So if we haven't have good faceoffs with in the last 5 years (I would contend it is closer to 10 years), who do you bring back? In my opinion, the last great faceoff guy SU had was Chris Cercy, combined with Sam Bassett on the wing they were lethal. Cercy isn't giving up his Wall St career to coach faceoffs at Syracuse for free. As easy as it may seem to you, think about giving 20 hours a week to volunteering. I would love to volunteer coach 20 hours a week, but my wife, family and employer may have other ideas. The guys that got out of school in the last 8 years are in the early stages of career building, not playing lacrosse, but real long term careers. It is tough to ask your boss if it is cool to leave everyday at 230pm so you can go to lacrosse practice.
The only real solution, if you do not want Rogers or Donahue, is to get rid of Donahue and hire another assistant coach to work faceoffs. I think he is too valuable to get rid of, but that is just one man's opinion.