What do you mean my pure attackman - honestly curious - because the game has evolved so much. With the current team I assess them as Kirst is basically a bull dodger, Hiltz is more of finisher feet set shooter (has a box game on the field), Spallina is a pure attackman (can dodge feed and finish). Deere looks like a kid who isn't really going to break down and dodge a pole. Seems to be more of a finisher, who'll probably be successful operating around the crease. that said
I think some of what positions they play depends on what offense syracuse wants to run. syracuse this year seems to be running a lot of pairs style where they're essentially playing 2 man games and weaves up top and on the side. I think in this style Thomson and Deere can play anywhere except x. middie/attack goes out the window and it becomes position-less lacrosse outside of Spalllina running from X.