RE: Southerland— what can we assume and what can we rule out? | Page 3 |

RE: Southerland— what can we assume and what can we rule out?

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Jake saying 50/50 is information - as opposed to everyone guessing. The alternative is a ton of posts from the Orange can do no wrong crowd saying it's paperwork and a ton of posts from the Orange just do wrong crowd saying he's expelled or somethnig stupid. but if you want a board of 100% guessing well that can be done too. The intention is to dispell myths, there isn't any "power" in this deal.
I love jake's posts for the most part because he actually tries to give info, especially regarding recruiting. And the insiders who do power trip, well, I know who they are, but I'm not going to tell you peasants.
You guys are all n00bs. This info came out on the pay side last month. Get wit it.
Again, exactly my point.

I've never asked for a PM to tell me what's going on or demanded that people share information. My stance is that it's pretty crappy for any "insider" to come on here and say "well I know something, but I can't say," when it's clear to the board that you're someone who has direct access to what's really going on due to your affiliation with SU.

Why was this message board started in the first place? To share information. If you have information, but due to your position, you can't share it, why say that you know what's going on in the first place? Clearly one can't be an insider and "spill the beans," otherwise they wouldn't stay as an insider for long. But there's a difference between holding information, and there's a difference between perpetuating a power trip when there's really no need to.

And I'll say that for the most part, I really enjoy the posts from the "insiders" on this board. I find what they have to say incredibly insightful.

I just really don't see the need for them to "weigh in" on a "scandal/issue" when it's clear to everyone that their real intention is not to share the whole story. When Jake says over the weekend that it's "50/50" to whether it will be resolved with JS, is that really sharing "information?" It's basically throwing scraps to the hungry masses who are hanging on his/her every word due to their "insider status."

If you don't want people to be upset when things happen and you don't want to share the information you have, then perhaps you shouldn't try straddling both sides of the fence.

I agree with this, except for the blurb about jake. Him giving a percentage is giving info.
Yikes you guys will drive away any info because your worried about people flaunting knowing more than you on an internet board. Tone is very hard to tell on these boards and can almost be whatever you asign to it in your own mind. Even if someone is flaunting inside knowledge, ego stroking or anything else you want to call it if they post good info I could careless and if they don't I'll notice over time and take that info differently.

It doesn't take much but paying attention and reading the posts to figure out who is generally spot on with info and who is not. Nor does it take a lot of knowledge to understand that most info cannot be simply posted on and internet message board.
True but whom does it serve when someone says "I sat with so and so" or "there will be another shoe to drop..."

Name-dropping is classless, and teasing people with info does nothing but fan flames and to turn a phrase, "self-flagellates."
Several people here know what the story is. However, out of respect for James' privacy... and out of respect for the university's policy regarding a student's privacy, and for the federal law protecting a student's privacy, they are not going to say anything until this matter is played out through appropriate channels. And that is the way it should be. We should stop flagellating ourselves about something over which we have no control.
CTO-I respect you after reading you posts for many years and I respect James' right to privacy and I deeply respect the education I receive at SU. My question is simple though. What the fans really want to know is in your opinion, since you know what's going on, could it be ok, an iffy situation, or simply bad.
A simple answer here would not compromise any respect for privacy or university policy because an opinion is your best guess-an opinion. It would not compromise or reveal any fact about James. the University, coaches-anyone.
Regardless of whether your opinion turns out to be right or wrong, you are close to the situation then I am for sure and most all on this board respect your opinion and enjoy you posts.

I think we are close to contemporaries-school 1964-1971-yes, professional student with Vietnam and Dean Tatum. But still as much of a fan as anyone on this board from 1500 miles away in Oklahoma.

Frankly I'm just hoping for the best, but I don't want another Fab situation like last year.

Please reply if you read this message. And thank you.
P.S. Any leftover 2003 Big Eight-NCAA Championship T-shirts left? My 10 are worn out!
True but whom does it serve when someone says "I sat with so and so" or "there will be another shoe to drop..."

Name-dropping is classless, and teasing people with info does nothing but fan flames and to turn a phrase, "self-flagellates."

