RE: Southerland— what can we assume and what can we rule out? | Page 2 |

RE: Southerland— what can we assume and what can we rule out?

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I am sorry you misinterpreted my post in that fashion. It is 180 degrees from what I meant to convey. I was just trying to explain WHY people are not going into the details. Just as they didn't with the Roger Springfield situation. As I have said before, maybe I should just never say anything, because I (and others) sometimes have to walk a fine line here.
I for one thank you for your input. Please ignore those that want information then shoot the messenger if they don't get enough info.
see... why even say something like this? obviously there are some well-connected individuals in our little online community here, but that often seems to be flaunted in a "I'll bet you wish you knew what I know" sort of way.
I am still new-ish here (like a year) and don't quite get why the mods can't say what they know. Is it protecting sources?
I am still new-ish here (like a year) and don't quite get why the mods can't say what they know. Is it protecting sources?

More of a "this board is viewable by public, including other schools". They private message their info to many regulars on here that they know are SU fans, if they promise not to post.

EDIT: this is for rumors in general. In JSouth's specific case you also have things like privacy laws in play as well.
I am still new-ish here (like a year) and don't quite get why the mods can't say what they know. Is it protecting sources?
It is NOT because some of us are Mods. Several people who are not Mods know a lot of inside stuff -- sometimes more than the Mods know. It is 1) because we know stuff because people who trust us have told us; and 2) because we respect the school's position as to why it cannot discuss the specifics of certain situations while they are under review. This is not some CIA conspiracy theory. It is just common decency.
It is NOT because some of us are Mods. Several people who are not Mods know a lot of inside stuff -- sometimes more than the Mods know. It is 1) because we know stuff because people who trust us have told us; and 2) because we respect the school's position as to why it cannot discuss the specifics of certain situations while they are under review. This is not some CIA conspiracy theory. It is just common decency.
I wasn't trying to be snarky. What made me say "mods" is that Jake started up a thread earlier that was leading, but with no real info. BTW, I like your posts and his very much, but I get what Pearl was saying.
I for one thank you for your input. Please ignore those that want information then shoot the messenger if they don't get enough info.
is it really information, though?
The thing that makes the most sense is that he somehow garnered an INC in one of his classes.

Let's hope, because that is correctable. Although Jerami can fill in at forward, and does make the occasional 3, he's not the threat that James is, and people won't have to prepare to guard him from 3. Cooney is too erratic for opposing defenses to be concerned about at this point. This will be a major loss if we don't get him back.
I wasn't trying to be snarky. What made me say "mods" is that Jake started up a thread earlier that was leading, but with no real info. BTW, I like your posts and his very much, but I get what Pearl was saying.
I've been on this board long enough to know that Pearl's attitude is dead wrong.
So is anyone in the know willing to risk their freedom from federal prison to PM me What is going on? Pretty please? :rolleyes:

Well, it is kind of relevant and newsworthy, don't you think?

You shouldn't act like we are morally wrong to be curious. While some of us have a wholesome 1950s and 60s Glee style of view of college athletes, some of us look at them as semi-professionals, and we are fans almost in the sense we are fans of a professional team.

I don't think it's fair to suggest that that we are invading his privacy or doing some wrong by being curious and hoping to get an answer, so we can adjust our expectations - like when a guy has an injury and we want to know how serious it is.
Well, it is kind of relevant and newsworthy, don't you think?

You shouldn't act like we are morally wrong to be curious. While some of us have a wholesome 1950s and 60s Glee style of view of college athletes, some of us look at them as semi-professionals, and we are fans almost in the sense we are fans of a professional team.

I don't think it's fair to suggest that that we are invading his privacy or doing some wrong by being curious and hoping to get an answer, so we can adjust our expectations - like when a guy has an injury and we want to know how serious it is.

(Oops. Responded to the wrong post.+
Several people here know what the story is. However, out of respect for James' privacy... and out of respect for the university's policy regarding a student's privacy, and for the federal law protecting a student's privacy, they are not going to say anything until this matter is played out through appropriate channels. And that is the way it should be. We should stop flagellating ourselves about something over which we have no control.

I'm assuming that, unless James told you directly, his privacy rights are already being violated, and you're party to it. So I don't see how you're protecting him by not saying anything.
I'm assuming that, unless James told you directly, his privacy rights are already being violated, and you're party to it. So I don't see how you're protecting him by not saying anything.

This is spot on.

I'm not going to name names, out of "respect" for people's privacy, but there are members of the SU BOT that post on this site. Some of them are mods, and some not. Many of them, whenever there's a "scandal" or "pertinent issue" that they're privy to, do NOT disclose information here. Sometimes they share veiled information, but that's less out of concern for the privacy/rights of a student athlete, but more to protect their own pipeline of source information so that no-one would know that it was them who leaked the information.

