Season ticket holder reaction | Page 2 |

Season ticket holder reaction

That's fine I don't go to other stadiums, I go to the dome and the prices are getting jacked up for a lousy product.

When my season ticket renewals came this year it was $20 cheaper total (for four tickets) for two less games. Last year I spent around $28 a game, this year around $40. Thats a 30% increase for a team that did not go to a bowl. My parking went up last year by $5, and honestly I looked forward to going to the Meadowlands until they told me it was a separate ticket (AKA it's not really a home game it's a neutral site game that you can buy $60 tickets for). I live an hour away, and as I said two guys I go with had kids so they are no longer going and on top of that I have a hard time getting anyone else to come. There comes a time when between the increased pricing and hastle of the going to the game (and while the game is fun 2-hours of travel sucks) makes it not worthwhile. Let someone else have my tickets

I held my season tix through the last year of Coach P., all of G-Rob and Marrone's first three years. I know alot of people say you have to support the team and I will from my Syracuse man cave. I attended every home game and a few road games for eight years through alot of lousy football. I didn't understand why people did not want to come to the games. But the reality is the cost is too high for a lot of CNY people like myself. I understand that comparatively it is a great value to alot of other places, but here it's not.

Hmm so you travel a whole 60 mins each way? Wow...
25 for parking? Is this the super VIP lot? go park at Skytop for 10 bucks.

Ridiculously priced beer? you mean some of the cheapest stadium beer in the country?

And if you need to be even cheaper, bring a flask, buy a coke. Mix and repeat.
And if you need to be even cheaper, bring a flask, buy a coke. Mix and repeat.
Been there, done that...especially when going to stadiums that don't sell beer.
The little secret about the Dome...if you arrive 3 hours before kickoff you have plenty of free or cheaper parking you get to enjoy the gameday environment.

Problem is too many sports fans in CNY figure out hmmm I'm in I have that long, epic 11 minute commute plus sometimes I have to wait an extra traffic light cycle to get on I-81 (RT 31 is a horrible traffic congested pit at I-81)...I better add 2 mins there...lets throw in 2 mins to find parking...okay honey don't make us late for the Noon Kickoff...the bus is leaving at 11:45am sharp.

Football if done right is a whole day experience: get there early, tailgate, people watch, have some food, some drink, visit the Quad/Marshall St, wander up to the Dome in time for the kick off, watch the game, share a few drinks and coneys in the parking lot until after the traffic clears. It is only about 6 days a year.

I understand the bitching about Friday...for Saturday no excuses for most of us (Pop Warner, work, etc.. excepted).
$25 bucks is for the parking garage half a mile away on university, $7 for a cup (literally) is not cheap by my standards, specifically when its not a good a good beer to begin with

Are you sure we're going to the same stadium?

I feel like I'm paying $20 tops for parking, if that. And about $5, or maybe $5.50 for beer. Which feels like I'm stealing compared to other venues. Not college football venues of course, because we're only of the lucky few who actually sell it.
Again, you need to get out more if you think the Dome experience is expensive when it comes to sports entertainment for 1A athletics. 1/2 mile away? Oh the horror? Up hill both ways as well? What

You can park at Manley at hop the bus ir walk for $10-$12. Bring a few beers, drink before the game and don't buy any when you get in there all sorts of alternatives but bitching about tix, parking, beer cost up there is absurd. It's not the University's fault if some can't afford it but they can't keep suppressing pricing anymore than they already have
watsteing yout time IB I have tried many times to explain that ticket prices at the dome are dirt cheap in comparison to major college standards. Concession prices are always going to be high no matter where you go.
watsteing yout time IB I have tried many times to explain that ticket prices at the dome are dirt cheap in comparison to major college standards. Concession prices are always going to be high no matter where you go.
"high" is always relative. And relative to other similar venues, the dome is at least, very reasonable.
watsteing yout time IB I have tried many times to explain that ticket prices at the dome are dirt cheap in comparison to major college standards. Concession prices are always going to be high no matter where you go.