I don't disagree in theory but often times they are simply interesting stories that entertaina nd give some insight into said person. Other times its just an excited fan that ran into JB or whoever
so they post about it. If its the same person over and over just name dropping with nothing else of substance then you are priobably correct but then again non of us have to read any of this . . . . . . . sometimes reading my own poorly structured pros is painful.
I just want those who post what little inside info they can, to know that I appreciate it. Sometimes it is just nice to say thank you for what you can give or receive. Not jump down their throats for the parts they can not give. Isn't it better to know that James' situation is 50/50 and there is a glimmer of hope in this? Those on the "inside" have very nicely stated why they can not give out more info. They were just trying to make us feel some hope. Actually we are fortunate that we have people who can tell us just enough to help us understand.
I'm curious why some people even visit here or post at all. It might be best if some people move on and frequent another forum that might more fit their expectations.

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I'm curious why some people even visit here or post at all. It might be best if some people move on and frequent another forum that might more fit their expectations.

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This is spot on.

I'm not going to name names, out of "respect" for people's privacy, but there are members of the SU BOT that post on this site. Some of them are mods, and some not. Many of them, whenever there's a "scandal" or "pertinent issue" that they're privy to, do NOT disclose information here. Sometimes they share veiled information, but that's less out of concern for the privacy/rights of a student athlete, but more to protect their own pipeline of source information so that no-one would know that it was them who leaked the information.

My issue is that if you're a member of the BOT, you shouldn't even be saying, "oh, I know what's going on, but I'm not going to tell." It's pretty clear that you're not a member of the athletic department, or a member of a judicial board/office of student conduct. Therefore, you shouldn't be saying anything.

I work in higher education at a state university, and if I pulled that , I could be fired. Not only is it extremely unethical for (not only the originators of the information, but also) the "BOT and other high ranking" members of this site to continually share the information that they do, it's illegal. The atmosphere of this website lends itself to "gossip". Indeed that's a large reason why it was created, a place where SU fans can come and share opinions, news and insight.

If you're one of those folks, and you honestly feel that it's wrong of you to "share" insider information with a public message board because it's not part of your "inner circle" of other BOT members, friends or donors, then I think it's completely fair for people to judge you for how you obtained that information in the first place, and the fact that you're not only failing to share it, but don't have any concern for how you obtained it.

Just because you're a member of the SU athletics "inner circle" in terms of perks, access and status doesn't mean that gossip is any less harmful, unethical, or legal.

It's the pot calling the kettle black. I for one, am sick of the "talking out of both sides of one's mouth" that happens here by people "in the know."

If you don't want people to know who you are to protect your own status and privilege in terms of access to information, I wouldn't fault you for that.

But it's extremely narcissistic to come on here and throw around your status, and parade behind an explanation of "privacy and respect for the student athlete." That's complete crap and quite frankly, an insult to people's intelligence.

I'm just calling it like I see it.
Let me just call it as I see it. CTO has done more for this board and Syracuse University than you will do the rest of your life. Aside from being totally ignorant of the history of her and this board, you shoot your mouth off. I am actually angry after reading your post, you self absorbed asshat. Here is something I never do, there are three other boards, the newspaper board, rivals and scout. Go find a home at one of them. You won't be missed here.
IMO certain posters flaunt their insider knowledge and access. "Look at me. I fly with the team... Or I know something way before anyone else, or I ate dinner with so and so." The worst is when an insider teases the less-informed peasants by saying they know something but can't say anything. It's arrogance personified. It serves nothing but ego-stroking.
You think very highly of yourself. Your seething envy is very distasteful and very ugly.
And maybe you should
Again, exactly my point.

I've never asked for a PM to tell me what's going on or demanded that people share information. My stance is that it's pretty crappy for any "insider" to come on here and say "well I know something, but I can't say," when it's clear to the board that you're someone who has direct access to what's really going on due to your affiliation with SU.

Why was this message board started in the first place? To share information. If you have information, but due to your position, you can't share it, why say that you know what's going on in the first place? Clearly one can't be an insider and "spill the beans," otherwise they wouldn't stay as an insider for long. But there's a difference between holding information, and there's a difference between perpetuating a power trip when there's really no need to.

And I'll say that for the most part, I really enjoy the posts from the "insiders" on this board. I find what they have to say incredibly insightful.

I just really don't see the need for them to "weigh in" on a "scandal/issue" when it's clear to everyone that their real intention is not to share the whole story. When Jake says over the weekend that it's "50/50" to whether it will be resolved with JS, is that really sharing "information?" It's basically throwing scraps to the hungry masses who are hanging on his/her every word due to their "insider status."

