PS: Dino Babers era promises much more 4th-down excitement than Scott Shafer (analysis) | Page 4 |

PS: Dino Babers era promises much more 4th-down excitement than Scott Shafer (analysis)

CousCuse said:
I'm trying to give Coach Baber's some room to operate .

He can handle that well enough in his own. Also, what happens when we exceed expectations?
He can handle that well enough in his own. Also, what happens when we exceed expectations?
The expectations at this point are : Beat Colgate by 50 points , a 7-5 or 8-4 record with at least one big win . We play in a tough conference and have a tough OOC schedule . Do you think that Ward has coached many games against the kind of high caliber OC's like those in the ACC . If Baber's is going to be the long term coach , he should have no expectations placed on him in his first year taking over one of the weakest and lowest rated teams in the P5.
The expectations at this point are : Beat Colgate by 50 points , a 7-5 or 8-4 record with at least one big win . We play in a tough conference and have a tough OOC schedule . Do you think that Ward has coached many games against the kind of high caliber OC's like those in the ACC . If Baber's is going to be the long term coach , he should have no expectations placed on him in his first year taking over one of the weakest and lowest rated teams in the P5.
I think the general consensus is 6-6 or 5-7 (and hoping for more). JMO
I think the general consensus is 6-6 or 5-7 (and hoping for more). JMO
OK. Baseline 6-6 , I mean look at Wake . This is Clawson's third year , he has a nice QB and some other good talent and he is going to be under huge pressure to win , especially against another lower level team like SU that also wants to move up the food chain . How people think that is some gimme is beyond me , they are going to fight their butts off . I guess we will find out , but when fans expectations aren't met , they turn nasty .
I liked this. Then thought deeper of the origin of your post and vomited a bit in my mouth.

I hope we never repeat those days.

Sorry for the vomitus eruptus. But that quick kick reference took me to a bad place. My apologies...
The expectations at this point are : Beat Colgate by 50 points , a 7-5 or 8-4 record with at least one big win . We play in a tough conference and have a tough OOC schedule . Do you think that Ward has coached many games against the kind of high caliber OC's like those in the ACC . If Baber's is going to be the long term coach , he should have no expectations placed on him in his first year taking over one of the weakest and lowest rated teams in the P5.
People are used to scraping by inferior teams because that was the kind of game Shafer liked to play and now some fans think that's how it has to be.

Babers is going to work lesser teams like a speed bag. You think he's maniacal about getting reps in practice? Yeah, just wait until we have front row seats to how that translates when we're playing real games. So at least for me, I'm expecting Colgate to get trounced. And really, how can they even hope to prepare for what's coming?

As for the record, I'm content with 6 and 6 and a bowl appearance, but when I look at the schedule 7 wins isn't that crazy.
OK. Baseline 6-6 , I mean look at Wake . This is Clawson's third year , he has a nice QB and some other good talent and he is going to be under huge pressure to win , especially against another lower level team like SU that also wants to move up the food chain . How people think that is some gimme is beyond me , they are going to fight their butts off . I guess we will find out , but when fans expectations aren't met , they turn nasty .
It kills Clawson that he's been losing to us, and I think it should. We've been a program without much direction. That problem has been solved, and I believe we've comfortably held our position in front of them.
People are used to scraping by inferior teams because that was the kind of game Shafer liked to play and now some fans think that's how it has to be.

Babers is going to work lesser teams like a speed bag. You think he's maniacal about getting reps in practice? Yeah, just wait until we have front row seats to how that translates when we're playing real games. So at least for me, I'm expecting Colgate to get trounced. And really, how can they even hope to prepare for what's coming?

As for the record, I'm content with 6 and 6 and a bowl appearance, but when I look at the schedule 7 wins isn't that crazy.
Nobody's getting a beatdown in practice .
It kills Clawson that he's been losing to us, and I think it should. We've been a program without much direction. That problem has been solved, and I believe we've comfortably held our position in front of them.

And yet no matter that we beat them, the narrative is they are a program on the rise and we are on the basement dwellers. It's incredible, really.
CousCuse said:
The expectations at this point are : Beat Colgate by 50 points , a 7-5 or 8-4 record with at least one big win . We play in a tough conference and have a tough OOC schedule . Do you think that Ward has coached many games against the kind of high caliber OC's like those in the ACC . If Baber's is going to be the long term coach , he should have no expectations placed on him in his first year taking over one of the weakest and lowest rated teams in the P5.

