Reports that SEC has turned down WFVU's application |

Reports that SEC has turned down WFVU's application


Co 2020 Cali Winner, Rcd/Rcpts/TD Rcpts (5)/TFL
Aug 15, 2011
oh snap

Plus: Quote from OU Pres: "Beyond the Big 12, the principal focus for us is the Pac-12."

, meet fan.
west virginia and uconn to acc?

This could be VERY bad news for Rutgers, but I have to believe that WVU's academics will be heavily scrutinized if they are to "apply" to the ACC.
I don't think WV will get the invite, mainly due to academics. Unfortunately, I think the girls get the call. Crap. :bang:
Looks like WVU is staying in the BE. If they do in fact get turned down by SEC no way in hell does the ACC take them. Here is some info I read this morning about them. Paints a pretty bleak picture for them.

West Virginia has reportedly applied to both the SEC and the ACC. But the ACC has decided to chase Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Connecticut and Rutgers instead. Why? When the Mountaineers are just as good in football and basketball as any of those schools?

Because West Virginia is just the 37th-largest state in the Union with small television markets. Anyone grabbing WVU would have to hope networks would credit the school with the Pittsburgh TV market. And the state’s small population means it holds little recruiting value for SEC coaches. (Currently, there’s not a Top 100 football player or a Top 150 basketball player in the state of West Virginia, according to .)

Also — and this is another reason why WVU was not one of the hundred candidates mentioned in connection with the Big Ten last summer — the school does not have a tremendous academic reputation. It currently ranks #164 in the US News and World Report rankings and it’s not an AAU member.

The current lowest-ranked school in the SEC is Mississippi State at #151. The league’s average rank is #98. So if/when WVU enters the league, it will immediately become the league’s least-prestigious school. Fair, not fair, them’s just the facts.

Last summer in our “Expounding on Expansion” series we ranked 18 potential SEC expansion partners in a variety of categories that league presidents would have to consider: athletic budget, facilities, population base, recruiting ground, television markets, athletic success, academic reputation, etc.

Of the 18 schools we scored, WVU came in 18th. Dead last. (For the record, Texas A&M ranked #2 and Missouri ranked #9.)

From an athletic and cultural perspective, the Mountaineers couldn’t be a better fit. But when it comes to the things that are driving the current expansion push, WVU scores poorly. Which is why the ACC and Big Ten haven’t shown much interest.

Because West Virginia is just the 37th-largest state in the Union with small television markets. Anyone grabbing WVU would have to hope networks would credit the school with the Pittsburgh TV market. And the state’s small population means it holds little recruiting value for SEC coaches. (Currently, there’s not a Top 100 football player or a Top 150 basketball player in the state of West Virginia, according to .)

Here's the thing, if you're gonna say that West Virginia has the same TV market as Pittsburgh, then you also have to say they cover the same recruiting area - Western PA.

Not that recruiting territory is reason enough to get them in a conference, but if one's the same then the other has to be as well.
Ok ... plan F (or G or whatever letter we're working on):

Mizzou to SEC.

WV will join the the remaining BE teams in a merger with the remaining Big12 teams.
And the state’s small population means it holds little recruiting value for SEC coaches.

People reading that need to apply it to the thread about the B10 and NJ recruiting.
I don't believe the report. Why you ask? Because conferences don't accept applications unless they know they will be approved.
I find it rather funny that the SEC suddenly cares about things like location of the school, population of the state, and TV markets. The vast majority of schools in the SEC are located in barren, sparsely populated sections of the country with limited TV market appeal.

I think the SEC doesn't want to pull the trigger on WVU just yet because they are hoping they can reel in a bigger fish. WVU is their safety net (aka 16th member) if and only if they can't find anybody better.

WVU, UConn and RU are all in similar positions right now. Waiting for the chairs to fill up by other bigger, more powerful and appealing schools, and hope and pray a chair will be left for them when the music stops.

It's been said before, if you could relocated WVU to Jersey or Connecticut, and bump up their academic reputation a bit, they would have been swiped up already.
I don't believe the report. Why you ask? Because conferences don't accept applications unless they know they will be approved.

