I don’t think the guys I want to come back and the guys that are coming back are going to match up.
If the only guy that returns is Freeman, I’d be good with that. Though I see roles for Cuffe and JJ. But I don’t think JJ would accept a significantly reduced roll.
I don’t think Moore and Bell want to come back, so I’m assuming they are gone. Maestro is probably going to come back but. Ugh. He not as good as Jimmy Jr, who wasn’t ACC caliber. Petar just isn’t athletic enough for my taste.
We need an entire roster almost. Fennell really is the lynchpin of how the staff should attack the portal.
Kiyan shouldn’t be a starter at the 2.
I’d like to see a roster something like this, but probably needs a portal shooter and I’m not sure Fennell starts.
PG: Portal/Fennell
2G: Fennell/Kiyan/Cuffe
SF: Portal/White/Womack
PF: Freeman/White/portal
C: Portal/Portal/Freeman
But my point it we need at least 6 portal players and I think at least three of them need to be veterans who can start. And maestro is probably in the mix there, but he’s an emergency break glass guy for me unless he really improved.
JJ is probably in there too, as I think he wants to come back. Will be a tough manage for the staff.