If you don't want people to be upset when things happen and you don't want to share the information you have, then perhaps you shouldn't try straddling both sides of the fence.
Good, we'll just wait for your input. Better yet we'll just speculate with no knowledge what-so-ever. Great logic there.
I'm curious why some people even visit here or post at all. It might be best if some people move on and frequent another forum that might more fit their expectations.

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If this is directed at me, then own what you said and include that in your post.

I joined this site almost a year and a half ago after having been a poster at the scoutSyracuse fan website. I joined because I'm an alumni who lives and breathes SU hoops, and more recently, SU football.

If you'll recall, about a year ago I started a thread entitled "Where are we from/SU fan history" because in my opinion, our fan base is incredibly unique in the sense that there's so much regional pride for a place that, let's face it, doesn't necessarily invoke images of an economic powerhouse. What ties all of us is our love for SU sports. I genuinely enjoyed reading over 100+ people's "stories," and based on the feedback from that thread, many others who post here did too.

I feel that your comment is directed to a mindset that seems to pervade, folks who have the "mob" mentality, and aren't rational in thought and speech. If you'd call me that, fine, that's your opinion. I'm of the mindset that I'm a little more enlightened than that.

I don't usually post a lot here, because to be honest, the board can be a little harsh at times. I enjoy reading others perspectives, but there are a lot of people that are drama-queens and like to incite people and stir stuff up. As a result, I am content with being drowned out by some of the more "vocal" members of the board.

Now I understand that I'm privileged to be able to join a "fan message board web site" that's as well-run as this. God knows I belong to Knicks and Mets boards that aren't nearly as well-run. However, I do think it's fair and appropriate to question the motives, attitudes and perspectives of people who post here.

I appreciate that CTO and other "insiders" helped start this site, and believe me, I am grateful for the wealth of information on here.

People who post here come from all walks of life, with all kinds of different affiliations to SU. I'm sure some are multi-million dollar donors and benefactors. Some are on the board of trustees. Some are season ticket holders. Some, including myself, are alumni. Some are townies, and many others are just rabid fans.

I just don't see how the "insider" mentality that is perpetuated here really benefits anyone. Straddling both sides of the fence is tough. Sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it too. If those in the inner circle can't share the whole story, what's the point of sharing any part of the story at all? It helps to create an elitist attitude that quite frankly, I'm not a fan of.

If you don't like my perspective or what I have to say, feel free to engage me in a dialogue so I can see your point of view. If that's not your cup of tea, that's cool too.

Either way, Let's Go Orange.
I'm curious why some people even visit here or post at all. It might be best if some people move on and frequent another forum that might more fit their expectations.

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Let me just call it as I see it. CTO has done more for this board and Syracuse University than you will do the rest of your life. Aside from being totally ignorant of the history of her and this board, you shoot your mouth off. I am actually angry after reading your post, you self absorbed asshat. Here is something I never do, there are three other boards, the newspaper board, rivals and scout. Go find a home at one of them. You won't be missed here.

We need a paysite. It's that simple.
I actually have more inside info than anyone on this board. I just decided not to straddle and choose to share nothing. :cool:
CTO-I respect you after reading you posts for many years and I respect James' right to privacy and I deeply respect the education I receive at SU. My question is simple though. What the fans really want to know is in your opinion, since you know what's going on, could it be ok, an iffy situation, or simply bad.
A simple answer here would not compromise any respect for privacy or university policy because an opinion is your best guess-an opinion. It would not compromise or reveal any fact about James. the University, coaches-anyone.
Regardless of whether your opinion turns out to be right or wrong, you are close to the situation then I am for sure and most all on this board respect your opinion and enjoy you posts.

I think we are close to contemporaries-school 1964-1971-yes, professional student with Vietnam and Dean Tatum. But still as much of a fan as anyone on this board from 1500 miles away in Oklahoma.

Frankly I'm just hoping for the best, but I don't want another Fab situation like last year.

Please reply if you read this message. And thank you.
P.S. Any leftover 2003 Big Eight-NCAA Championship T-shirts left? My 10 are worn out!
Sadly, there are no more Big Eight (or whatever it was then) Champion tee-shirts. Of all the shirts I did, I think those were my favorites. I loved Dean Tatum. Yes, we were obviously contemporaries. Thanks for your kind thoughts.
Let me just call it as I see it. CTO has done more for this board and Syracuse University than you will do the rest of your life. Aside from being totally ignorant of the history of her and this board, you shoot your mouth off. I am actually angry after reading your post, you self absorbed asshat. Here is something I never do, there are three other boards, the newspaper board, rivals and scout. Go find a home at one of them. You won't be missed here.

