Report: Armstrong to admit doping |

Report: Armstrong to admit doping

His legacy will definitely not be clear cut. He and the foundation he created have raised millions of dollars for cancer. However he did cheat, although everyone else was too. Also, though, he (or at least his lackeys) strongarmed and threatened those who spoke against him. He files lawsuits and cost other people millions of dollars. Also, he is not exactly living on the streets. He has made millions of dollars from his fame from cycling and Livestrong. Really hard to determine his legacy right now. Guess just have to wait and see how he reacts and acts from now and going forward.

Also, apaprently he has made deals to testify in exchange for being allowed to compete in some sporting events. So is he doing this because he feels guilty and wants to make ammends? Or is he doing this because he finally got caught and is trying to get something in exchange for doing the right thing? Finally Lance definitely likes the limelight, is this just another way for him to get attention?

So do the ends (Livestrong) justify the means (doping and strong arm tactics)?
Wonder Now If The story is his boorish grandstanding and bullying of people who saw him for what he was..
It's not that he was doping, everybody who was an elite cyclist was doping at that point, well anyone who wanted to win the Tour... The issue is that he lied about it for sooo long and filed lawsuits, he should have come clean like Landis, Hamilton, etc.

Landis was a middle of the road mountain biker before he started doping 4 years later he won the tour... It changes everything...

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