Ah, but they aren't that cheap. Yes, a certain amount are but many also have to pay over and above that s you know. If a newbie comes along they have to pay as much as $10K over and above over a period of time. With the preferred costs going up (even this year with less games) are we competitive with our prices? I think so. But the catch is, while many places cost a lot lot more, like some folks like to say in other threads...we aren't Alabama. We aren't PSU. We aren't USC. So it's not fair to say we are dirt cheap compared to others. You have to compare us to our peer group who plays the same kind of schedule with the same kind of results.
AYou have to compare us to our peer group who plays the same kind of schedule with the same kind of results.
You don't keep changing your ticket prices based on your W-L record. Who has done that?

In any case, the prices are still relatively low compared to our new rivals. I have seats near the goal line. I don't pay any extra fees/donations. My tickets were $125 each. Very reasonable.

From a 2010 article:

BC's ticket prices come in on the cheaper side of the ACC. Here's Rivals complete list of the cheapest season ticket plans (which include a minimum donation and the cost of the season tickets). Here's the list of the 12 ACC programs and how they compare:
  1. Virginia Tech - $436
  2. Clemson - $309
  3. N.C. State - $305
  4. North Carolina - $270
  5. Georgia Tech - $260
  6. Florida State - $231
  7. Duke - $200
  8. Boston College - $175
  9. Maryland - $135
  10. Virginia - $120 (for access to grass hill, no seats)
  11. Miami - $119
  12. Wake Forest - $99
You don't keep changing your ticket prices based on your W-L record. Who has done that?

In any case, the prices are still relatively low compared to our new rivals. I have seats near the goal line. I don't pay any extra fees/donations. My tickets were $125 each. Very reasonable.

From a 2010 article:

BC's ticket prices come in on the cheaper side of the ACC. Here's Rivals complete list of the cheapest season ticket plans (which include a minimum donation and the cost of the season tickets). Here's the list of the 12 ACC programs and how they compare:
  1. Virginia Tech - $436
  2. Clemson - $309
  3. N.C. State - $305
  4. North Carolina - $270
  5. Georgia Tech - $260
  6. Florida State - $231
  7. Duke - $200
  8. Boston College - $175
  9. Maryland - $135
  10. Virginia - $120 (for access to grass hill, no seats)
  11. Miami - $119
  12. Wake Forest - $99

The list in that article needs 1 more column. Number of tix at that price and maybe even home SOS and results.
Ah, but they aren't that cheap. Yes, a certain amount are but many also have to pay over and above that s you know. If a newbie comes along they have to pay as much as $10K over and above over a period of time. With the preferred costs going up (even this year with less games) are we competitive with our prices? I think so. But the catch is, while many places cost a lot lot more, like some folks like to say in other threads...we aren't Alabama. We aren't PSU. We aren't USC. So it's not fair to say we are dirt cheap compared to others. You have to compare us to our peer group who plays the same kind of schedule with the same kind of results.
I"m not sure you disputed my post. Our prices are competitive with the lower levels in the BCS . What more do you want.
I"m not sure you disputed my post. Our prices are competitive with the lower levels in the BCS . What more do you want.

because i'm not disputing the cheap seats which there aren't a lot of. who cares if our cheap seat of $100 is less than another schools cheap seat of $125? it could go to $1 and it isn't going to help much with attendance. where the silver is isn't in that section. where the silver is, requires a donation of upwards of $10K over 5 years plus tickets which aren't $100. is that worth it for the product on the field, the teams we play at home and the treatment of the fans off the field? seems like most say no based upon the amount of silver. so yea, our prices are not competitive.
It wouldn't be SU Athletics if fans didn't find something to complain about. SU has one of the few stadiums that allows alcohol, and now there are complaints about it. If you argue against beer, you will always lose.
because i'm not disputing the cheap seats which there aren't a lot of. who cares if our cheap seat of $100 is less than another schools cheap seat of $125? it could go to $1 and it isn't going to help much with attendance. where the silver is isn't in that section. where the silver is, requires a donation of upwards of $10K over 5 years plus tickets which aren't $100. is that worth it for the product on the field, the teams we play at home and the treatment of the fans off the field? seems like most say no based upon the amount of silver. so yea, our prices are not competitive.
Ok. Post some stats on middle-tier season ticket prices for comparable schools. Let's all take a look. My tickets at $125 are decent and don't require a donation...and there are plenty of them. You may not want them...but there is not a shortage. I'd guess that the ratio of our prices to their prices is about the same in all tiers.
Ok. Post some stats on middle-tier season ticket prices for comparable schools. Let's all take a look. My tickets at $125 are decent and don't require a donation...and there are plenty of them. You may not want them...but there is not a shortage. I'd guess that the ratio of our prices to their prices is about the same in all tiers.