My issue is that if you're a member of the BOT, you shouldn't even be saying, "oh, I know what's going on, but I'm not going to tell." It's pretty clear that you're not a member of the athletic department, or a member of a judicial board/office of student conduct. Therefore, you shouldn't be saying anything.

I work in higher education at a state university, and if I pulled that , I could be fired. Not only is it extremely unethical for (not only the originators of the information, but also) the "BOT and other high ranking" members of this site to continually share the information that they do, it's illegal. The atmosphere of this website lends itself to "gossip". Indeed that's a large reason why it was created, a place where SU fans can come and share opinions, news and insight.

If you're one of those folks, and you honestly feel that it's wrong of you to "share" insider information with a public message board because it's not part of your "inner circle" of other BOT members, friends or donors, then I think it's completely fair for people to judge you for how you obtained that information in the first place, and the fact that you're not only failing to share it, but don't have any concern for how you obtained it.

Just because you're a member of the SU athletics "inner circle" in terms of perks, access and status doesn't mean that gossip is any less harmful, unethical, or legal.

It's the pot calling the kettle black. I for one, am sick of the "talking out of both sides of one's mouth" that happens here by people "in the know."

If you don't want people to know who you are to protect your own status and privilege in terms of access to information, I wouldn't fault you for that.

But it's extremely narcissistic to come on here and throw around your status, and parade behind an explanation of "privacy and respect for the student athlete." That's complete crap and quite frankly, an insult to people's intelligence.

I'm just calling it like I see it.
NY Orange, I totally disagree with what you are saying. I know at least one of the posters and they are not trying to throw their status around in any way or form. I think what they may be trying to do is give us some slight information as to 1) is it permanent, or is there a chance that James will be back and 2) that it is more on the academic side than something illegal or bad that he did. I think they are trying to help us, the fans, as much as they possibly can without giving out any info that they have received in whatever manner they received it. We don't know what their exact status is with the board of trustees, and if they do or do not have the right to the information that they have. So what we know is that there is hope, and that James is probably still a good guy. And that is all I need to know. I would not ask someone to PM me, because I do not have the right to know any more info. James is an adult who is entitled to his privacy and we need to respect that. It would be the same for your sons or daughters in this same situation. I appreciate being "pointed" in the right direction by the little bit of info that we were able to receive. I hope it works out as James is in his last semester, and has always struck me as someone who takes all of this seriously.
One other thing I want to point out. Yes these are student athletes, and they must do the work and go to class. But you also have to remember that some of our athletes are stretching their academic abilities at Syracuse. They may have been borderline accepts if they had appllied as non athletes, or maybe Syracuse would not have been the right academic fit. So when people say all they have to do is go to class and do the work, it is not always so cut and dry.
This is spot on.

I'm not going to name names, out of "respect" for people's privacy, but there are members of the SU BOT that post on this site. Some of them are mods, and some not. Many of them, whenever there's a "scandal" or "pertinent issue" that they're privy to, do NOT disclose information here. Sometimes they share veiled information, but that's less out of concern for the privacy/rights of a student athlete, but more to protect their own pipeline of source information so that no-one would know that it was them who leaked the information.

My issue is that if you're a member of the BOT, you shouldn't even be saying, "oh, I know what's going on, but I'm not going to tell." It's pretty clear that you're not a member of the athletic department, or a member of a judicial board/office of student conduct. Therefore, you shouldn't be saying anything.

I work in higher education at a state university, and if I pulled that , I could be fired. Not only is it extremely unethical for (not only the originators of the information, but also) the "BOT and other high ranking" members of this site to continually share the information that they do, it's illegal. The atmosphere of this website lends itself to "gossip". Indeed that's a large reason why it was created, a place where SU fans can come and share opinions, news and insight.

If you're one of those folks, and you honestly feel that it's wrong of you to "share" insider information with a public message board because it's not part of your "inner circle" of other BOT members, friends or donors, then I think it's completely fair for people to judge you for how you obtained that information in the first place, and the fact that you're not only failing to share it, but don't have any concern for how you obtained it.

Just because you're a member of the SU athletics "inner circle" in terms of perks, access and status doesn't mean that gossip is any less harmful, unethical, or legal.

It's the pot calling the kettle black. I for one, am sick of the "talking out of both sides of one's mouth" that happens here by people "in the know."

If you don't want people to know who you are to protect your own status and privilege in terms of access to information, I wouldn't fault you for that.

But it's extremely narcissistic to come on here and throw around your status, and parade behind an explanation of "privacy and respect for the student athlete." That's complete crap and quite frankly, an insult to people's intelligence.

