Rank Marrone's wins so far | Syracusefan.com

Rank Marrone's wins so far


2nd String
Oct 4, 2011
Having a tough time ranking Marrones biggest wins..

(1) Win vs. KSU in Pinstripe Bowl
(2) Win vs. #9 Lousville
(3) Win vs. Mizzou on road to clinch Bowl
(4) Win vs. #24 WVU at home Friday night in dome
(5) Win vs. Rutgers to clinch bowl

What are others and do people agree with my list..
Then we should rank GRob's wins. Oh wait, no one likes to read a blank message...
I'd also include the Win vs #20 WVU on the road in 2010. The Pinstripe bowl probably has to be #1, and the various storylines make 2 through 6 pretty close.
Having a tough time ranking Marrones biggest wins..

(1) Win vs. KSU in Pinstripe Bowl
(2) Win vs. #9 Lousville
(3) Win vs. Mizzou on road to clinch Bowl
(4) Win vs. #24 WVU at home Friday night in dome
(5) Win vs. Rutgers to clinch bowl

What are others and do people agree with my list..
Can't put the pinstripe bowl #1.

IMO it's the WVU game, then Louisville, then Mizzou, then KSU, then Rutgers.
For me, it's 2009 against NW- thank you Mr. Lichtenstein.

That one got things started - the Robinson era was over.

Then 2010 at USF- that's when we began to see a change in the trajectory of the program.

Then 2010 at WVU - a truly great win.

WVU last year along with Louisville, USF and Missouri this year. All great.

Those are my games.
1. Louisville(because we followed it up with another win, which really means the program is back, and they were ranked #9, and the team at this point in the season could really have rolled over.)
2. Missouri (because it followed a great Louisville win, and the team did not let the Louisville game get to their heads) and it was a tough fought road game)
3. W. Va. (because it was a great win against a ranked team, but we could not build on that win, and that is why it is #3)
4. The bowl game which we are still to win this year!!!!!
5.. Pinstripe bowl
  1. Louisville 2012
  2. West Va 2011
  3. Mizzou 2012
  4. Pinstripe Bowl
  5. USF 2012
We are arguing over something fun, winning! The best part is that in a few years, we will look back at this thread and laugh because as good as these wins are, they will be markers only and we'll have much better wins to argue about being the best!

My list:

WVU 2011
Louisville 2012
KState/Pinstripe Bowl
WVU 2010
Then any Big East win in the Marrone era, we needed them all.

Best loss was when Syracuse played PSU in 2010 and JoePa commented after the game that Syracuse was a different team. They were hitting much headed and he believed we we headed in the right direction. For undersized/speed kids, we hit hard like the best defenses.
2009 Rutgers is on my list. They had beaten us badly for 4 years and were ranked #25. We completely destroyed them.
2009 Rutgers is on my list. They had beaten us badly for 4 years and were ranked #25. We completely destroyed them.

Agreed..and we followed it up in 2010 to show that it wasn't a fluke.

Bottomline: this team feels like a borderline Top 25 team now.

I still think beating WVU so handily in 2011 set the tone where this program could go.
2009 Rutgers is on my list. They had beaten us badly for 4 years and were ranked #25. We completely destroyed them.
I think this win was #1
Louisville this year
2009 Rutgers win #3 (that was fun)
Pinstripe win
WV last year (having lost the next 5 does ifluence my vote on this even though it shouldn't
Pinstripe Bowl isn't #1. Top 3 are...

1) L'ville
2) Missouri
3) WV last year
I think last night is #1. Not that Mizzou is Alabama, but to me beating a mediocre major conference team on the road in a hostile environment on their senior night when they had a chance to be bowl eligible signals that we really are back, in terms of being able to compete consistently against BCS conference teams.

West Virginia last year was a great win, but it's importance was diminished considerably when we lost the rest of the season.
# 1 is the 2014 win over Alabama.
1. WVU 2011 - dominating from start to finish against a legit top 15 team.
2. Louisville 2012 - have to admit I didn't see two wins in this three game stretch. So glad to be wrong.
3. KSU - big plays, flea flicker, a preview of the exciting offense we would see this season and our first bowl win in 9 years.
4. WVU 2010 - was pretty shocked to beat USF two weeks before with that 98 yard drive. Then getting shellacked by Pitt at home the week before and all the good feelings from USF were gone. Then we beat went into Morgantown and won.
5. Missouri - :)
I think last night is #1. Not that Mizzou is Alabama, but to me beating a mediocre major conference team on the road in a hostile environment on their senior night when they had a chance to be bowl eligible signals that we really are back, in terms of being able to compete consistently against BCS conference teams.

West Virginia last year was a great win, but it's importance was diminished considerably when we lost the rest of the season.

I'm with you. KSU ran into the same thing at Baylor last night.

Also factor in that SU was down big, early.

On the flip side of the WVa win not looking or feeling so great, consider last week SU took a Top 10 team to the shed at home in a yawner.

It's kind of staggering.
I'm with you. KSU ran into the same thing at Baylor last night.

Also factor in that SU was down big, early.

On the flip side of the WVa win not looking or feeling so great, consider last week SU took a Top 10 team to the shed at home in a yawner.

It's kind of staggering.

Yeah, I don't mean to diminish the WVU win. But last night officially wiped out the stink of last year's collapse and this year's early season frustrations.

And I think there's a lot more, program-wise, to hang your hat on as a fan now. 2010 was great, but the manner in which we accomplished it was totally unsustainable. What we're doing now is a real foundation to build upon.
The USF win this year was special and it went along way to getting us the Mizzou and Uof L wins. Its the most valuable win. Lose that game and who knows???
This is # 1 in my book

I agree completely. The WVU game was a great win, but the team fell on their faces after that. The Pinstripe Bowl is #2 in my book.

The win last night on the road clinched us 15 more practices. That cannot be overstated. This is huge for the development of our younger players. Billy Fuccillo HUGE.
Having a tough time ranking Marrones biggest wins..

Sticking with who he is! (1) Win vs. KSU in Pinstripe Bowl
Hiring Coach Shaffer: Doast , Morrison (2) Win vs. #24 WVU at home Friday night in dome
Hiring Coach Adkin, Anselmo, Hackett (3) Win vs. Mizzou and chance at 8-5
Hiring Coach Wheatly, Moore (4) Win vs. #9 Lousville
Hiring Coach Henderson (5) Win vs. Rutgers to clinch bowl

Standing by his standards
Yeah, I don't mean to diminish the WVU win. But last night officially wiped out the stink of last year's collapse and this year's early season frustrations.

And I think there's a lot more, program-wise, to hang your hat on as a fan now. 2010 was great, but the manner in which we accomplished it was totally unsustainable. What we're doing now is a real foundation to build upon.

Completely with you. 2010 was just getting the car to the garage on fumes and duct tape.

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