Bees, I think there is some shoddy reporting going on...meaning some reporters don't know the difference between an application being officially tendered, and someone picking up the phone to see if there's interest. Remember some reporters are saying that 10 teams APPLIED for the ACC - we know it was 10 schools inquiring about the ACC...only two applied. It could very well be that WVU inquired and was told no. But I agree with you, they did not APPLY and get rejected.
A report possibly floated by the Mizzou camp. I seem to recall Mizzou was the source of a number of unsubstantiated rumors last year when was going down with the Big 12.
Take me home. Country road, to the Big East, where I belong.

In West Virginia's defense, the ACC shouldn't necessarily hold its nose at the Mounties, who have recently been able to win BCS bowls without trying to stack their rosters through recruiting improprieties. Not on the scale of UNC and Miami's recent issues, anyway.
Bees, I think there is some shoddy reporting going on...meaning some reporters don't know the difference between an application being officially tendered, and someone picking up the phone to see if there's interest. Remember some reporters are saying that 10 teams APPLIED for the ACC - we know it was 10 schools inquiring about the ACC...only two applied. It could very well be that WVU inquired and was told no. But I agree with you, they did not APPLY and get rejected.

Yep, totally agree. I have no doubt WVU may have talked to the SEC and was told they weren't interested (tho I'm not completely sold on that either) but I really doubt WVU formally applied.

In West Virginia's defense, the ACC shouldn't necessarily hold its nose at the Mounties, who have recently been able to win BCS bowls without trying to stack their rosters through recruiting improprieties. Not on the scale of UNC and Miami's recent issues, anyway.
Probably should have figured this out, but expansion is about media markets and money...WVU's anthem is "Country Road" - shouldn't surprise anyone they might get left out.
Probably should have figured this out, but expansion is about media markets and money...WVU's anthem is "Country Road" - should surprise anyone they might get left out.
WVU will be a solid pick up if/when the SEC or ACC go to 16, depending on where the SEC teams come from. But they are filling out the list and bringing quality programs, and a rabid fanbase. TV market, not so much.

Hard to see WVU not being one of he final five (ND gets one) when the pool is WVU, KU, Uconn, Rutgers, Lville, Cinci, Kst, Ist, USF, Baylor and TCU.
This could be VERY bad news for Rutgers, but I have to believe that WVU's academics will be heavily scrutinized if they are to "apply" to the ACC.

Everyone seems to rail on WVU's academics. Is there any basis in fact that their academics are poor?
Its all speculation - everyone is waiting for UT & OU to make the next move
I don't care what these stupid stats say. WVU has a damn good football program and an above average hoops program with Huggie. They have great attendance and fan support. They bring a hell of a lot more than Rutgers. Bend the academics a little and get them in the ACC with us.
Everyone seems to rail on WVU's academics. Is there any basis in fact that their academics are poor?

I know that their engineering school is like top 100 or 125. Their business school is like 90th or something like that but I read somewhere that apparently their business school is climbing the ranks. After a quick google search it said they werent ranked in previous year in newsweek but now are 90th.

Idk about the rest of the majors though
I know that their engineering school is like top 100 or 125. Their business school is like 90th or something like that but I read somewhere that apparently their business school is climbing the ranks. After a quick google search it said they werent ranked in previous year in newsweek but now are 90th.

Idk about the rest of the majors though
Even though it's not undergrad, WVU does have a Medical School. That alone bumps them up, imo.

Rankings really don't mean much. The criteria they use to come up with rankings helps some schools and hurts other schools.

USN&WR created the issue for 1 thing, to sell magazines. They'd be irrelevant if they didn't have those rankings.

I could care less where the school you went to was ranked. If you went to a top 25 school and studied a very weak/soft major, it tells me a lot about you. If you went to an unknown school and studied something extremely difficult, it tells me a lot about you.
I think that WVU is on the outside and will remain so. They bring very little to the table. If fan support were important Syracuse and Pitt would have been passed over for WVU already. Academics count a ton tradition counts and TV counts the most. WVU brings very little to the table in areas of importance. I feel badly for them but the fact is they are going to be hard pressed to find a home other than the big east unless some moves fall their way
I would MUCH rather have WVU than Rutgers. Not only because they are far better in basketball and football, but also because what will become of the Schwartzwalder Trophy if we're no longer playing them every year? I hate losing our biggest rivals in this move. That's really the only problem I have with this move.

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