Not going to take the time to do that. All I have to do is look at all the silver between the 20's. It's obvious on TV too if someone doesn't go to the games. So that alone says something is out of whack. The cost is not deemed a value to what is delivered on and off the field. Those seats are preferred seating and I am sure is the same at other schools. If our peer group is asking upwards of $10K donation to sit there and they are getting it, god bless them. But SU fans are not different than fans at other schools.
Not going to take the time to do that. All I have to do is look at all the silver between the 20's. It's obvious on TV too if someone doesn't go to the games. So that alone says something is out of whack. The cost is not deemed a value to what is delivered on and off the field. Those seats are preferred seating and I am sure is the same at other schools. If our peer group is asking upwards of $10K donation to sit there and they are getting it, god bless them. But SU fans are not different than fans at other schools.
Ok...I thought you had stressed comparables. My bad. So, let's take off the $10k donation from the good seats. When SU's record gets much better... they then stick the $10k back in. That will go over well and no one will complain then.
Attendance at the dome is about winning. Look at the 90s and late 80s. Direct correlation between average paid attendance and average W-L.
Ok...I thought you had stressed comparables. My bad. So, let's take off the $10k donation from the good seats. When SU's record gets much better... they then stick the $10k back in. That will go over well and no one will complain then.

I did say comparable. But comparable product, pricing, etc. The whole ball of wax.
Bees is correct...the preferred sections need revamping.

IMHO, I think an annual seat license fee is the way to go with no initiation fee (frankly we need some new blood between the 20s)--they need to start a new pricing model. They will need to work with those that already paid $1000's up front.
Bees is correct...the preferred sections need revamping.

IMHO, I think an annual seat license fee is the way to go with no initiation fee (frankly we need some new blood between the 20s)--they need to start a new pricing model. They will need to work with those that already paid $1000's up front.
Could be you guys are 100% right about premium seating costs. However, I think this started with regards to how people don't go to games because they are too expensive. With decent $125 (like mine) season seats avail. or $99 season cheap seats, there is certainly a good supply of very affordable tickets...and if you want super affordable...just walk up University on game day and buy from a scalper. If you have to have seats between the 20 yard lines, forget it, I agree. But if you want to catch a game, it's affordable. And food and drink prices are average. I just don't see where all the complaining about how going to a game is so expensive. You do bring up a good point about people who've already shelled out the big bucks. They won't be happy to see people next to them not having to do that and the university ain't going to offer refunds.

PS: I ordered my new folding tailgate table and hopefully it's on its way.
Hmm so you travel a whole 60 mins each way? Wow...

TM - I respect you as a poster and I'm sure you are a good person from what I have read, but I don't get how mocking him traveling an hour each way helps at all in this discussion. 60 minutes is a long way to go see a football team that has wavered between boring/awful and boring/mediocre for a while now and at the same time doing nothing to be friendly to the locals that are making the trip.

TGD and DM should be kissing the a$$ of every person that still goes to these games.

This isn't the south. Football isn't drilled into upstate NYers like it is in other parts of the country. You can't just tell people to go up and tailgate and drink some beers and you will have a blast and expect them to come. Maybe the experience is relatively cheap compared to other parts of the country, but until we can get 45K people to fly in from other parts of the country, we may want to do something for the people who are sitting in the near distance from the Dome.