I do not think he was at all off base and it was a sentiment I expressed earlier.

This is a pretty popular Syracuse fan board. If I were to post somewhere else it is not going to stop recruits, parents, donors, fans, alumni, etc from posting here. So when you have respected mods or posters with inside info leaking just enough to cause concern you are not providing information you are creating panic.

Got some info on a minor staff member...not good but not the worst thing in the world but it will be a black eye. Cant say anything here but give me your inbox and we will start spreading it around.

Shoe still has not finished dropping with Marrone/staff changes. More to come but all you recruits out there will just have to wait and see.

Southerland is ineligible for a reason that may or may not have to do with academics but could possibly be resolved.

All of the above is just nonsense but those in the know will take this as an attack, get sensitive and say they will never post again. It is childish. I do not know CTO from OTC but from what I can gather he/she is very well connected. Do I think this individual knows what is going on? Sure. Do I expect this person to blabber all over a popular message board. No. So why then feel obligated to post cryptic info?

Post about the game, let me as a season ticket holder and potential donor know about plans for facility upgrades or community outreach programs we could help initiate, promote road events we can all get behind. Good program building stuff. If you are not going to tell me why Southerland is suspended then I dont want to hear about your personal knowledge that you know whats going on but you are not going to tell because I am not in your tree club. Could or could not be academics, may or may not be drug related, what is that nonsense anyway?
Sadly, there are no more Big Eight (or whatever it was then) Champion tee-shirts. Of all the shirts I did, I think those were my favorites. I loved Dean Tatum. Yes, we were obviously contemporaries. Thanks for your kind thoughts.
Joyce-I don't post much, but I always read and attend every game I can. This year Missouri-SU-FB, then SU-Ark.-BB. Two W's very special for my oldest son and I.
I'd like to tell you a special Dean Tatum story to you. He definitely help this professional students grow up in a subtle way.

If you want to hear it my e-mail address is: I don't know your e-mail address-at one point I did, but I'm not a big e-mailer. This board is not where it's a good idea to tell my non-BB story.

My comments were heart felt and most on this board would agree. Hey a guy can say that at my age right?
I actually have more inside info than anyone on this board. I just decided not to straddle and choose to share nothing. :cool:
OK this going to be awkward and I didn't want to tell everyone but I'm Jim Boeheim. I used Seattle to throw people off the scent. Just kidding. I seriously can't believe people are mad at people for sharing information though. That is the whole point of the board. We are all Syracuse fans here...well except for Blue Curtain.
So these nice friendly individuals give whatever information they have to offer and this is how they get treated... THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS! Honestly, we should all be united in our fandom enough to appreciate whatever information anyone comes to this board to offer. Yes, it can be frustrating not knowing what will happen next but we shouldn't take it out on people offering any valuable information.

CTO, you shouldn't let the opinions of others dissuade you from posting. Some will really appreciate it. Others may criticize you. Should be water of a duck's back. Everyone on here is entitled to their opinion and most are grateful for any info we can get.

To the old guard who literally responds on a daily/weekly basis with "go join another site"... please, please, just stop. We get it. You don't like the style or content of some posts/posters. You pine for the good old days. I feel like I'm listening to Abe Simpson wax ecstatic sometimes. As long as the post aren't inflammatory or insulting, they should be kosher. NYOnBlue din't say anything out of line. Dude just has a different opinion.

Much gratitude to the CTO's and the Jake's who probably tell us more than they even want to sometimes. But they are not infallible. CTO will do more for Syracuse University in the next 5 minutes than I will do in my entire life, however, it doesn't mean I can't disagree with her on an issue.

I think this is a really well run board. The personal attacks are minimal. You get a good slap on the wrist if you do and the trolls are generally kept at bay. There is great info on here you can't get elsewhere. The passion and opinions are invaluable. They also come from all walks of life. There are dumb posters, smart posters, rich ones, poor ones, alums, donors, townies and probably more than a few ex-'Cuse athletes. We'd all do well to embrace this aspect and the variety of opinions.

And I will never stop flagellating.
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