Yeah, you must be reading a different board. 4-7 wins is the consensus. As for Colgate - who knows - why is 50 out of question? They are FCS.

Most here are looking for signs of improvement and know that it may not translate to the w/l right away.
RF2044 said:
I'm willing to bet that this is the final year of that asinine narrative.

Yep. Welcome to the hot seat Clawson. And make room for the Dude.
I will be so pissed if we get more than 20 4th downs ALL SEASON, dammit.
I'm trying to give Coach Baber's some room to operate .
And I'm sure Coach Babers thanks you for your service.

To be a clear, a fan's excitement is something to temper? Nothing you can do will change the way certain people decide to look at this. Some will be wildly optimistic and disappointed if he doesn't fulfill their every wish immediately. There's nothing you can do to change that.

Tempering enthusiasm is just silly. Let people be crazy excited, what does it hurt? I feel like you trying to temper expectations is simply because you don't want to get too excited. Maybe you've been burned too many times in the past, and don't want to get too high about a team or a coach again. Maybe it's just your nature (not knocking you if any of that is the case. Believe me, I understand the sentiment).

Regardless, coach is getting at least three or four years despite how any of us feel. If he is a pathetic loser, he'll be let go, because of the product on the field, not because of how excited we are for the Babers era to start.

As for me, I'm excited. I don't care about wins and losses (well I do, a little bit) this year. I care about improved execution and a program that looks like it's finding itself throughout the year. When people say they're excited, it doesn't mean all of us (or even most of us) expect 10 wins and 40 ppg right off the bat. It means we're excited for a chance to see exciting football, and a team that will progress as the season continues.

In Marrone's first year, I knew something was different from Game 1. That team was overmatched, and not incredibly talented. Damn, they fought for it though. They played hard, and were aggressive. There was something about them that told me that Marrone knew what he was doing. That's what I'm looking for this year.

I have faith in Coach Babers, and his system. If he goes belly up over the course of three years, we'll move on. I quite like to be excited about the prospects of my team, even if it only reveals itself in July and August, and not during the season. That's why I watch sports -- for enjoyment. SU is my team, and I'll be excited for every year, and every team before the season starts, regardless of whether my expectations should be "tempered" or not. One of these years, they'll give me many reasons to be excited DURING the year. Maybe some of that excitement will start to present itself this year. Hope, after all, springs eternal.
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Ohhh if you weren't such a soccer mark I would light you up right now, son! Just grab a straw, slurp the kool-aid, and enjoy it;)
Oh I am trust me.

But being more aggressive than Shafer on fourth down?

Anybody On this board could manage to be more aggressive on fourth than Shafer lol
I'm always surprised and intrigued by people who willfully try to not be excited about their football team. It's a game, why can't we be excited about a new season, a new coach and new opportunities?

NO! Dammit, I'm not getting excited about a game, that is a recreational activity for a fan, and supposed to be fun. I WILL NOT be lured into being excited and hoping for fun. I'll piss in everyone's Cheerios and be the pragmatic, because that's EXACTLY what fandom is supposed to be.

Just an FYI to anyone who resembles this type of fan, being pragmatic and cynical about your team does not make you a more mature or better fan. It just kind of makes you a curmudgeon.