I'm just calling it like I see it.

Whenever I read a post like this, I think I should never post here ... unless it's some fluff post about "your favorite movie" or some random comment about the fog in Hartford. The university would prefer that I didn't post here. In fact they would prefer that I had never started this board. But, deep down, I am a fan more than anything else, and I've made a lot of good friends on this board. I think most (well, maybe many) of them understand the constraints under which I post here. Yes, my knowledge was 2-3 days ahead of what became public on the football board during the past week, but I couldn't betray confidences by saying anything. I did, however, contribute as best I the news came out. What am I supposed to do? Never say anything? I don't know.
If you pay attention the insiders are very good at saying a lot without saying much !! Keep posting Cto and the rest of the insiders !!!
IMO certain posters flaunt their insider knowledge and access. "Look at me. I fly with the team... Or I know something way before anyone else, or I ate dinner with so and so." The worst is when an insider teases the less-informed peasants by saying they know something but can't say anything. It's arrogance personified. It serves nothing but ego-stroking.
Whenever I read a post like this, I think I should never post here ... unless it's some fluff post about "your favorite movie" or some random comment about the fog in Hartford. The university would prefer that I didn't post here. In fact they would prefer that I had never started this board. But, deep down, I am a fan more than anything else, and I've made a lot of good friends on this board. I think most (well, maybe many) of them understand the constraints under which I post here. Yes, my knowledge was 2-3 days ahead of what became public on the football board during the past week, but I couldn't betray confidences by saying anything. I did, however, contribute as best I the news came out. What am I supposed to do? Never say anything? I don't know.

Hang in there CTO. The opposite of you posting here are people going on wild goose chases when stuff like this happens that are really far more harmful and offbase than anything else.
IMO certain posters flaunt their insider knowledge and access. "Look at me. I fly with the team... Or I know something way before anyone else, or I ate dinner with so and so." The worst is when an insider teases the less-informed peasants by saying they know something but can't say anything. It's arrogance personified. It serves nothing but ego-stroking.

Again, exactly my point.

I've never asked for a PM to tell me what's going on or demanded that people share information. My stance is that it's pretty crappy for any "insider" to come on here and say "well I know something, but I can't say," when it's clear to the board that you're someone who has direct access to what's really going on due to your affiliation with SU.

Why was this message board started in the first place? To share information. If you have information, but due to your position, you can't share it, why say that you know what's going on in the first place? Clearly one can't be an insider and "spill the beans," otherwise they wouldn't stay as an insider for long. But there's a difference between holding information, and there's a difference between perpetuating a power trip when there's really no need to.

And I'll say that for the most part, I really enjoy the posts from the "insiders" on this board. I find what they have to say incredibly insightful.

I just really don't see the need for them to "weigh in" on a "scandal/issue" when it's clear to everyone that their real intention is not to share the whole story. When Jake says over the weekend that it's "50/50" to whether it will be resolved with JS, is that really sharing "information?" It's basically throwing scraps to the hungry masses who are hanging on his/her every word due to their "insider status."

If you don't want people to be upset when things happen and you don't want to share the information you have, then perhaps you shouldn't try straddling both sides of the fence.
Again, exactly my point.

I've never asked for a PM to tell me what's going on or demanded that people share information. My stance is that it's pretty crappy for any "insider" to come on here and say "well I know something, but I can't say," when it's clear to the board that you're someone who has direct access to what's really going on due to your affiliation with SU.

Why was this message board started in the first place? To share information. If you have information, but due to your position, you can't share it, why say that you know what's going on in the first place? Clearly one can't be an insider and "spill the beans," otherwise they wouldn't stay as an insider for long. But there's a difference between holding information, and there's a difference between perpetuating a power trip when there's really no need to.

And I'll say that for the most part, I really enjoy the posts from the "insiders" on this board. I find what they have to say incredibly insightful.

I just really don't see the need for them to "weigh in" on a "scandal/issue" when it's clear to everyone that their real intention is not to share the whole story. When Jake says over the weekend that it's "50/50" to whether it will be resolved with , is that really sharing "information?" It's basically throwing scraps to the hungry masses who are hanging on his/her every word due to their "insider status."

If you don't want people to be upset when things happen and you don't want to share the information you have, then perhaps you shouldn't try straddling both sides of the fence.

Jake saying 50/50 is information - as opposed to everyone guessing. The alternative is a ton of posts from the Orange can do no wrong crowd saying it's paperwork and a ton of posts from the Orange just do wrong crowd saying he's expelled or somethnig stupid. but if you want a board of 100% guessing well that can be done too. The intention is to dispell myths, there isn't any "power" in this deal.
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