Quick summary of the Grant recruitment till this point | Syracusefan.com

Quick summary of the Grant recruitment till this point


All American
Aug 23, 2011
I see the madness has begun and let me get everybody on the same page so that nobody takes anything the wrong way or has any confusion. For months SU was right up there as the fav for Grant, along with a few others. As I told some of you, it was all on the staff to close because it's not my style to say recruit a or b is a lock for anybody since we all know recruiting is crazy. This past weekend the latest word I received from my sources before the wash post/alex kline nonsense, was that things were really wide open with several schools but the Cuse were still being considered. I would've been more giddy if he had visited SU again recently. I shared that privately with another poster before hand that could co-sign to what I'm saying, for those who don't want to believe. Maryland and Rutgers made their late push but it was Maryland that held the biggest weight, because his family would love to have him closer to home. Jake Layman's decision could make an impact, we'll see. The Rutgers stuff is still pretty comical IMO but to each is own if that's the choice he makes. So in the end, I only report what I hear and I let the staff do their job. I don't like to speculate because if you're wrong then you know what happens and trust me, my credibility means everything to me and I would never want to make a mockery of myself or you guys. We'll see if Grant wears orange, if not that's cool and we'll move on and be fine without him anyway.

Love you guys and thanks for the excitement :)
youre a beast , your info is solid and always credible , and never an ounce of speculation is what i love. bees could learn a lot from you about speculation :eek:
Always appreciated Francis.

If worst case scenerio happened and we lost Grant and Coleman (which I am not counting on it) JB has always grabbed other good sleepers. There has got to be some other good ones out there. If theres one position syracuse always overachieves from recruting and turns midmajors into stars at its SF.
Maybe this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlTY-G3mxkU
great stuff as always francis... you certainly have earned the right to make a prediction and then not lose credibility if the last minute decision of a 17 year old changes.

With that said, do you see the staff pocketing the ship for 13? Any developments with DC2? It been really interesting if our one recruit in 12 is Cavanuagh!
I see the madness has begun and let me get everybody on the same page so that nobody takes anything the wrong way or has any confusion. For months SU was right up there as the fav for Grant, along with a few others. As I told some of you, it was all on the staff to close because it's not my style to say recruit a or b is a lock for anybody since we all know recruiting is crazy. This past weekend the latest word I received from my sources before the wash post/alex kline nonsense, was that things were really wide open with several schools but the Cuse were still being considered. I would've been more giddy if he had visited SU again recently. I shared that privately with another poster before hand that could co-sign to what I'm saying, for those who don't want to believe. Maryland and Rutgers made their late push but it was Maryland that held the biggest weight, because his family would love to have him closer to home. Jake Layman's decision could make an impact, we'll see. The Rutgers stuff is still pretty comical IMO but to each is own if that's the choice he makes. So in the end, I only report what I hear and I let the staff do their job. I don't like to speculate because if you're wrong then you know what happens and trust me, my credibility means everything to me and I would never want to make a mockery of myself or you guys. We'll see if Grant wears orange, if not that's cool and we'll move on and be fine without him anyway.

Love you guys and thanks for the excitement :)

Francis...I am disappointed...not in you...but the mere fact that you thought it was necessary to make a post like this. You are among the 5 best posters on this board---you always provide insight and a definite view of what is taking place...your apology, if this is what your meant..is not accepted...you NEED not apologize...you are too good for that!
great stuff as always francis... you certainly have earned the right to make a prediction and then not lose credibility if the last minute decision of a 17 year old changes.

With that said, do you see the staff pocketing the ship for 13? Any developments with DC2? It been really interesting if our one recruit in 12 is Cavanuagh!

Coleman is continuing to flirt with UK and OSU. I'm still sticking with 50/50 at the moment as far as the chances of landing him at this point. Cavanaugh is visiting ND this weekend, so no guarantees there as well. Personally I would hold the 3rd ship for 2013, which could be an loaded 4-5 player class.
I think it might be in Coleman's best interest to go elsewhere. It is my understanding that he has not shown an ability to stay away from certian types from the old neighborhood. We don't want to see another Sales. Some kids can mature past that at home, others cannot. Who is to say which kid DC is. Whatever is best for all these kids should be our interest.
Francis...I am disappointed...not in you...but the mere fact that you thought it was necessary to make a post like this. You are among the 5 best posters on this board---you always provide insight and a definite view of what is taking place...your apology, if this is what your meant..is not accepted...you NEED not apologize...you are too good for that!

It's not an apology because I've definitely nothing to be sorry about. Since I pretty much jump started the Grant recruitment back in May. I felt it was only right to get everybody on the same page from my point of view as things head to an end. If you've a problem with that, then you've a right to feel how you feel but I stand by my post.
I still think Elijah Macon could be a stud. He has a pretty nice dribble and a jump shot for a PF and beef atleast below the belt. Any chance in us getting back in the running for him. I know Pitt is interested as is Maryland and hes thinks he will be in the 012 class last I heard. His highlights on Youtube are Real Nice.

Any chance on us sneaking up on TJ Warren late in the game??
Hes in NH on Brewster CJ's team. He went to the Lebron Camp.
There's some buzz here in Maryland that Grant is going Orange... I think a poster put something on the football page. Heard some UM boosters talking about it today...
It's not an apology because I've definitely nothing to be sorry about. Since I pretty much jump started the Grant recruitment back in May. I felt it was only right to get everybody on the same page from my point of view as things head to an end. If you've a problem with that, then you've a right to feel how you feel but I stand by my post.

Actually, you should re-read my post...I am saying you need not apologize...you have done nothing wrong...u r one of the best posters...and I have said that a number of times...WOW...I just wanted you to know that your post should not have been necessary...we believe you and in you!
Coleman is continuing to flirt with UK and OSU. I'm still sticking with 50/50 at the moment as far as the chances of landing him at this point. Cavanaugh is visiting ND this weekend, so no guarantees there as well. Personally I would hold the 3rd ship for 2013, which could be an loaded 4-5 player class.

I really enjoy your posts and insight. Unfortunately for someone like me it is hard to follow all the players we are looking at and where we stand with them with respect to each class. If you would be so kind and impart your top 5 we are currently in pursuit of and what you think our chances are I would appreciate it...

1. Coleman (50/50)
2. Jerami Grant (?)
It's not an apology because I've definitely nothing to be sorry about. Since I pretty much jump started the Grant recruitment back in May. I felt it was only right to get everybody on the same page from my point of view as things head to an end. If you've a problem with that, then you've a right to feel how you feel but I stand by my post.

Lighten up, Francis. The whole platoon loves you. Including Sgt. Hulka and Lee Harvey. :)

Lee Harvey likes you more than he likes cows. ;)
Actually, you should re-read my post...I am saying you need not apologize...you have done nothing wrong...u r one of the best posters...and I have said that a number of times...WOW...I just wanted you to know that your post should not have been necessary...we believe you and in you!

Relax my friend it's all good and I understand what you mean. I was just letting you know that my main purpose for the post was to get everybody on the same page. It was not an "apology" for anything, I understand in this game your going to hit or miss. I rather set the record straight so that nobody is confused or twist my words around.
I really enjoy your posts and insight. Unfortunately for someone like me it is hard to follow all the players we are looking at and where we stand with them with respect to each class. If you would be so kind and impart your top 5 we are currently in pursuit of and what you think our chances are I would appreciate it...

1. Coleman (50/50)
2. Jerami Grant (?)

3. Tyler Cavanaugh

If it ends up being just 2/3 then I think the 3rd ship will be held for 2013.

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