Sorry. /rant
i will try to answer question. it has taken years of practice, but i have successfully achieved a tempered cautious optimism. having been through su football from 1960 til now we have had some great years and horrible decades. i saw ben s. retire in defeat from the lack of investment in the program. years of empty promises from the administration. sat through the maloney years(whom i thought was on the verge of turning the corner and i liked)mac,who did pretty well. pp who also suffered at the hands of the arms race, continued empty promises from the ad and lack of investmet in facilities. the horrible grob years (but i felt bad for him,but was a terrible coach)marrone who i thought was very good coach and called out the administration on investing in the program. scott s another great guy but to emotional to be a leader and stay focused.
as a fan and former sth, i felt that the administration had for years disrespected the fan base and spewed the same bs. i still go to 2-3 games at su every year as well at the meadowlands when we play there.
i am impressed with what appears to be a real investment in the program. i believe the chancellor to be solidly behind it, and more importantly, has a great vision for su growth academically. we need to move on stadium renovation very soon. i like babers from what i have seen. i like that he appears to be true leader, in command, mature, and does not come in with bravado, but rather what i call a steadfast confidence.
the willful part comes in to play when u are worn out from years continued frustration.
fyi being a fan of cautious optimism and not drinking the koolaide, or carrying a pom pom does not make a "bad" fan. my,(and others) 50+ years of support buying tickets, sitting through archbold etc gives me the right to my humble opinion. i feel your second paragraph is not accurate if you feel a difference of opinion equates to pissing in cheerios. however like me, you are entitled to your opinion
by the way i am not an alum, but was a townie(born and raised on tipphill) and have lived out of state for the past 40 yrs.
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tipphill said:
i will try to answer question. it has taken years of practice, but i have successfully achieved a tempered cautious optimism. having been through su football from 1960 til now we have had some great years and horrible decades. i saw ben s. retire in defeat from the lack of investment in the program. years of empty promises from the administration. sat through the maloney years(whom i thought was on the verge of turning the corner and i liked)mac,who did pretty well. pp who also suffered at the hands of the arms race, continued empty promises from the ad and lack of investmet in facilities. the horrible grob years (but i felt bad for him,but was a terrible coach)marrone who i thought was very good coach and called out the administration on investing in the program. scott s another great guy but to emotional to be a leader and stay focused. as a fan and former sth, i felt that the administration had for years disrespected the fan base and spewed the same bs. i still go to 2-3 games at su every year as well at the meadowlands when we play there. i am impressed with what appears to be a real investment in the program. i believe the chancellor to be solidly behind it, and more importantly, has a great vision for su growth academically. we need to move on stadium renovation very soon. i like babers from what i have seen. i like that he appears to be true leader, in command, mature, and does not come in with bravado, but rather what i call a steadfast confidence. the willful part comes in to play when u are worn out from years continued frustration. fyi being a fan of cautious optimism and not drinking the koolaide, or carrying a pom pom does not make a "bad" fan. my,(and others) 50+ years of support buying tickets, sitting through archbold etc gives me the right to my humble opinion. i feel your second paragraph is not accurate if you feel a difference of opinion equates to pissing in cheerios. however like me, you are entitled to your opinion by the way i am not an alum, but was a townie(born and raised on tipphill) and have lived out of state for the past 40 yrs.

Not going to lie. I read "as a former sth" as "as a former sith"...
And I'm sure Coach Babers thanks you for your service.

To be a clear, a fan's excitement is something to temper? Nothing you can do will change the way certain people decide to look at this. Some will be wildly optimistic and disappointed if he doesn't fulfill their every wish immediately. There's nothing you can do to change that.

Tempering enthusiasm is just silly. Let people be crazy excited, what does it hurt? I feel like you trying to temper expectations is simply because you don't want to get too excited. Maybe you've been burned too many times in the past, and don't want to get too high about a team or a coach again. Maybe it's just your nature (not knocking you if any of that is the case. Believe me, I understand the sentiment).

Regardless, coach is getting at least three or four years despite how any of us feel. If he is a pathetic loser, he'll be let go, because of the product on the field, not because of how excited we are for the Babers era to start.

As for me, I'm excited. I don't care about wins and losses (well I do, a little bit) this year. I care about improved execution and a program that looks like it's finding itself throughout the year. When people say they're excited, it doesn't mean all of us (or even most of us) expect 10 wins and 40 ppg right off the bat. It means we're excited for a chance to see exciting football, and a team that will progress as the season continues.

In Marrone's first year, I knew something was different from Game 1. That team was overmatched, and not incredibly talented. Damn, they fought for it though. They played hard, and were aggressive. There was something about them that told me that Marrone knew what he was doing. That's what I'm looking for this year.

I have faith in Coach Babers, and his system. If he goes belly up over the course of three years, we'll move on. I quite like to be excited about the prospects of my team, even if it only reveals itself in July and August, and not during the season. That's why I watch sports -- for enjoyment. SU is my team, and I'll be excited for every year, and every team before the season starts, regardless of whether my expectations should be "tempered" or not. One of these years, they'll give me many reasons to be excited DURING the year. Maybe some of that excitement will start to present itself this year. Hope, after all, springs eternal.

Great post.

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