programs go through tough years, it was the perfect storm of things going against us, ennis and grant leaving, and dc and cmc getting hurt. We will be back next year.

Exactly my point, one down year by our standards isn't that bad by most's. I like to enjoy watching the Cuse and I think a lot of people forget to have fun with it!
It's spoiled to think that your team should beat the worst team in the conference at home by more than 2?
Here's my 2 cents. I can understand anyone who is frustrated this season. We've got the NCAA thing dragging on and no clue when we hear anything and what it will be. Watching the repeated mistakes at this point in the year is frustrating for people who appreciate basketball. There were so many possessions last night when SU looked inside once and then took a 3 without a lot of ball movement. Add last night's VT tactics of grabbing, holding, and frankly mugging Rak, on every Cuse possession and being rewarded for it, and that certainly enhances the frustration.

On the flip side, we get to watch a Syracuse team that despite all of its issues plays as hard as any team I can remember. They looked dead without about 4-5 minutes to go last night and something woke them up. You have to be proud of the effort, you have to applaud the fight, and you have to keep the faith.

Just remember- it's passion that makes this fanbase. It's the expectation and desire to win that gets 17-18k out to the Dome on a weeknight to watch a last place team. It's ok to want more, just make sure you aren't forgetting to appreciate what we do have.
Just remember- it's passion that makes this fanbase. It's the expectation and desire to win that gets 17-18k out to the Dome on a weeknight to watch a last place team. It's ok to want more, just make sure you aren't forgetting to appreciate what we do have.

Some fans have passion, others would apparently benefit from receiving The Passion.
We have been a top 4 NCAA Tournament seed FIVE years in a row. We were due for a down year. Honestly this is the season to be down as Kentucky is a heavy favorite to win it all and I want to win the NC not just be good and not good enough.

This team is flawed but plays hard the only thing I want to see is JB stop killing the kids at this point they are what they for this year. We as fans know he is frustrated and he just needs to be better talking to the press. I love Belchick never says anything too the press except I need to coach better and the players have to do their job.
It's spoiled to think that your team should beat the worst team in the conference at home by more than 2?

Yes it is if you refuse to be realistic, ignore what you've seen, what we've lost. If you refuse to believe what you've seen, how we've had to battle each and every game and the people who've told you this season was going to be a night to night battle to succeed, improve. Some fans and perhaps even some players aren't ready to dig deep and be battle ready every game.

If you're a true Polyanna, you ignore - that we don't have a true pg yet, no backup for Rak, no margin for error, no experienced ballhandlers, that we lost 3 starters plus our 6th man in one year, that we have 2 major players out for the season and just 8 scholarship players even available. If you think our pedigree, tradition mandates that teams will just bow to our inherited superiority - you ignore reality. You also ignore that we are using our new starting small forward on defense as a pg on offense in crunch time. Virginia beat VT by 3 less than 2 weeks ago. Hmm. So yes, we are spoiled and I don't know any spoiled people who believe that they are spoiled either - vigorous denial is a "beloved" and inherent quality of the truly spoiled.
I agree with the OP to a point but it's also a messageboard (a really civilized and intelligient one at that) not a positive reinforcement board.

What are we supposed to be talking about? It's all about expectations, Syracuse Basketball benefits from insane, rabid fan support and thus criticism and critiquing comes with the territory. Syracuse Football has been down for so long that we get apathy and weak fan support but the criticism is really only reserved for not having a wildly mediocre winning season or finishing 6-6. Expectations, criticism and fan support/$$$ go hand in hand. Cuse Basketball greatly profits off it's popularity, with that popularity comes passion.
Anyone freaking out over this season is silly. This has basically been an "everything that could go wrong did" type of year. Just try to enjoy it and be supportive, the guys are playing hard, they're just very short handed. There's been a lot of close games, and I fully expect us to hang with duke Louisville and UVA at the dome. In a weird way I'm enjoying rooting for the underdog this year. Hopefully they do enough in the last month or so to make selection sunday interesting.
Say what you want about the talent level of this team vs. previous years...but this team has a hell of a lot of heart. Rock, Cooney and G are leaving it all out on the floor every night. This team makes me want to watch Rudy, and I don't even like ND.
If Va Tech isn't the worst team in the conference then who is?