I think he made a very rational and reasoned post. I think too many folks blame CNYers for the lack of attendance while 1) either sitting at a computer from afar and/or 2) being a hardcore fan that will make the games come hell or high water and not realizing that the lens with which they view the SU program is not the same lens that other have.
60 minutes is a long way to go see a football team that has wavered between boring/awful and boring/mediocre for a while now and at the same time doing nothing to be friendly to the locals that are making the trip.
Yet there are many that travel to most games from Binghamton, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, etc.. There are also some crazy people here that fly in from California, Texas and Georgia for a few games a year. To these people, a 60 minute Dome commute is something they can only dream of. These same people will even travel further to see a road game or two per year. And no, most of them aren't in the highest Orange Club donation levels.

I'm actually looking forward to only having to travel 2 hours to bi-annual games at Clemson. Once every six years I'll get that 60 minute drive to GA Tech. Can't wait!
because i'm not disputing the cheap seats which there aren't a lot of. who cares if our cheap seat of $100 is less than another schools cheap seat of $125? it could go to $1 and it isn't going to help much with attendance. where the silver is isn't in that section. where the silver is, requires a donation of upwards of $10K over 5 years plus tickets which aren't $100. is that worth it for the product on the field, the teams we play at home and the treatment of the fans off the field? seems like most say no based upon the amount of silver. so yea, our prices are not competitive.
There are a alot. stocky and I moved out of the food stamp section into the 150 seats last year. empty seats abound , even quite a few during the WVU game. 150 for seven games is still cheap. I don't know enough about the preferred seating plans to go to deep into that debate but i know if you want to follow the Orange yoou can still get into the building for a good price. I will add that I have watched games in a lot of stadiums ( you know that) and the best place by far to actually watch and see the game is the Dome
TM - I respect you as a poster and I'm sure you are a good person from what I have read, but I don't get how mocking him traveling an hour each way helps at all in this discussion. 60 minutes is a long way to go see a football team that has wavered between boring/awful and boring/mediocre for a while now and at the same time doing nothing to be friendly to the locals that are making the trip.

TGD and DM should be kissing the a$$ of every person that still goes to these games.

This isn't the south. Football isn't drilled into upstate NYers like it is in other parts of the country. You can't just tell people to go up and tailgate and drink some beers and you will have a blast and expect them to come. Maybe the experience is relatively cheap compared to other parts of the country, but until we can get 45K people to fly in from other parts of the country, we may want to do something for the people who are sitting in the near distance from the Dome.

I think he made a very rational and reasoned post. I think too many folks blame CNYers for the lack of attendance while 1) either sitting at a computer from afar and/or 2) being a hardcore fan that will make the games come hell or high water and not realizing that the lens with which they view the SU program is not the same lens that other have.

I think you made a lot of good points here, especially your last paragraph regarding to many people blaming the locals who dont go to games themselves. There are many alumni/fans on this board who are not local who call out the locals all the time for attendance who haven't been to the dome since god knows when. It also frustrates me when others even those from NYC and beyond who do make the trip rail on the locals for not just showing up and dealing with it. Fact is the locals on this board are the diehards who show up every season regardless of all the crap we have to deal with. Its the other 10-15K fans who have had enough or just dont care anymore that wont be showing up and trust me there not on this board and they would just laugh at these comments.
I think you made a lot of good points here, especially your last paragraph regarding to many people blaming the locals who dont go to games themselves. There are many alumni/fans on this board who are not local who call out the locals all the time for attendance who haven't been to the dome since god knows when. It also frustrates me when others even those from NYC and beyond who do make the trip rail on the locals for not just showing up and dealing with it. Fact is the locals on this board are the diehards who show up every season regardless of all the crap we have to deal with. Its the other 10-15K fans who have had enough or just dont care anymore that wont be showing up and trust me there not on this board and they would just laugh at these comments.

What "crap" do you have to deal with? The worst I've heard is a 10-12 minute walk. With other fans. On gameday.

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