They suck out loud.*
And, as previously mentioned, they're gray. Platinum is a METALLIC color, as specified in any graphic design environment. And, as any designer knows, if you print a metallic ink on an uncoated stock/surface, the result is a decidedly non-metallic finish. In short, you get GRAY.
That said, i don't really care so much whether they're gray or silver or platinum. I don't even care if they encroach upon Georgetown or the battleship Potemkin. They're fine. I do think, though, the fine folks at Nike ought to devote their enormous resources toward individualizing any 'special' uniform treatments. They shoulda done something specific to/for Syracuse. Whether that means a retro-inspired design, or something that truly reflects that we are the Orange.
And the fact that Mr. Coleman thinks they're "sick" means very little. I hope you're not taking 'fashion cues' from a Syracuse high schooler.
*The concept, more than anything.