BC. They might beat us at their place, but they are Hanlan and a bunch of mediocre mid-major players.
Full_Rebar said:
BC. They might beat us at their place, but they are Hanlan and a bunch of mediocre mid-major players.

I'm not calling you out in this or anything, but it's crazy how good people pump garbage teams up around here after they play us close or beat us.

Va Tech is the worst team in the conference and it's not really close. Their rpi is 70 something spots worse than BCs and their record is just as bad. How is Va Tech better than BC? Because Va Tech played us close twice? We're not a barometer of how good teams are. Carlton isn't good, La Tech isn't good, and Cal isn't good either.

You're spot on
Anyone freaking out over this season is silly. This has basically been an "everything that could go wrong did" type of year. Just try to enjoy it and be supportive, the guys are playing hard, they're just very short handed. There's been a lot of close games, and I fully expect us to hang with duke Louisville and UVA at the dome. In a weird way I'm enjoying rooting for the underdog this year. Hopefully they do enough in the last month or so to make selection sunday interesting.
Right on! I couldn't have said it much better myself.
I'm actually enjoying this season I think even more than last year.
Maybe without the stress of a perfect record so far and lowered expectations overall, I'm enjoying each game one at a time, whether it's a win or a hard fought loss.
Say what you want about the talent level of this team, you can't fault them for the heart and determination they play with. With the stuff that's gone wrong, they could have decided to just phone it in but they seem to go out every game with the full expectation that they can win it and are giving it there all every night.
Plus, it's been really fun watching Rakeem really break out as the player we always thought he could be this year.
If it wasn't for the sanctions hanging over our head this year wouldn't be bothering me too much. If I was able to set that aside (and whop knows, maybe nothing comes from it) this is a disappointing year, but pretty easy explainable between the injuries and the somewhat unexpected early departures. If everyone makes it to campus next fall, we should have a really good recruiting class. I know Rak is gone, but it seems reasonable to expect everyone else back, so we should have a lot of talent next year. So, like I said, if you put the sanctions aside, I expect this to be a blip on the radar as far as the program goes. If we're banned for 2016 and 2017? who the hell knows
I'm not calling you out in this or anything, but it's crazy how good people pump garbage teams up around here after they play us close or beat us.

Va Tech is the worst team in the conference and it's not really close. Their rpi is 70 something spots worse than BCs and their record is just as bad. How is Va Tech better than BC? Because Va Tech played us close twice? We're not a barometer of how good teams are. Carlton isn't good, La Tech isn't good, and Cal isn't good either.

I'm not saying VT is good by any means- just that I don't think they are the worst the ACC has to offer. BC starts an All-ACC caliber player and has two grad student transfers in their rotation and they are playing worse since conference play started. Their numbers look good because they beat Harvard and PC over two months ago.

Maybe it's the coaching that makes me think VT is better because Buzz had a plan to attack the zone and defend Rak while BC just came in and jacked 3s all night long.
It's spoiled to think that your team should beat the worst team in the conference at home by more than 2?

I'm actually enjoying a great comeback win rather than focusing on who the opponent was, where the game was played or what the reason was that the win had to be a comeback.

You enjoy the sausage a lot more if you just eat the finished product and don't watch how its made.
I'm not calling you out in this or anything, but it's crazy how good people pump garbage teams up around here after they play us close or beat us.

Va Tech is the worst team in the conference and it's not really close. Their rpi is 70 something spots worse than BCs and their record is just as bad. How is Va Tech better than BC? Because Va Tech played us close twice? We're not a barometer of how good teams are. Carlton isn't good, La Tech isn't good, and Cal isn't good either.

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Who cares? We aren't very good this year. I'm thankful for every win we get at this point, no matter how we get them or who they come against. In two or three years when we look back on this season its going to be all about how many games over .500 we were.
It's spoiled to think that your team should beat the worst team in the conference at home by more than 2?
Yes when there is a 50:50 chance of finishing the year under 500 and not even going to the NIT. They won not through any fault of their own.

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